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22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL - Excellent Vocabulary Resource!
22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL is known as a comprehensive and high-quality vocabulary resource for the IELTS and TOEFL exams. If you are in the process of preparing for these exams and are unsure which book to choose, consider taking a look at 22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL! Below, PREP will help you understand more about the structure and content of this book.

- I. Overview of the book "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL"
- II. Advantages and Disadvantages of the book "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL"
- III. Effective Steps to Learn Vocabulary from "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL"
- IV. Comprehensive Vocabulary Learning Path at prepedu.com
- V. Where to buy the book "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL"?
I. Overview of the book "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL"

1. General Introduction
"22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" is a language guide specifically designed for students and learners preparing for the IELTS and TOEFL exams. This book aims to help readers enhance their vocabulary and develop effective language skills for international tests like IELTS and TOEFL.
"22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" consists of 22,000 important and necessary vocabulary words to successfully conquer the IELTS and TOEFL exams. The vocabulary is divided into topics and related word lists, allowing readers to approach and learn each group of words in an organized manner. The book provides exercises and illustrative examples to assist learners in applying vocabulary to real-life situations and understanding the meaning of each word thoroughly.
Each word is explained in detail, including definitions, textual examples, usage, synonyms, and antonyms. This helps readers gain a better understanding of the vocabulary and how to use them in different contexts. "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" also offers vocabulary learning methods and suggestions to help readers grasp and memorize vocabulary effectively.
2. Structure and Main Content of the Book
The structure of "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" presents vocabulary in common topic areas relevant to the IELTS or TOEFL exams and is divided into study weeks. The book consists of 64 weeks. For each word, the book provides pronunciation, word type, English definition, translation in your target language, and example sentences to help readers gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of the vocabulary.
Below, PREP will provide an example of how vocabulary is presented in Week 1: IELTS Vocabulary, for you to grasp:
- Civilian /sə'vɪliən/ = A person who is not a member of the armed forces, or police, or fire-fighting forces. For example: Eight of the passengers were soldiers, and one was a marine; the rest were civilians.
- Complicated /'kɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/ = Not simple or easy; intricate. For example: If some of the requirements for graduation seem complicated, see your guidance counselor. He will be glad to explain them to you.
3. Suitable Users of "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL"
"22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" is specially designed for learners and students preparing for the IELTS and TOEFL exams. Suitable users of this book include:
- University students: Students who are preparing for the IELTS or TOEFL exams to meet the language requirements of higher education programs, especially universities abroad. "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" will help them master the necessary vocabulary and develop language skills to achieve high scores.
- Intermediate to advanced English learners: Individuals who have a solid foundation in English and want to expand their vocabulary to communicate confidently and fluently. "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" provides an extensive list of important and useful vocabulary for English language development.
- Individuals looking to enhance vocabulary skills for academic and professional purposes: This book can be beneficial for individuals preparing for other international language exams such as the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) or similar tests. Additionally, individuals working in international environments or seeking to improve English communication skills for their professions can also find this book useful.
II. Advantages and Disadvantages of the book "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL"
Below, PREP will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the book "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the book.

1. Advantages
- Rich vocabulary coverage: "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" provides an extensive list of 22,000 important vocabulary words, helping learners expand their vocabulary and prepare effectively for the IELTS and TOEFL exams.
- Logical organization: The vocabulary in "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" is organized into topics and related word lists, allowing learners to approach and study each word group in a structured manner.
- Detailed explanations: Each vocabulary word is explained in detail, with definitions, example sentences, synonyms, and antonyms, enabling readers to understand the meaning and usage of each word.
- Exercises and practical examples: "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" provides exercises and illustrative examples that help learners apply the vocabulary in real-life situations, effectively enhancing their vocabulary usage skills.
- Vocabulary learning methods: The book offers vocabulary learning methods and suggestions to help learners grasp and memorize vocabulary effectively.
2. Disadvantages
- Lack of detailed answer keys for exercises: Some readers may feel the lack of detailed answer keys for the exercises, which can make self-assessment and error correction challenging.
- Limited diversity of contextual usage: Although "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" provides textual examples, it may lack diversity in terms of contextual usage of vocabulary, limiting its practical application.
- Limited focus on other language skills: "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" primarily focuses on vocabulary and lacks similar sections on grammar, writing, and pronunciation, which may restrict the overall development of English language skills.
- Potential for forgetting vocabulary after learning: With a large number of vocabulary words, it can be challenging for learners to maintain and remember all the words, particularly without regular practice and application.
III. Effective Steps to Learn Vocabulary from "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL"
The book "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" provides us with over 22,000 common English vocabulary words for the IELTS and TOEFL exams. So how can we effectively learn vocabulary? Let's follow PREP's methods for vocabulary learning, shared below!

1. One week vocabulary/day
Each week in the book "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" includes 20 new vocabulary words, which is an ideal number of words to grasp in one study session. Avoid cramming too many vocabulary words from multiple weeks into one session, as it can be ineffective and overwhelming. For example, "IELTS VOCABULARY – WEEK 1" may include the following words:
- Civilian (n): A person not in the military.
- Complicated (adj): Complex, difficult to understand or solve.
- Concur (v): Agree with, approve of, or accept a viewpoint, opinion, or decision.
- Confirm (v): Verify, make sure, or validate.
- Digress (v): Go off-topic, talk about something unrelated to the main subject.
- Fragile (adj): Delicate, easily broken, or damaged.
- Galore (adj): Abundant, plentiful, or available in large quantities.
- Genuine (adj): Sincere, honest, or not fake.
- Hostile (adj): Unfriendly, not amicable, or confrontational.
- Impatient (adj): Lacking patience, impatient, or unable to wait.
- Inter (v): Bury, bury or place in a grave.
- Mitigate (v): Alleviate, minimize, or make something less severe.
- Novice (n): Beginner, someone who is new or inexperienced.
- Original (adj): Initial, not copied, or not counterfeit.
- Rarity (n): Uncommonness, infrequency, or uniqueness.
- Resume (n): Curriculum vitae, a summary of one's educational and work experience.
- Shrink (v): Contract, reduce in size, or make smaller.
- Sober (adj): Not intoxicated, not drunk, or not excited.
- Suffice (v): Be enough, meet requirements, or be reliable.
- Vacant (adj): Empty, unoccupied, or not in use.
How can we understand deeply and remember the amount of vocabulary for one week for the long term? Let's continue to follow the tips shared by PREP!
2. Master the pronunciation, meanings, and collocations of vocabulary
To truly make a vocabulary word your own, you need to master its correct pronunciation, understand its meanings, and know how to use it in the right context. So, what are the steps to conquer a vocabulary word? For example:
- Step 1: Make sure to learn the correct pronunciation: Learning vocabulary is about being able to confidently speak, discuss, and present, but it won't be effective if you don't know how to pronounce the words correctly. So, make sure to read the words correctly! You can use English-English dictionaries to learn the standard pronunciation from native speakers.
- Cambridge Dictionary
- Oxford Collocations Dictionary
- Longman Dictionary of English
- Step 2: Learn all the meanings of a vocabulary word: A single vocabulary word can have multiple meanings. Understanding the main and common meanings of the vocabulary words will make your vocabulary usage much richer. For example:
- Adopt /əˈdɒpt/ (V): to take another person’s child legally into your own family to raise as your own child; to start to use a new method, system, law, etc
- Step 3: And of course, each vocabulary word will have different usage in different situations. This part relates to collocation knowledge. Instead of learning individual words, you need to learn word combinations. For example:
- Eat /iːt/ (v): to put or take food into the mouth. However, we DON'T say "eat breakfast," "eat lunch," "eat dinner." Instead, we use "have breakfast," "have lunch," and "have dinner" to be grammatically correct!
3. Methods for long-term vocabulary retention
What methods can we apply to remember the vocabulary from "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL"? Let's find out with PREP!
3.1. Write a paragraph
Firstly, we will explore the method of memorizing English vocabulary by creating a paragraph using words with the same theme. This vocabulary retention method is called "mnemonic" (remembering through imagery). It is a creative and engaging method to effectively memorize vocabulary. Here's an example:
Topic: Weather Vocabulary: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, stormy, foggy |
Formed paragraph: On a sunny day, I decided to take a walk in the park. Suddenly, the sky turned cloudy, and it started to rain heavily. The wind was blowing strongly, and I had to seek shelter from the storm. As the storm passed, thick fog covered the area, making it hard to see.
In the example above, weather vocabulary is arranged within a paragraph with a short story. By linking the vocabulary together and using them in context, learners can easily visualize and remember these words.
This method leverages the brain's ability to store information more memorably and creatively. By creating images and linking vocabulary together in a context, vocabulary retention becomes more engaging and useful.
3.2 Take notes in the form of a mind map
Memorizing English vocabulary using a mind map is an effective way to organize and remember vocabulary visually. It is a relatively flexible method that stimulates the brain's creative abilities. Here's an example:
Topic: Family Vocabulary: Family ➞ Grandfather ➞ Grandmother ➞ Father ➞ Mother ➞ Uncle ➞ Aunt ➞ Brother ➞ Sister ➞ Cousin. |
In the example above, we used a mind map to categorize and link vocabulary under the theme of "Family." The root "Family" is the center of the mind map, and from there, we branch out to different aspects such as "Children," "Parents," and "Siblings." Each branch will contain related vocabulary. Building this mind map helps learners see the relationships between vocabulary words and helps them remember logically and visually.
3.3 Construct dialogues
To practice pronunciation while memorizing vocabulary, you can create dialogues using words that have the same theme. This method is similar to writing paragraphs, but instead, it helps develop speaking skills. Here's an example:
Topic: Environment Vocabulary: Environmental issues; carbon footprint, air pollution; sustainable; protect. |
- A: Have you heard about the latest report on environmental issues?
- B: No, what does it say?
- A: It highlights the increasing pollution levels and the need for immediate action to protect our environment.
- B: That's concerning. What are some of the major problems mentioned in the report?
- A: The report emphasizes the alarming rise in air pollution, deforestation, and the excessive use of plastic leading to marine pollution.
- B: Those are indeed critical issues. What can we do to address them?
- A: One of the suggestions is to reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone. Also, promoting recycling and using reusable products can make a significant impact.
- B: I completely agree. We should also raise awareness about the importance of conserving energy and preserving natural resources.
- A: Absolutely! It's essential to involve the community and work together towards sustainable practices. Education and government initiatives can play a significant role in this.
IV. Comprehensive Vocabulary Learning Path at prepedu.com
If you have a desire to start learning vocabulary to achieve a 7.0 IELTS score, the following detailed and clear learning path provided by PREP will help you achieve that. The comprehensive vocabulary learning path for IELTS 7.0 shared by PREP will help you conquer vocabulary topics in 164 days (3 months). As long as you can faithfully and fully follow the learning path outlined by the teachers at PREP, the results will undoubtedly not disappoint you.

If you want to learn more about the comprehensive vocabulary learning path, please click on the link below to experience it for yourself!
V. Where to buy the book "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL"?
To facilitate quick downloading of the book, PREP has collected and compiled the PDF file link below. Quickly download and start mastering English with the "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" book!
Purchase link |
Reference link |
Hopefully, the above review of the "22000 Essential Words for IELTS and TOEFL" book by PREP has helped you grasp the structure and content of the book. In addition, PREP has also shared some tips for you to learn and remember vocabulary more effectively. Wishing you the best in acquiring more useful vocabulary every day!

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