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Sample IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3: Describe one of your best friends

Describing one of your best friends is a very familiar topic that frequently appears in the IELTS Speaking test, especially in Part 2. How can you efficiently approach this subject while still captivating the attention of the Speaking examiner? PREP provides the solution just below. So, why delay? Let's delve into the provided sample topic "Describe one of your best friends" in this article!
And don't forget, you can apply this sample to other topics such as "Talk about a friend," "Talk About Your Close Friend," "Talk about a good friend," "Talk about a close friend you have," and more!

Sample IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3: Describe one of your best friends
Sample IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3: Describe one of your best friends

I. Sample answer for IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic: Close Friend

Sample answer for IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic: Close Friend

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 1 is the introductory section where the examiner asks you questions about familiar topics. The purpose of this section is to assess your ability to communicate and provide basic personal information. Part 1 typically lasts for about 4-5 minutes. Below is an example:

1. Do you have many close friends?

Yes, I’m quite a sociable person so my circle of friends is pretty large, I suppose. Many of my friends from kindergarten have helped me through thick and thin and I can’t imagine what it would be like without them. 

  • Sociable (adj): outgoing, friendly, inclined to interact with others
  • Through thick and thin (phrase): experiencing both difficult and happy times together

2. Which do you prefer to spend time with a friend or spend time alone?

It really depends on the situation I guess. Most of the time, it is great to spend time with friends and share all our ups and downs together. It can be certainly lonely if one can not find his soulmate. Everyone deserves to have someone to share precious moment with. But at times, being by myself helps me to reflect and I don’t mind that at all. 

  • Deserve (verb): to be worthy of something
  • Reflect (verb): to think deeply or carefully about something, especially to consider or ponder over what has happened.

3. What kind of people do you like to have as friends?

I make friends with the like minded people and I like those with an optimistic attitude. Well, I would say that we live in a hectic world and I don’t want to hang out with those who constantly complain and are cynical. My friends should be uplifting and can channel that positive energy to me.

  • Like-minded (adj): having similar interests, opinions, or attitudes
  • Optimistic attitude (noun): a positive and hopeful mindset
  • Hectic (adj): characterized by a lot of activity, chaos, or busyness
  • Cynical (adj): skeptical or distrustful of human motives or sincerity
  • Uplifting (adj): inspiring, positive, or elevating in nature
  • Channel (verb): to transmit or convey information or energy 

II. Sample answer for IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic: Describe one of your best friends

The topic "Describe one of your best friends" is considered quite interesting by Prep as you will be describing your closest friend. There will be a lot to talk about, but it's not guaranteed that you have presented it well in your IELTS Speaking test. Let's take a look at the suggestions below with Prep.

1. Cue card

Describe one of your best friends:

Describe one of your best friends

2. Part 2 Outline

Below is the detailed outline for the topic: “Describe one of your best friends”

Setting (Who, How, When, Where) 

Description of the person (Appearance + characteristic + Work/contribution) 

My mum = my friend for close to 20 years 

I’ve known her all my life. 


In her early 50s but she looks really young to her age. 

Passionate homecook - knows a lot of dishes from different cuisines.

Understand favor combination 



An area of her expertise = pastry

I often spend time making cake with mum

We often look for inspirations and recipes online. 

make modifications/changes/ adjust the recipe to suit our taste eg: reducing the amount of sugar. 

  • Mum does most of the baking and I do the clean up. 
  • I am the first to enjoy the freshly baked goodies. 

Great bonding time together - share stories at school + ask for advice. 

I recognized that baking is a meticulous task -  Miscalculation of any ingredients would lead to disastrous result → Same principle is applied to anything else in life

3. Sample answer for IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic: Describe one of your best friends

I got to talk to about a friends of mine who is also my mother and a person I have known all my life. When it comes to talking about her appearance, she's in her 50, but she looks young for her age. She's a passionate home cook who knows a lot of dishes from different cuisines and understands favor combinations. She’s a pastry connoisseur. I often spend time making cakes with Mom. We often look for inspiration and recipes online. Sometimes, we make some modifications to the recipe to suit our taste, such as reducing the amount of sugar. Mum does most of the baking, and I do the clean-up. I’m the first to enjoy the freshly baked goodies. 

The reason I choose to talk about my mum instead of any friends at school is because we spend a lot of time together. With cooking, we had a great bonding time in which I could share what happened in class and ask her for some advice. I can pretty much confide anything with her. Another lesson I learned from my mum is attention to detail because, with baking, miscalculation of any ingredients would lead to disastrous results.

For more reference, you can also check out the article: 

4. Useful vocabulary in the sample

Having a strong vocabulary is crucial for performing well in IELTS Speaking Part 3. In this section, you are expected to engage in more complex discussions and express your opinions on various topics. A rich vocabulary allows you to articulate your thoughts effectively, convey precise meanings, and demonstrate a higher level of language proficiency. It enables you to accurately comprehend and respond to questions, express nuanced ideas, and provide detailed explanations. Moreover, a wide range of vocabulary helps you adapt your language style to different contexts and appropriately convey your intended message. Overall, a strong vocabulary enhances your fluency, coherence, and lexical resource, playing a significant role in achieving a higher score in IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3.

  • Pastry (noun): related to baked goods
  • Connoisseur (noun): someone who has expert knowledge or understanding in a particular field
  • Freshly baked goodies (noun): recently baked pastries or treats
  • Confide (verb): to share personal thoughts or feelings in a trusting manner
  • Attention to detail (phrase): focusing on small or specific aspects
  • Miscalculation (noun): an error in calculation or estimation
  • Disastrous (adj): causing great damage or harm.

III. Sample answer for IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic: Describe one of your best friends

Sample answer for IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic: Describe one of your best friends

1. What do you think are the most important qualities for friends to have?

A true friend is someone who is straightforward. It doesn’t have to be harsh when this person comments on your mistake but he or she shouldn’t sugarcoat the problems. Another thing I guess might be extremely important is acceptance. What I mean by this is that a friend should accept me for who I am, yet this person should want me to be a better version of myself.

  • Straightforward (adj): direct and honest in speech or behavior
  • Harsh (adj): severe or strict in manner or tone
  • Sugarcoat (verb): to make something appear more pleasant or acceptable than it really is
  • Acceptance (noun): the act of willingly receiving or embracing something or someone

2. Do adults and children make friends in the same way?

In a sense, yes. Whether adults or children, they have a set of values that they seek in a friend like whether this person is fun to hang out with or not. As a grown up, people can be a little bit more judgemental than a child when it comes to choosing a friend. As for a child, proximity can be a deciding factor for making a friend while an adult can be more active in seeking a new relationship. 

  • Judgmental (adj): having a tendency to judge or criticize others
  • Proximity (noun): the state of being near in distance or closeness

3. Do you think it is impossible to make real friends on the internet?

I wouldn’t say real friendship can not be established via the Internet but I guess people have to be lucky to be able to find a genuine friend on virtual platforms.  I know it doesn’t really matter where people meet, it’s the connection that counts but online, people tend to exaggerate and portrait themselves differently. 

  • Genuine (adj): sincere, authentic, true
  • Exaggerate (verb): to overstate or magnify something beyond its actual extent
  • Portrait (verb): to depict or portray a visual or descriptive representation of someone

IV. Conclusion

This article has provided the sample IELTS Speaking Part 1 + 2 + 3 topic "Describe one of your best friends." Prep hopes that you have gained new ideas for this topic, and don't forget that Prep is always there to accompany you and help you achieve your desired IELTS band score in the IELTS course at

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Mr. Tú Phạm is the founder of PREP, a Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of teaching and test preparation experience, he has assisted thousands of students in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam. Additionally, Mr. Tú Phạm serves as a consultant for British Council programs and as a speaker at numerous premier education events, programs, and seminars.
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