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Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe your favorite part of the day

Describing your favorite part of the day is a very familiar topic in the IELTS Speaking Part 2. How can you perfectly tackle this type of question? Understanding the concerns of our readers, in this article, PREP provides detailed instructions and a sample answer for the topic "Describe your favorite part of the day." Refer to the article below to achieve a high score on your Speaking test!

Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe your favorite part of the day
Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe your favorite part of the day

I. Ideas for the topic "Describe your favorite part of the day"

Ideas for the topic "Describe your favorite part of the day"

To effectively handle the topic "Describe your favorite part of the day," Preppies, please remember the following points:

1. What time?

Start your response to the topic "Describe your favorite part of the day" by directly addressing the question and letting the examiner know what your favorite time of the day is. For example: I prefer the evening over the morning, especially from midnight onwards.

2. What to do?

You need to list some typical activities you enjoy during that time of the day. This will help clarify your main point in the response to the topic "Describe your favorite part of the day." For example:

  • Staying up late to relax or immerse myself in a peaceful and quiet environment.
  • Watching movies, listening to music.
  • Resting to recharge for the next day.
  • Completing any remaining tasks at the end of the day.

3. Who?

If you usually spend this favorite time alone or with someone, be sure to let the examiner know. For example: I usually relax alone in my favorite room; occasionally I go out at night with a few close friends...

4. Why?

And why do you like this particular time of the day? Explain the relevant reasons in detail in your response to the topic "Describe your favorite part of the day." For example:

  • The nighttime lifestyle always brings joy and recharges my energy for the new day.
  • Some studies have shown that people are more focused and creative at night.
  • You and your friends can only have enjoyable gatherings in the evening due to work commitments during the day.

II. Sample Speaking: Describe your favorite part of the day

1. Sample Answer: Describe your favorite part of the day

1.1. Cue card

Task: Describe your favorite part of the day. You should say:

  • What time of day this it
  • What you like to do at this time
  • Who you are usually with

Explain why this is your favorite part of the day.

"Describe your favorite part of the day"

1.2. Sample Answer

Below is a sample of "Describe your favorite part of the day" compiled by top-tier teachers at Refer to it now to effectively practice IELTS Speaking at home!

Different parts of the day give me different moods. Nevertheless, as far as my favorite time of the day is concerned. I personally enjoy the night. especially when the clock strikes twelve.

There exist multiple reasons why I would prefer the evening or late night to the morning. But above all, I suppose this is because the night would be best suited to my lifestyle. I mean the sunlight always makes everything so bright and clear, which is too much for a night owl like me. Meanwhile, deadlines and assignments just keep being added up, not to mention the fact that social interaction must also be carried out constantly. Everything seems quite overwhelming in the daytime if anybody asks.

But the night is different from the other parts of the day in all manners. No one can ever bother me at night. It is the period where I can truly spend some quality time with myself. I love staying up late and immersing myself in my peaceful and quiet room while watching some classic programs or appreciating my all-time favorite music playlist. In fact, my night routine is what keeps me lively and prepares me both physically and mentally for the next day.

The night also allows me to focus on my work deeply when everyone else is asleep. Many studies have proven that humans are more concentrated from 3 to 4 a.m when the temperature is just right for the brain to fully operate. That is also the time when all the creativity is triggered.

Much as I love spending the night alone. Occasionally, I hang out late with a few besties too. We are all office workers who work from nine to five, so we only have the night to live up to our wildest fantasy, thus, another reason to be obsessed with the nighttime.

Sample answer “Describe your favorite part of the day”

Note: You can also use this sample for other IELTS Speaking topics such as "Describe a time of the day you like" or "Describe a time of day you like"...

2. Vocabulary and grammar to score points in the sample

Vocabulary and grammar are considered important factors in presentation. You should apply some suggested grammar structures below to express more richness in your speaking on the topic "Describe your favorite part of the day":

  • Structure: S + would prefer something to something: Ex: I would prefer the evening or late night to the morning.
  • Passive structure: S+ be + Vp2 (+ by O). Ex: The creativity is triggered at night.
  • Relative clause: which, who, that. Ex: We are all office workers who work from nine to five.
  • Structure: Much as S1 + V1 + O1, S2 + V2 + O2. Ex: Much as I love spending the night alone, occasionally, I hang out late with a few besties too.

Finally, let's jot down some useful vocabulary for the topic "Describe a time of the day you like"!

  • the clock strikes twelve (expression): 
  • a night owl (idiom): 
  • social interaction (noun phrase): 
  • overwhelming (adj): 
  • in all manners (idiom): 
  • quality time (noun phrase): 
  • Immerse in (verb): đắm chìm
  • all-time favorite (noun phrase): 
  • from nine to five (idiom): 

III. Conclusion

This article has provided a detailed solution and sample essay for the task "Describe your favorite part of the day" written by teachers at PREP. Wishing you effective IELTS preparation and success in achieving your high band score goal!

Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Mr. Tú Phạm is the founder of PREP, a Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of teaching and test preparation experience, he has assisted thousands of students in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam. Additionally, Mr. Tú Phạm serves as a consultant for British Council programs and as a speaker at numerous premier education events, programs, and seminars.
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