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Sample Speaking Part 2: Describe a town or city where you live in the future

"Place" is one of the common topics in IELTS Speaking Part 2. There are some unique topics, but there should also be some "friendly" topics for the candidates, right? With the prompt "Describe a town or city where you live in the future," you will have to describe a city you would like to live in the future.
When it comes to this topic, many of you might think of glamorous cities like New York in the United States or Tokyo in Japan. However, if describing those cities seems too difficult for you, and you're looking for a simpler answer, the approach that Mentor Hương Ly has taken below is a perfect suggestion for you!

Sample Speaking Part 2: Describe a town or city where you live in the future
Sample Speaking Part 2: Describe a town or city where you live in the future

I. Sample Speaking Part 2: Describe a town or city where you live in the future

1. Cue card

The IELTS Speaking Part 2, often referred to as the "Long Turn," is a unique segment of the IELTS Speaking test where candidates are asked to speak uninterrupted for 1-2 minutes on a particular topic. Upon receiving a task card, candidates have one minute to prepare their thoughts and jot down notes on the given subject, which typically relates to personal experiences or opinions. This part assesses an individual's ability to express and develop ideas coherently, demonstrate a range of vocabulary, and utilize appropriate language fluency and pronunciation. It's a critical component that allows examiners to gauge a candidate's spontaneous speaking skills in a more structured manner. Below is an example:

With the prompt "Describe a town or city where you live in the future," you should develop your speaking practice for the IELTS exam based on the following questions:

  • Where it is?
  • How do you know it?
  • What it is famous for?
  • And why you would like to live there?

Note: You can also apply these questions to the prompt "Describe a city you would recommend as a nice place to live".

Cue card: Describe a town or city where you live in the future

2. Detailed Sample Response

Let's listen to the podcast of a sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe a town or city where you live in the future:

In the future, I would like to live in Hanoi, which is also my hometown. Let me give you some information about this city. Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam which is located in the North of the country. It was granted to be the City of Peace in 1999 by UNESCO for the endeavor that Vietnam had fought for peace and independence in wartime. Some remnants from the wars such as Hoa Lo prisons or Imperial Citadel of Thăng Long were conserved to teach the young about the country's heroic past, and they are also helping to bring home the bacon. To me, those battle scars make the city historical and appreciative.

If you ask me why I want to continue staying in this city, there is more than just 1 reason, but I'll make it brief. In terms of the job opportunity, I find it faster to seek an occupation here because I have built my own network and this could help my career flourish in the near future. In the long run, it would be beneficial if my children get to live here and study in an urban environment as the schools' facilities are cutting-edge and most of the top-notch universities are located in Hanoi.

Besides the practical reason, I also let my personal preference affect the decision. You know, there are 4 distinct seasons in Hanoi, and each of them brings typical experiences for the citizens. For example, in fall, you can sense the scent of milk flowers integrating into the cool breeze; or in spring, the drizzle is something that will remind you of the start of the new year. And most importantly, I have my family with me in the city.

Please refer to the following article:

II. Useful Vocabulary used in the sample "Describe a town or city where you live in the future"

Useful Vocabulary used in the sample "Describe a town or city where you live in the future"

Here are some useful words that have been used by the teachers at PREP in the sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 response on the topic "Describe a town or city where you live in the future." Specifically:

  • Remnant: a remaining part or trace
  • Heroic: courageous or brave
  • Bring home the bacon: earn a living or provide financial support
  • Appreciative: feeling or showing gratitude
  • Flourish: thrive or prosper
  • Cutting-edge: innovative or advanced
  • Top-notch: excellent or of the highest quality
  • Drizzle: light rain

No need to look too far afield. Feel free to talk about Hanoi or any city in Vietnam that you're drawn to, as long as you can share why you see it as an ideal place to live in the future, right? Also, if you have any questions about the topic "Describe a town or city where you live in the future," just drop them in the comments below. We're here to provide detailed answers and help out!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Mr. Tú Phạm is the founder of PREP, a Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of teaching and test preparation experience, he has assisted thousands of students in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam. Additionally, Mr. Tú Phạm serves as a consultant for British Council programs and as a speaker at numerous premier education events, programs, and seminars.
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