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A collection of commonly used English ways to say goodbye

Instead of using familiar phrases like "Goodbye" or "Bye", when we want to bid farewell to someone, we can use a variety of different sentences and words in each unique situation. In this article, PREP will compile special ways to say goodbye in English to make your goodbyes more remarkable!

A collection of commonly used English ways to say goodbye
A collection of commonly used English ways to say goodbye

I. What are English ways to say goodbye?

After meetings or gatherings, we often say goodbye to each other. In English, we commonly use phrases like "Bye", "Goodbye", etc., to bid farewell to others. However, to diversify your goodbyes in English, we can use many other expressions as well. Keep reading the article to find out more different ways of saying goodbye!

What are English ways to say goodbye?
What are English ways to say goodbye?

II. Commonly used English ways to say goodbye

First, PREP will provide you with the 10 most popular and commonly used ways to say farewell in English:

  • Goodbye!
  • Farewell!
  • Take care!
  • See you later!
  • See you soon!
  • Bye-bye! (cute expression, often used with children)
  • Take it easy!
  • Catch you later!
  • Have a great day! (when saying goodbye in the morning or in everyday situations)
  • Until we meet again! (a more polite and formal way of saying goodbye)
Commonly used English ways to say goodbye
Commonly used English ways to say goodbye

III. English best ways to say goodbye based on different situations

Which goodbye phrases in English are the most appropriate for each specific situation? In the below tables, PREP has categorized common situations and contexts to provide you with the most suitable greetings. Let's take a look together!

1. Polite and formal situations in the workplace

The following ways of saying goodbye in English can be applied in many formal and professional situations, especially in work, business, and professional communication. Let's take a look!

  • Goodbye, and thank you for your time today.
  • It was a pleasure discussing this with you. Goodbye.
  • Thank you for your valuable input. Goodbye.
  • If you need any further information, don’t hesitate to reach out. Goodbye.
  • I look forward to our next meeting. Goodbye for now.
  • If there’s anything else I can assist you with, feel free to ask. Goodbye.
  • Wishing you a productive day ahead. Goodbye.
  • I appreciate your time and attention. Goodbye for now.
  • Should you require any further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Goodbye.
  • I’m looking forward to working with you. Goodbye for today.
  • If there’s anything I can do to assist your project, feel free to let me know. Goodbye.
  • Thank you for considering our proposal. Goodbye for now.
  • I hope our collaboration continues to be successful. Goodbye.
  • Let’s stay in touch. Goodbye for today.
  • Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Goodbye.
Polite and formal situations in the workplace
Polite and formal situations in the workplace

2. Intimate and daily situations

The following English farewell expressions are suitable for close and intimate relationships such as romantic partners, friends, and loved ones. You can choose the appropriate way to bid farewell based on the person you're talking to, creating warmth and strengthening the bond between you and the other person. Here are some options:

  • See you later, alligator! - After/in a while, crocodile (a common response to the mentioned expression)
  • Take care, my dear friend!
  • Catch you on the flip side!
  • Bye-bye for now, buddy!
  • Until we meet again, my love!
  • Take it easy, pal!
  • See you soon, sweetheart!
  • Bye for now, my bestie!
  • Catch you later, partner!
  • Hugs and kisses, see you soon!
  • Until next time, my soulmate!
  • Goodbye, my dearest one!
  • Farewell, my lovely friend!
  • Take care of yourself, and I’ll miss you!
Intimate and daily situations
Intimate and daily situations

3. Slang and abbreviations

Below, PREP has compiled some English slang and abbreviations for farewell expressions. Please note that these English farewell expressions are only suitable for very familiar and slightly humorous situations. Avoid using slang and abbreviations in formal or professional contexts.

  • B4N – Bye for now.
  • C U L8r.
  • GN – Good night.
  • TTYL – Talk to you later.
  • GTG – Got to go.
  • TTFN – Ta-ta for now.
  • CYA – See you again.
  • Laters.
  • Gotta bounce.
  • I’m out! I’m outta here!
  • Smell you later = Catch you later.
  • Cheerio!
Slang and abbreviations
Slang and abbreviations

4. Phone call ending

Below, PREP would like to share with you some ways to say goodbye when ending phone conversations. You can refer to and apply them in upcoming situations!

  • Goodbye.
  • Take care.
  • See you later.
  • Talk to you soon.
  • Thanks for the chat.
  • It was nice talking to you.
  • Have a great day.
  • Catch up with you later.
  • Until next time.
  • See you next week/month.
Phone call ending
Phone call ending

5. Emails and letters

Below are common English ways to say goodbye used in professional and personal written communication. Depending on the relationship and context of the letter or email, you can choose the most appropriate way to say goodbye!

  • Best regards,
  • Sincerely,
  • Regards,
  • Warm regards,
  • Yours sincerely,
  • With gratitude,
  • Thank you and best regards,
  • All the best,
  • Take care,
  • Have a wonderful day,
  • Looking forward to hearing from you.
  • Wishing you the best,
  • Have a great week/month.
Emails and letters
Emails and letters

Be an intelligent communicator by knowing how to use different English ways to say goodbye for various situations! Hopefully, the content of this article will help you expand your communication skills. If you are preparing for the IELTS exam, the above article will be very beneficial.

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Mr. Tú Phạm is the founder of PREP, a Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of teaching and test preparation experience, he has assisted thousands of students in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam. Additionally, Mr. Tú Phạm serves as a consultant for British Council programs and as a speaker at numerous premier education events, programs, and seminars.
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