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A Comprehensive Set of Computer Vocabulary for TOEIC Candidates of All Levels

Possessing a sufficient vocabulary range can be a significant advantage in boosting your TOEIC score. Therefore, in this article, Prep has compiled a list of warranty vocabulary to help you effectively prepare for the exam at home and apply your knowledge in real TOEIC test scenarios. So, why wait? Check out the article below now!

20+ Common Warranty Vocabulary in the TOEIC Exam!
20+ Common Warranty Vocabulary in the TOEIC Exam!

I. Common Warranty Vocabulary

Common Warranty Vocabulary

Below is a list of frequently occurring warranty vocabulary in the TOEIC exam:


Warranty Vocabulary




Characteristic (n)

a typical quality that makes something different from others

The special characteristic of this car is its 3-year administrator support.


Consequence (n)

a result or effect of an action or condition

The consequence of not using security measures is that you will have to fix serious issues.


Vary (v)

to change or be different in different situations

This co-warranty is usually varied after 3 years.


Require (v)

to need something or make something necessary

This warranty requires you to own a home.


Protect (v)

to keep someone or something safe from harm

Using life insurance will protect you from bad situations.


Promise (v)

to say that you will definitely do or not do something

Your warranty is promised for 4 years.


Frequently (adv)

happening often or many times

My car often breaks down, so I have to get it repaired frequently.


Expiration (n)

the end of a period of time when something is no longer valid

The expiration of this contract is within 10 years.


Life insurance (n)

An agreement in which a company pays money to someone’s family after they die

Life insurance is a method that will protect you for the rest of your life.


Warranty (n)

a written promise to repair or replace a product if necessary within a specific time

If you need to use the warranty, make a claim starting tomorrow.

II. How to Learn Warranty Vocabulary

How to Learn Warranty Vocabulary

1. Determine Your Proficiency Level

The most important step to effectively learn vocabulary on the topic of Warranties is to clearly understand your current abilities. Typically, there are two common English proficiency groups:

  • First group: People in this proficiency group usually know very little about English and are generally weak in all English skills overall.

  • Second group: This includes people who already have a certain foundation in English. People in this group typically have a good grasp of all fundamental knowledge in English.

You can refer to some websites for testing your English proficiency level:

2. Have Effective Ways to Learn TOEIC Vocabulary

To master vocabulary on the topic of Warranties, you need to build a clear roadmap for each day and month to stay on track. Here are some methods for learning warranty vocabulary that you should remember:

2.1. Learning Goes Hand in Hand with Practice

After learning vocabulary on the topic of Warranties, you need to practice these words regularly. Some effective practice methods include:

  • Practicing speaking in front of a mirror

  • Naming objects and phenomena around you in English

  • Taking notes in English for familiar items

  • There are many other ways to practice English vocabulary for those who have lost their foundation

When you practice regularly, your ability to remember Warranty vocabulary increases significantly. Additionally, you can apply the "spaced learning" method, combining study with play to increase your English vocabulary.

2.2. Use Learning Support Tools

Currently, there are many tools to support learning, especially for learning English vocabulary for those who have lost their foundation. You can find many English vocabulary learning platforms on Google, along with applications for learning English vocabulary on phones and tablets. Therefore, learning English vocabulary will be extremely effective if you know how to combine supporting tools with traditional learning methods. Some tools we recommend include Quizlet, Notion, etc.

2.3. Learn with a Partner

One method of learning English vocabulary that I find extremely popular today is finding a partner to study together, striving together to conquer the peak of English. You can find partners on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. Some groups for finding partners to learn English vocabulary for those who have lost their foundation that I recommend are: Study Better With Me, IELTS Việt, etc.

When you find a partner, you can practice together daily, check each other's progress, and coach each other to improve. If your partner is far away without an opportunity to meet in person, use online meeting platforms like Zoom to communicate. We believe this is a very useful way for you to self-study English vocabulary for those who have lost their foundation.

In this article, PREP has compiled some warranty vocabulary and some effective vocabulary learning methods. We wish you effective learning and success in achieving a 900+ score in your actual exam!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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