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What is “Will” in English? Basic insight into “Will” in English

The future tense is a crucial aspect of English grammar. When discussing this tense, "Will" in English is essential and cannot be omitted. However, there's confusion among some students regarding the appropriate application of this structure. This article by PREP shares essential insights about the usage of "Will" in English that are necessary for preparing for English tests.

What is “Will” in English? Basic insight into “Will” in English
What is “Will” in English? Basic insight into “Will” in English

I. What is “Will” in English? 

The word "will" in English refers to the future actions or events. It is used in various future tenses, such as the simple future tense, future continuous tense, future perfect tense, and future perfect continuous tense. Depending on the specific situation, we employ different tenses that suit the context. Here's some fundamental information we should understand about the "will" structure:

  • In informal or spoken contexts, “Will” is often used in abbreviated form. For example: We’ll go swimming on the weekend.
  • The negative form of "will" is "will not," which is also abbreviated as "won't."
  • “Will” is written as “Would” in the past tenses or imperative sentences.
  • “Will” is one of the modal verbs. Do not add s after will in the singular third person and use “Will” in the negative questions.
  • “Will” is followed by an infinitive verb, without “to” in the front. 
What is “Will” in English?
What is “Will” in English?

For examples:

  • I think it will be a very nice vacation.
  • He will not come home tomorrow. 

II. The usage of “Will” in English future tenses

What comes after "Will"? In various English future tenses, “Will” is written in different forms. Let’s explore the structure and usage of tenses that include “Will” with PREP.

The usage of “Will” in English future tenses

“Will” in English tenses


Formula and example

Simple future tense

  • Deciding at the moment of speaking
  • Predicting something without precise basis
  • Making requests, suggestions
  • Threatening, warning
  • Expressing a promise
  • Using in conditional type 1 - expressing a hypothetical situation that could happen in the present or future.


  • S + will + V-inf
  • S + will + be + N/Adj


  • Henry will get married next year.
  • She will be on her summer vacation next week


  • S + will not + V-bare
  • S + will not + be + N/Adj


  • Alex won’t go to Korea next winter.
  • I won’t study abroad.


Wh-word + will + S + V?

Will + S + V?


  • What will she do tomorrow?
  • Will you learn to play piano this weekend?

Future continuous tense

  • Describing an event occurring at a specific time in the future.
  • Describing an action that will happen in the future but gets interrupted by another event.
  • Describing an action that will occur and continue continuously until the future.


  • S + will + be + V-ing


  • I will be playing football at 5 p.m.
  • He will be doing homework at 8 p.m.


  • S + will not + be + V-ing


  • She won’t be studying at this time tomorrow night.
  • I won’t be sleeping at 11 p.m tomorrow.


  • Wh-word + will + S + be + V-ing?
  • Will + S + be + V-ing?


  • What will Mary be doing at this time tomorrow? 
  • Will Alex be doing homework at 9 p.m tomorrow? 

Future perfect tense

The "Will" structure in this tense expresses an action or event that has already occurred in the present and completed before another event in the future.


  • S + will + have PII


  • By the end of this week, I’ll have taken my Japanese-speaking test.
  • By next year, she will have completed her degree.


  • S + will not + have PII


  • John won’t have finished his essay until the end of next week.
  • By the time you arrive, he will not have cooked dinner.


  • Wh-word + will + S + have PII?
  • Will + S + have + PII?


  • How much will they have spent on their Science research by the end of this year?
  • Will Jenny have graduated by this time next month?

Future perfect continuous tense

  • To emphasize the continuous occurrence of an action or event compared to another action or event happening in the future.
  • To express the ongoing and continuous duration until a specific point in the future of an action or event.


  • S + will + have + been + V-ing


  • I’ll have been working in this company for 7 years by the end of this year.
  • They will have been studying for hours by the time the exam starts.


  • S + will not (won’t) + have + been +V-ing


  • Alex won’t have been playing guitar for 2 months until the end of this year. 
  • She will not have been exercising regularly for long enough to see significant results by next week.


  • Will + S + have + been + V-ing?
  • WH-word + will + S + have + been + V-ing?


  • Where will she have been studying next month?
  • Will you have been working for this company by the end of this year

III. Comparison between “Will” in English and To be going to

To clearly illustrate the usage as well as the purpose of the "Will" in English and "To be going to" structures to appropriately apply in different situations, let's refer to the table below.



To be going to


Both are used to describe the intentions or actions that may occur in the future.


The speaker makes a decision at the moment about a plan or prediction for the future.

Example: I’ll go to the hotpot restaurant with my best friend.

The speaker makes a decision before the moment of speaking and already has plans for that matter in the future.

Example: Max is going to take an English exam at the end of this year.

The speaker predicts based on their own perspective and experience.

Example: Alex thinks his team will win this football game. 

The speaker makes predictions based on evidence or facts that are in reality.

Example: Based on the decoration in your house now, I believe you are going to celebrate something.

The speaker expresses their attitude or frustration when asking someone to do something.

Example: Will you stop blaming your mistake on others?

IV. Typical phrases and expressions that include the word "will" in English

Below is a list of phrases and expressions that include the word "will" in English that PREP has compiled for students to reference when preparing for exams.

Common phrases and expressions that include the word "will" in English



At will

Do something at anytime you want

Some actresses can cry at will.

With a will

With energy and determination

They worked with a will and then received a worthy reward.

Truth will out

Said to show that you believe the truth will always be discovered

The truth will out—they cannot go on a trip without planning.

Cut somebody out of your will

To decide not to leave someone any of your money or possessions when you die

It seems unbelievable that he would cut his own children out of his will.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way

Used to mean that if you are determined enough, you can find a way to achieve what you want, even if it is very difficult

Don’t give up – Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Typical phrases and expressions that include the word "will" in English
Typical phrases and expressions that include the word "will" in English

V. Exercises on “Will” in English with detailed answers

To reinforce your understanding on “Will” in English and its usage and formula, please do the following exercise.

Exercise: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets in the future simple tense

  • According to the weather forecast, it  ________ (not/ rain) this weekend.
  • He thinks that the BTS concert  ________ (be) really fascinating.
  • If you study hard for the exam, I’m sure you  ________ (get) a good result.
  • In my opinion, she  ________ (not/ pass) the test.
  • This homework is very easy. I know we  ________ (do) it easily.


  • will not rain
  • will be
  • will get
  • will not pass
  • will do

VI. Master IELTS Skills for a High Band Score

PREP has provided fundamental knowledge about “Will” in English commonly used in communication, daily study, and work. If you’re ready to boost your IELTS band score, check out our expert-led courses below:


Hien Hoang
Hien Hoang
Product Content Admin

Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.


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