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What is Break down in English? How is Break down in English used correctly?
Break down is one of the familiar phrasal verbs in English. So, What is Break down in English? And how is Break down in English used? Let's delve into the details of Break down in English in today's article with PREP!

I. What is Break down in English?
What is Break down in English? Let's explore the definition and some accompanying words/ phrases with Break down in English!
1. Definition
What is Break down in English? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Break down is pronounced as /breɪk daʊn/. It is a phrasal verb with six different meanings: (of a machine or vehicle) to stop working because of a fault, to fail, to become very bad, to lose control of your feelings and start crying, to divide into parts to be analyzed, to make something fall down, open, etc. by hitting it hard. For example:
Meaning |
Example |
(of a machine or vehicle) to stop working because of a fault |
to fail |
to become very bad |
to lose control of your feelings and start crying |
to divide into parts to be analyzed |
to make something fall down, open, etc. by hitting it hard |
So, have you found the answer to the question "What is Break down in English" with PREP? With the six different meanings mentioned above, it's important to use the appropriate one according to each context!

2. Words and phrases associated with Break down in English
After understanding the definition of Break down in English, let's take a look at some common words and phrases that are often associated with it to emphasize the meaning!

Words and phrases associated with Break down in English |
Meaning |
Example |
break down the barriers |
to improve understanding and communication between people who have different opinions |
break down in tears |
to be unable to control your feelings and to start to cry |
break down into |
to separate (something) into (simpler substances) |
II. How to use Break down in English
So, how do we use Break down in English? Let's familiarize ourselves with the structures of Break down in English in the table below!

Structure |
Example |
Subject + break something down |
Subject + break down something |
III. Synonyms of Break down in English
In addition to the phrase Break down, we can flexibly use other synonymous words to adapt to different situations. Let's see some synonyms of Break down in English!

Synonyms of Break down in English |
Example |
stop working /stɒp ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ |
crash /kræʃ/ |
fail /feɪl/ |
break off /breɪk ɒf/ |
shatter /ˈʃætə(r)/ |
destroy /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ |
ruin /ˈruːɪn/ |
break /breɪk/ |
crack /vomit/ |
smash /smæʃ/ |
cry /kraɪ/ |
burst out crying /bɜːst aʊt ˈkraɪɪŋ/ |
dissolve into tears /dɪˈzɒlv ˈɪntə tee(r)/ |
impair /ɪmˈpeə(r)/ |
weaken /weaken/ |
languish /ˈlæŋɡwɪʃ/ |
categorize /ˈkætəɡəraɪz/ |
classify /ˈklæsɪfaɪ/ |
divide /dɪˈvaɪd/ |
IV. Other phrasal verbs with Break
In addition to the phrasal verb Break down, let's learn some other common phrasal verbs with the word Break that are often encountered in communication.

Phrasal verb Break |
Meaning |
Example |
Break in |
wear something, typically a pair of new shoes, until it becomes supple and comfortable. |
Break into |
to get into a building or car using force, usually to steal something |
Break out |
(of war, fighting, or similarly undesirable things) start suddenly |
Break out in |
be suddenly affected by an unpleasant sensation or condition |
Break out of |
escape |
Break off |
to end something suddenly |
Break through |
to make new and important discoveries |
Break up |
to come to an end |
So, besides the phrasal verb Break down, you have learned some other common phrasal verbs, right?
V. Exercise using Break down in English with answers
Exercise: Choose the correct answer
- The old car suddenly ________ on the highway and left the driver stranded.
- broke down
- broke in
- broke out
- broke up
- She couldn't handle the pressure anymore and finally ________ during the meeting.
- broke down
- broke in
- broke out
- broke up
- The negotiations between the two companies ________ after hours of intense discussions.
- broke down
- broke in
- broke out
- broke up
- He had a severe allergic reaction and ________ hives all over his body.
- broke down
- broke in
- broke out
- broke up
- The prisoners managed to ________ of their cells and caused chaos in the prison.
- break down
- break in
- break out
- break up
- The project team had to ________ the complex problem into smaller parts for better analysis.
- break down
- break in
- break out
- break up
- The protesters ________ in anger when they heard the news of the unjust decision.
- broke down
- broke in
- broke out
- broke up
- After years of therapy, she was finally able to ________ her fear and overcome it.
- break down
- break in
- break out
- break through
1. A |
2. A |
3. A |
4. C |
5. C |
6. A |
7. C |
8. D |
VI. Take the First Step Towards IELTS Success
So, now you can answer two questions "What is Break down in English?" and "How to use Break down in English?", right? If you’re determined to succeed, PREP guarantees a focused pathway to your IELTS goals
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