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What is Break down in English? How is Break down in English used correctly?

Break down is one of the familiar phrasal verbs in English. So, What is Break down in English? And how is Break down in English used? Let's delve into the details of Break down in English in today's article with PREP!

The usage of Break down in English
The usage of Break down in English

I. What is Break down in English?

What is Break down in English? Let's explore the definition and some accompanying words/ phrases with Break down in English!

1. Definition

What is Break down in English? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Break down is pronounced as /breɪk daʊn/. It is a phrasal verb with six different meanings: (of a machine or vehicle) to stop working because of a fault, to fail, to become very bad, to lose control of your feelings and start crying, to divide into parts to be analyzed, to make something fall down, open, etc. by hitting it hard. For example:



(of a machine or vehicle) to stop working because of a fault

  • The washing machine broke down in the middle of a cycle, leaving the clothes soaking wet. 
  • The elevator broke down, causing inconvenience for the residents of the apartment building. 

to fail

  • Despite their efforts, their marriage eventually broke down irreparably. 
  • The negotiations for a business deal have broken down due to dissent over the terms and conditions.

to become very bad

  • The economy of the country broke down as inflation skyrocketed.
  • The infrastructure in the city broke down due to years of neglect and lack of maintenance. 

to lose control of your feelings and start crying

  • He broke down in tears during the memorial service.
  • Hearing the heartbreaking news, she couldn't contain her emotions and immediately broke down

to divide into parts to be analyzed

  • The budget for the event breaks down into various categories, including venue rental, catering, and entertainment. 
  • The financial statement breaks down the company's expenses into categories such as salaries, utilities, and marketing. 

to make something fall down, open, etc. by hitting it hard

  • The demolition crew used explosives to break down the old building and clear the site. 
  • The strong winds and heavy rain caused the trees to break down

So, have you found the answer to the question "What is Break down in English" with PREP? With the six different meanings mentioned above, it's important to use the appropriate one according to each context!

What is Break down in English?
What is Break down in English?

2. Words and phrases associated with Break down in English

After understanding the definition of Break down in English, let's take a look at some common words and phrases that are often associated with it to emphasize the meaning!

Words and phrases associated with Break down in English
Words and phrases associated with Break down in English

Words and phrases associated with Break down in English



break down the barriers

to improve understanding and communication between people who have different opinions

  • The program focuses on cultural exchange to break down the barriers and create mutual respect among participants. 
  • The project aims to break down the barriers between generations by facilitating intergenerational activities. 

break down in tears

to be unable to control your feelings and to start to cry

  • The emotional scene in the movie was so powerful that many audience members broke down in tears.
  • During the farewell party, the retiring teacher thanked her students and broke down in tears

break down into

to separate (something) into (simpler substances)

  • The recipe breaks down the cooking process into simple steps, making it easy for beginners to follow.
  • The report breaks down the company's revenue into different categories.

II. How to use Break down in English

So, how do we use Break down in English? Let's familiarize ourselves with the structures of Break down in English in the table below!

How to use Break down in English
How to use Break down in English



Subject + break something down

  • The financial advisor broke the investment portfolio down to analyze their performance. 
  • The demolition crew used explosives to break the old building down and clear the site. 

Subject + break down something

  • The teacher broke down the complex math problem, explaining each step in detail to the students. 
  • The firefighters had to break down the door to rescue the trapped occupants. 

III. Synonyms of Break down in English

In addition to the phrase Break down, we can flexibly use other synonymous words to adapt to different situations. Let's see some synonyms of Break down in English!

Synonyms of Break down in English
Synonyms of Break down in English

Synonyms of Break down in English


stop working

/stɒp ˈwɜːkɪŋ/

  • My computer suddenly stopped working.
  • After years of constant use, the old washing machine finally stopped working



  • The company's financial system crashed, resulting in a temporary halt in business transactions. 
  • The version crashed due to a software error. 



  • The company's new product failed to meet customer expectations. 
  • The business venture failed due to a lack of adequate planning and market research. 

break off

/breɪk ɒf/

  • They were engaged, but their engagement was broken off due to irreconcilable differences. 
  • After a series of disagreements, they decided to break off their business partnership. 



  • The unexpected rejection shattered his dreams of being accepted into the prestigious university. 
  • The news of the accident shattered their hopes for a happy family vacation. 



  • The tornado destroyed several houses in the neighborhood. 
  • The fire destroyed the entire forest, leaving behind nothing but ashes. 



  • The spilled red wine ruined her favorite white dress. 
  • The heavy rain ruined their outdoor picnic plans. 



  • She accidentally broke the vase while cleaning the shelf. 
  • He accidentally broke the window while trying to open it. 



  • The earthquake caused the building's foundation to crack
  • The pressure caused the glass to crack, creating a dangerous situation. 



  • In a fit of anger, he smashed his phone against the wall. 
  • The angry protesters smashed the windows of the store during the demonstration. 



  • The sad movie made her cry uncontrollably. 
  • Seeing the injured puppy, the little girl couldn't help but cry

burst out crying

/bɜːst aʊt ˈkraɪɪŋ/

  • When she heard the heartbreaking news, she bursts out crying in front of everyone. 
  • The emotional reunion with her long-lost sibling caused her to burst out crying.

dissolve into tears

/dɪˈzɒlv ˈɪntə tee(r)/

  • The emotional farewell speech caused him to dissolve into tears
  • The overwhelming stress and exhaustion made her dissolve into tears of frustration. 



  • The accident impaired his ability to walk, requiring him to use crutches.
  • The concussion impaired his cognitive functions. 



  • The prolonged illness weakened her immune system, making her more susceptible to infections. 
  • The continuous stress weakened his mental health. 



  • The neglected plant languished in the dark corner of the room.
  • The abandoned building languished for years. 



  • The librarian helped categorize the books into different genres for easy navigation. 
  • The researcher carefully categorized the survey responses based on age and gender. 



  • The biologist classified the newly discovered species is based on its physical characteristics. 
  • The zoologist classified the animals into different taxonomic groups based on their evolutionary relationships. 



  • The teacher divided the students into groups for a collaborative project. 
  • The event planner divided the screen into different sessions based on their interests. 

IV. Other phrasal verbs with Break

In addition to the phrasal verb Break down, let's learn some other common phrasal verbs with the word Break that are often encountered in communication.

Other phrasal verbs with Break
Other phrasal verbs with Break

Phrasal verb Break



Break in 

wear something, typically a pair of new shoes, until it becomes supple and comfortable.

  • Before the marathon, it's essential to break in your running shoes to avoid discomfort during the race. 
  • The soccer player needs to break in his new cleats before the tournament to ensure a better fit.

Break into 

to get into a building or car using force, usually to steal something

  • Thieves broke into the jewelry store and stole valuable items. 
  • The police arrested the burglars just as they were trying to break into the bank vault.

Break out 

(of war, fighting, or similarly undesirable things) start suddenly

  • The protest started peacefully, but it quickly broke out into violence when clashes broke out between the demonstrators and the police. 
  • The infectious disease broke out in the community. 

Break out in 

be suddenly affected by an unpleasant sensation or condition

  • She ate something she was allergic to and broke out in hives. 
  • After using that new skincare product, my face broke out in pimples. 

Break out of


  • Feeling trapped in her monotonous job, she decided to break out of the routine and pursue her passion. 
  • The prisoners hatched a plan to break out of the high-security prison. 

Break off

to end something suddenly

  • Their relationship had been deteriorating for a while, and finally, it was broken off.
  • The negotiations between the two companies broke off when they couldn't reach a mutually beneficial agreement. 

Break through 

to make new and important discoveries

  • After years of hard work, she finally broke through in her career. 
  • The athlete trained tirelessly to break through his physical limitations and achieve new personal bests. 

Break up

to come to an end

  • The couple had a heated argument and ultimately decided to break up.
  • She couldn't handle the long-distance relationship anymore, so she chose to break up with her partner.

So, besides the phrasal verb Break down, you have learned some other common phrasal verbs, right?

V. Exercise using Break down in English with answers

Exercise: Choose the correct answer

  1. The old car suddenly ________ on the highway and left the driver stranded.
    1. broke down
    2. broke in
    3. broke out
    4. broke up
  2. She couldn't handle the pressure anymore and finally ________ during the meeting.
    1. broke down
    2. broke in
    3. broke out
    4. broke up
  3. The negotiations between the two companies ________ after hours of intense discussions.
    1. broke down
    2. broke in
    3. broke out
    4. broke up
  4. He had a severe allergic reaction and ________ hives all over his body.
    1. broke down
    2. broke in
    3. broke out
    4. broke up
  5. The prisoners managed to ________ of their cells and caused chaos in the prison.
    1. break down
    2. break in
    3. break out
    4. break up
  6. The project team had to ________ the complex problem into smaller parts for better analysis.
    1. break down
    2. break in
    3. break out
    4. break up
  7. The protesters ________ in anger when they heard the news of the unjust decision.
    1. broke down
    2. broke in
    3. broke out
    4. broke up
  8. After years of therapy, she was finally able to ________ her fear and overcome it.
    1. break down
    2. break in
    3. break out
    4. break through


1. A

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. D

VI. Take the First Step Towards IELTS Success

So, now you can answer two questions "What is Break down in English?" and "How to use Break down in English?", right? If you’re determined to succeed, PREP guarantees a focused pathway to your IELTS goals 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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