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A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing

IELTS Writing is one of the most challenging skills, requiring candidates to make daily efforts to achieve high band scores. Merely having a solid grasp of knowledge is not enough to reach the target score; candidates need a perfect strategy for time management for IELTS Writing to apply during the actual test. Let's refer to the article below by PREP to help you effectively study and prepare for IELTS Writing at home.

A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing
A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing

I. Specified duration for IELTS Writing

A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing

Similar to other skills, performing well in the IELTS Writing test requires regular practice to enhance one's proficiency. Studying and practicing IELTS Writing and taking mock tests will help you grasp the structure and adhere to the allocated time for the test. For IELTS Writing, you need a time allowance of 60 minutes to complete this section.

Time allocation for IELTS Writing

Test section 

60 minutes

  • Writing Task 1 (150 words)

  • Writing Task 2 (250 words) 

II. Tips for time management for IELTS Writing

A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing
A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing

Below, let's explore four tips for time management for IELTS Writing that will help you improve your band score quickly:

1. Understand the structure of each task type

A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing
A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing

Many candidates often spend a significant amount of time on the IELTS Writing test because they are unsure where to start and what to write. They often need to spend considerable time thinking about the structure and content just before they begin their response.

Here is an example of the structure for Writing Task 1 to describe a table or chart. The structure may vary slightly when describing a process or a diagram.

Writing Task 1 Structure

  • Paraphrase: What does this chart describe? ➡ Avoid using words similar to the question prompt.

  • Overview: What prominent components or trends are mentioned in the chart? ➡ Don't provide detailed descriptions, just indicate them.

  • Topic Sentence: Which data groups will you describe first? What components are there for this data?

  • Details: What are the initial figures? What changes have been mentioned? Which figures are the highest and lowest throughout the entire chart? ➡ You need to write 2 or 3 sentences to provide specific figures.

  • Comparisons: Use comparative language to describe the differences between data groups or data with the same figures over time.

For more information, please refer to the following articles: 

Tất tần tật các dạng bài Writing Task 2 trong đề thi IELTS

Tổng hợp các dạng bài Writing Task 1 chi tiết và đầy đủ nhất

2. Set time limits

A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing
A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing

Now that you know what you need to write, the next step to ensure the allocated time for the IELTS Writing test is to clearly divide the length of each section you plan to write. You can refer to the time limits for the IELTS Writing test in the table below:

Time management strategy for IELTS Writing Task 1

  • After 5 minutes, you should have completed your plan and be able to write the first two sentences.

  • After 11 minutes, you should have completed 3-4 additional sentences for the second paragraph.

  • After 17 minutes, you should aim to complete the Writing task.

  • Use the remaining minutes to review and correct minor spelling and grammar errors.

Do not worry if you are unable to follow this time management strategy on your first attempt. The important thing is that you have a solid understanding of the structure and clear time limits. Start the timer every time you practice Writing.

3. Divide tasks into sub-tasks

A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing
A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing

The next step in the time management strategy for the IELTS Writing test is to divide each task into smaller parts. Do not spend too much time thinking about everything you will write. Just focus on the next sentence and write it down. Don't worry about mistakes or drafting, and do not rewrite any sentence until you have completed the entire writing.

Have a general idea of what you will write for each paragraph and start writing. Write the first sentence of the first paragraph first, then move on to the second sentence, and continue writing each sentence until you complete it. Finally, reread everything and correct any errors you made.

4. Practice, practice, and practice regularly 

A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing
A well-planned strategy for time management for IELTS Writing

No matter how effective your time management strategy for the IELTS Writing test is, it will be meaningless if you do not practice regularly. Therefore, practicing regularly will help you improve day by day and enable you to apply this time management strategy effectively!

For more information, please refer to the following article:

 Lộ trình luyện thi IELTS Writing hiệu quả trong 2 tháng

In this article, has provided a comprehensive guide to effective strategies for time management for IELTS Writing. Hopefully, the shared article will help you easily maximize your Writing score. And lastly, don't forget to practice regularly to achieve your desired band score!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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