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Talk about Your Favorite Movie IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2

Film/Movie is a very familiar topic in IELTS Speaking for candidates preparing for the IELTS exam, right? So, how can we fully address the task of describing our favorite movie? The accurate answer lies in the following article. Refer to it immediately so you don't miss out on the essential knowledge you need to memorize!
Furthermore, you can also apply this sample to answer questions such as: Talk about your favorite movie, Describe your favorite film, or Describe a movie you enjoy watching,...

 IELTS Topic: Talk about Your Favorite Movie
IELTS Topic: Talk about Your Favorite Movie

I. Sample Answer for IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Talk about your favorite movie

Sample Answer for IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Talk about your favorite movie
Sample Answer for IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Talk about your favorite movie

Highlight vocabulary:

  • Besties (n): A close and trusted friend; a best friend.
  • Filmgoers (n): People who go to watch films (movies) at the cinema.
  • Blast (n):  An intense, enjoyable, or exciting experience.
  • Animated cartoon (n): A motion picture made by photographing a series of slightly varying drawings or models to create the illusion of movement.
Sample Answer for IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Talk about your favorite movie

Highlight vocabulary:

  • Simplicity: The quality of being simple, uncompounded, or uncompounded; freedom from complexity or intricacy.
  • Innocence: The quality or state of being innocent; freedom from sin or moral wrong; guiltlessness.
  • Henchmen: A loyal and trusted follower or assistant, especially one who engages in dubious or illegal activities.
  • Gibberish: Unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.
  • Clumsy: Lacking grace or skill in movement or use of the body or limbs; awkward.


Sample Answer for IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Talk about your favorite movie

Highlight vocabulary:

  • Franchise: A series of related commercial products, especially films or TV shows, marketed under a common name and reflecting similar characteristics.
  • Pill-shaped: Having the shape of a pill; cylindrical and rounded.
  • Goggle: close-fitting eyeglasses with side shields, for protecting the eyes from glare, dust, water, etc.
  • Overall: Considering everything; on the whole.
  • Indescribable joy: A feeling of great happiness that is difficult to put into words.

II. Sample Answer for IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Talk about your favorite movie

1. Cue card: Talk about your favorite movie

Talk about your favorite movie:

Specific prompt: Talk about your favorite movie

2. Sample outline

Here is a detailed sample answer idea for the topic "Talk about your favorite movie," provided by teachers at PREP:


Watching time: self-isolation due to being infected with Covid 

Stay at home alone → Feel bored→ Find a good movie to entertain yourself 


Name of the movie: Shawshank Redemption 

Genre: Crime Fiction 

General Review of the Movie: The film received 7 nominations and is hailed as the greatest movie of all time, still holding the top position in the list of the 100 greatest films of all time.

Movie Plot:

The story revolves around Andy, a bank executive who is accused of killing his wife and her lover. As a result, he is sentenced to life.

Within the walls of Shawshank, the dark and harsh realities of prison life begin to unfold before the viewers.


The movie taught me a valuable lesson: Never lose hope.

3. Take notes within 1 minute before speaking

The 1-minute note-taking period before speaking is extremely important. It allows you to jot down the key points you will address to ensure a comprehensive speech. Here is an example of taking notes within 1 minute before speaking on the topic "Talk about your favorite movie":



Bored at home → Flicked through channels 

Description of the movie 

Shawshank Redemption 

Crime Fiction 

7 nominations - best films of all time, top 100 must see movies. 

Plot: protagonist = innocence in the murders of his wife and her boyfriend, spends two decades in Prison with fellow inmate


One big lesson: Never lose hope

4. Sample Speaking Part 2: Talk about your favorite movie

Here is a reference to an effective IELTS Speaking Part 2 sample on the topic "Talk about your favorite movie" to help you practice for the IELTS exam at home:

Today I’d like to talk about an inspirational film that I watched a few months ago. Back in February, I had so much time to kill as I was in quarantine alone not long after I was found positive with Covid. Despite being completely vaccinated, I was required to stay at home for at least two weeks. It was a nightmare at first, but then I discovered a new hobby: watching the best films of all time. It turned out to be a very fulfilling experience.

I compiled a list of films to watch and saw Shawshank Redemption with the highest ranking and gave it a go. Afterwards, I couldn't stop myself from recommending it to friends and family. It belongs to the Crime Fiction genre which does not receive sufficient attention in my opinion. 

The film was based on a short story by Stephen King, who was prominent for his horror fiction. Andy Dufresne - the protagonist who claims innocence in the murders of his wife and her boyfriend, spends two decades in Shawshank Prison with fellow inmate Ellis "Red." 

Shawshank Redemption became one of the most popular rental films after receiving multiple Academy Award nominations, great reviews, and word of mouth from both men and women. I couldn't grasp why it was such a disappointment when released. 

I learned a lot from the film. Shawshank Redemption in some ways exemplified the power of hope, which is the film's main theme. The presence of Hope can assist a person in accomplishing what may appear to be impossible. Even when the odds are stacked against us, we must never give up hope. Keeping hope alive in the face of adversity will lead to a better tomorrow. With that lesson in mind, I hope that I will survive any hardship that life throws at me.

Refer to the following article:

5. Useful vocabulary used in the speech

  • Compile (verb): to gather or collect
  • Ranking (noun): the evaluation or assessment of something
  • Sufficient (adj): enough or satisfactory
  • Prominent (adj): well-known or notable
  • Protagonist (noun): the main character
  • Fellow inmate (noun): a companion or colleague who is also a prisoner
  • Nomination (noun): the act of suggesting or proposing someone for a position or award
  • Exemplify (verb): to illustrate or demonstrate
  • Adversity (noun): difficulties or hardships
  • The odds (noun): the probability of something happening

III. Sample Answers for IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic: Talk about your favorite movie

Sample Answers for IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic: Talk about your favorite movie

In addition to the Sample Answer for Speaking Part 2, here are some sample answers for Part 3 on the topic "Talk about your favorite movie." Refer to the suggestions below to effectively prepare for the exam!

1. What kinds of movies are popular these days? Why do you think they are popular?

I've noticed that individuals of all ages continue to watch cartoons, which many perceive to be a children's genre. Animation films are a lot of fun to watch and can make us laugh so hard that we forget about our problems. Another thing is that sports channels are quite popular among men. 

  • perceive (verb): to understand or think of somebody/something in a particular way 

2. What can we learn from watching movies?

Movies are inspirational and teach us lessons that are useful to us. When you see an ordinary person turn into a hero, the audience will do the same in their daily lives. The movie also helps us understand how sacred it is to enjoy some of the very rare moments when unrestrained good laughter is unleashed. Well, that's what a good comedy can do.

  • Unrestrained (adj): uncontrollable
  • Unleash (verb): burst into laugh (in this context) 

3. How are movies different from live theatre?

Movies are ready-made, which the audience can enjoy at the cinema or at home. Movies often focus on visual and audio effects  to get the attention of fans, and are often more action-packed. On the other hand, because the theater is a live performance, each piece is only  available for a limited time and is a little different from the previous piece every night. Moreover, live theaters focus on performers' acting skills, with most actions taking place in just a few or one setting, while movies can literally take place in hundreds of different settings.

  • Action-packed (verb): full of exciting events and activity 
  • Setting (noun): an environment where something is located; the place at which something happens

4. How do you think movies will be different in the future?

In my opinion, the plot will probably not change drastically. However, as for how movies are presented to the audience, the rapid development of modern technology such as the rise of AR or VR will certainly provide us with an immersive experience to all of our senses. I would imagine people will no longer go to the cinema but they can comfortably watch movies in their own homes.

  • Plot (noun): the series of events that form the story of a novel, play, film, etc.
  • Immersive (adj): Immersive (adj): deeply engaging or involving, creating a sense of being fully absorbed or submerged in an experience.

This article has provided a detailed sample for IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 on the topic "Talk about your favorite movie." You can apply this sample if you encounter similar topics such as "Talk about your favorite movie" or "Describe your favorite film." I wish you effective preparation for the IELTS exam and success in achieving high scores on the real test!

Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Mr. Tú Phạm is the founder of PREP, a Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of teaching and test preparation experience, he has assisted thousands of students in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam. Additionally, Mr. Tú Phạm serves as a consultant for British Council programs and as a speaker at numerous premier education events, programs, and seminars.
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