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Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible and Sensitive: What are the differences?

Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible and Sensitive are written quite similarly and are easy to confuse, but their meanings and uses are completely different. In today's article, PREP will explain in detail the concepts, structures of Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible and Sensitive and a detailed comparison table of these four words. Check it out now!

Differences of Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible and Sensitive
Differences of Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible and Sensitive

I. What is Sensible?

Before distinguishing between Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensitive and Sensible, let's learn about the definition and structure of Sensible together with PREP!

1. Definition

What is Sensible? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Sensible is pronounced as /ˈsen.sə.bəl/. In a sentence, Sensible functions as an adjective, meaning: having or using good judgment; reasonable; having an understanding of a situation. For example:

  • I think the sensible thing to do is call and ask for directions. 
  • I'm sure Jenny can be relied on - she seems eminently sensible
  • He is sensible of your kindness.
What is Sensible?
What is Sensible?

2. The structure of Sensible

Let's take a look at the examples of structures with Sensible in the table below!

The structure of Sensible


Sensible about something

We have to be sensible about this problem. 

It is sensible to do something

Given the rainy forecast, it is sensible to bring an umbrella when you go out. 

It is sensible for somebody to do something

It is sensible for parents to monitor their children's online activities to ensure their safety on the internet. 

To be sensible of something

I am aware of the fact that mathematics is not a popular subject. 

II. What is Sensibly?

What is Sensibly? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Sensibly is pronounced as/ˈsensəbli/. In a sentence, Sensibly functions as an adverb, meaning: in a sensible or practical way. For example:

  • Peter decided, very sensibly, not to drive when he was so tired. 
  • You have to eat more sensibly

III. What is Sensitive?

To distinguish the usage of the adjectives Sensible and Sensitive, let's write down the concept and structures of Sensitive below in your notebook!

1. Definition

What is sensitive? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Sensitive is pronounced as /ˈsen.sə.t̬ɪv/. In a sentence, Sensitive functions as an adjective, meaning: easily upset by the things people say or do; understanding what other people need, and being helpful and kind to them; easily influenced, changed, or damaged, especially by physical activity or effect. For example:

  • Anna’s reply showed that she was very sensitive to criticize. 
  • My experience made me very sensitive to the suffering of others. 
  • Some people's teeth are highly sensitive to cold. 
What is Sensitive?
What is Sensitive?

2. The structure of Sensitive

Let's take a look at the examples of 2 common structures with Sensitive from PREP in the table below!

The structure of Sensitive


be + Sensitive to something

Sarah is sensitive to criticism, striving to improve her work based on constructive comments. 

be + Sensitive about something

John is sensitive about his appearance. 

IV. What is Sensitively?

What is Sensitively? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Sensitively is pronounced as /ˈsen.sə.t̬ɪ In a sentence, Sensitively functions as an adverb, meaning: in a careful way to avoid upsetting people, in a way that involves becoming upset or angry easily. For example:

  • This is a very delicate situation and it needs to be handled sensitively
  • He worried that she might have reacted too sensitively. 

V. Distinguishing Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible and Sensitive

We have learned the overview concepts and structures of Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible, and Sensitive. So in what ways do these four vocabulary words differ? Let's follow along with PREP in the table below!






Part of speech











in a sensible or practical way

in a careful way to avoid upsetting people, in a way that involves becoming upset or angry easily

having or using good judgment; reasonable; having an understanding of a situation

easily upset by the things people say or do; understanding what other people need, and being helpful and kind to them; easily influenced, changed, or damaged, especially by physical activity or effect


Ms. Jenny always solves the mess sensibly. 

Ms. Jenny deals with her son’s mental problem sensitively.

That Ms. Jenny decided to buy a new house is sensible. 

Ms. Jenny is so sensitive that she is always self-conscious about her beauty. 

Distinguishing Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible and Sensitive
Distinguishing Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible and Sensitive

VI. Exercises on Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible and Sensitive

To fully understand the usage and accurately distinguish the differences between Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible, and Sensitive, quickly complete the 2 exercises below together with PREP!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer: 

  1. She_______chose a healthy salad for lunch instead of opting for fast food.
    1. Sensitive
    2. Sensibly
    3. Sensitively
  2. The teacher addressed the delicate issue with the student very_______, taking care not to embarrass them in front of the class.
    1. Sensitively
    2. Sensible
    3. Sensitive
  3. Wearing a helmet while riding a bike is a_______safety precaution.
    1. Sensible
    2. Sensitive
    3. Sensibly
  4. The photographer's_______equipment required careful handling to avoid damage.
    1. Sensitive
    2. Sensibly
    3. Sensitively
  5. Realizing the importance of time management, he_______prioritized his tasks for the day.
    1. Sensible
    2. Sensitive
    3. Sensibly

Exercise 2: Choose the suitable words to complete the sentences: Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible or Sensitive.

  1. Discussing the sensitive topic of mental health requires approaching it _______to avoid causing distress.
  2. Faced with a tight budget, they_______cut unnecessary expenses to make ends meet.
  3. The artist is very_______to the nuances of color and texture in their work.
  4. It's_______to save a portion of your income for future financial security.
  5. The counselor dealt with the grieving family very_______, offering support and understanding.

2. Answer

Exercise 1:

  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C

Exercise 2:

  1. Sensitively
  2. Sensibly
  3. Sensitive
  4. Sensible
  5. Sensitively

VII. Accelerate Your IELTS Progress with PREP

PREP hopes this article has helped you remember the concepts, usage, and structures of Sensibly, Sensitively, Sensible and Sensitive. If you’re ready to fast-track your progress, PREP’s focused approach will help you achieve results quickly. 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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