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What is Remind? How to use Remind in English and practice exercises with answers

In English, when we want to make someone aware of something forgotten or possibly forgotten, we usually use Remind. However, many people still do not fully understand how to use and the exact formula of this word. In today's article, PREP will help you learn about Remind in English!

The usage of Remind in English
The usage of Remind in English

I. What is Remind in English?

How to pronounce Remind? Remind,  is pronounced as /rɪˈmaɪnd/ and is a transitive verb, meaning: to make someone aware of something forgotten or possibly forgotten, or to bring back a memory to someone, with a direct object following the verb. For example:

  • This song reminds Hanna of the time when she was in Paris. 

  • Her doctors reminded Jenny that malaria tablets are advisable. 

We have the phrasal verb with Remind in English, which is: “Remind someone of something/someone”. For example:

  • This song reminds me of our summer vacation last year. 

  • You remind me of my old friend from high school. 

What is Remind in English?
What is Remind in English?

II. Some synonyms of Remind in English

Remind has a lot of synonymous words/phrases in English that we can flexibly substitute when using. Let's take a look!

Synonyms of Remind in English



Jog someone’s memory

cause someone to remember something suddenly

They showed her a picture to jog her memory of the night the crime happened. 


to help someone, especially an actor, to remember what they were going to say or do

Harry was too nervous to speak and had to be prompted.

Bring to mind

to make you remember something

That song brings to mind Anna’s first date. 

Call to mind

to remember something

Martin couldn’t call to mind where he had seen her before.

Put someone in mind of something/ someone 

to cause someone to remember something

Jenny usually puts her son in mind of his fatherland.


to cause something to be remembered or expressed

The music evoked memories of Anna’s youth. 


to be able to bring a piece of information back into your mind, or to keep a piece of information in your memory

Do you remember when her birthday was?


to bring the memory of a past event into your mind, and often to give a description of what you remember

I don't recall arranging a time to meet. 


to remember something

I didn't recollect having seen him. 

Come back

to remember something you had previously forgotten

I forgot his name but it's just come back to me. 

Some synonyms of Remind in English
Some synonyms of Remind in English

III. How to use and the structure of Remind in English

Remind has many different formulas with specific usage appropriate for the context. Among them, the verb Remind is conjugated according to the subject and the tense of the sentence. Let's explore the structure of Remind in English in detail in the table below:

The structure of Remind in English




S + Remind + O + to V

The structure Remind + to V is used to remind someone to do something they have forgotten.

  • Please remind Peter to close the window. 

  • Jane  reminds Hanna to do her homework. 

S + Remind + O + that + S + V

The structure Remind combined with a clause is used to remind someone about a fact or an event.

  • Harry reminded Anna that she has an exam tomorrow. 

  • John reminded Jane that she should take the raincoat outside. 

S + Remind + O + about + sth/ Ving

The structure Remind + About is used to describe something that has not happened yet, a task, an activity that needs to be performed, or something that needs to be paid attention to.

  • The teacher reminds Harry about doing his homework. 

  • I did not remind Kathy about the foods in the car. 

S + Remind + O  + of + sth/ sb/ Ving

The structure Remind + Of is used to talk about something that makes someone recall past events or remember someone or something.

  • Sara reminds me of her late aunt. 

  • The girls reminded Kathy of her time as a student. 

May I Remind

The structure Remind combined with "May" is used to politely remind someone. Used with a stranger for the first time, or with a group of people or customer service.

  • May I remind all passengers that the flight is about to depart. 

  • May I remind Martin not to forget his luggage.

What does Remind go with: Remind gerund or infinitive? From the formula table above, we can see that Remind is followed by prepositions "of, about" and after Remind in English, we have to V and V-ing:

  • To remind someone about something they often forget or may have forgotten at that time, use the formula Remind + to – V. Example: He reminded her to bring her umbrella before she left the house.

  • To remind someone of a task they need to perform, use the structure Remind + Of + V – ing. Example: John reminded us of meeting at the cafe later.

IV. Distinguish Remind and Remember 

Many English learners often confuse Remind with Remember. So how are they different? Let's take a look at the comparison table below!

Distinguish Remind and Remember





Both Remind and Remember are used to recall something.


  • To make someone aware of something forgotten or possibly forgotten, or to bring back a memory to someone.

  • Remind someone to do something means “to remind someone to do something so that they don't forget to do it.

  • To be able to bring a piece of information back into your mind, or to keep a piece of information in your memory.

  • "Remember + to-infinitive" means "don't forget to do something."

  • "Remember + V-ing" means "to recall something we did or that happened in the past."

  • Use the structure "remember + object + to" when you want to send greetings to someone.


  • That song always reminds me of the time I fell in love with a Japanese girl. 

  • Jack’s probably forgotten he was supposed to be here at 8. Shall I ring him and remind him?

  • I will always remember Anna. She has helped me so much. 

  • Remember to save your paper often, just in case your computer crashes. 

  • I remember meeting Hana once. It must have been about five years ago. 

  • Remember me to your parents when you see them. 

Distinguish Remind and Remember
Distinguish Remind and Remember 

V. Exercises on using Remind in English with answers

After reading the theories about Remind in English above, let's practice exercises below to solidify your understanding!

1. Exercise

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with "about" or "of"

  1. Jenny always reminds people _______ our company’s target.

  2. Sara’d like to remind John ________ the meeting tonight.

  3. The gift will always remind Kathy _______our five – year friendship.

  4. Could you remind Hanna ________the date on Sunday?

  5. In case Jenny forgets, please remind her _______ the promise that she made.

Exercise 2: Select the correct answer: Remind or Remember

  1. Please (remind/reminds/remember/remembers) Kathy to lock the window.

  2. Harry (remind/reminded/remember/remembered) meeting that girl before.

  3. Martin (remind/reminds/remember/remembers) me of his father.

  4. Hanna (remind/reminded/remember/remembered) Jane of her boyfriend.

  5. Sara (remind/reminds/remember/remembers) to practice the piano.

2. Answer

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

  1. about

  2. about

  3. of

  4. about

  5. of

  1. Remind

  2. Remembered

  3. Reminds

  4. Reminded

  5. Remembers

This covers all the knowledge about Remind that PREP has summarized in detail. So you now know what Remind is and what prepositions Remind in English goes with, right? Make sure to take notes and review it regularly!

Hien Hoang
Hien Hoang
Product Content Admin

Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.


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