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Download the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training."

We all know that IELTS has two types of exams: IELTS General Training and IELTS Academic. Finding study materials for IELTS Academic is quite easy because it is a common test. On the other hand, finding study materials for IELTS General Training can be a bit more challenging. In this article, PREP will introduce you to a suitable book for the IELTS General Training exam called "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training." Let's explore the content structure as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this book.

Download the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training."
Download the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training."

I. General Introduction to the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"

Firstly, let's explore some general information about the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"!

General Introduction to the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"

1. General Information

The book series "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" is considered a valuable resource for preparing for the IELTS General Training exam, with the participation of Oxford University. All the theoretical knowledge and exercises for the four skills are included in these three books.

  • Book Title: IELTS Preparation and Practice.
  • Authors: Denise Young, Neilane Liew, Alet Doornbusch, Bridget Aucoin, Marilyn Treasure.
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press.
  • Quantity: 3 books.
  • Language: English.
  • Skills: Speaking - Listening - Writing - Reading.

2. Targeted learners

Who are the suitable users for this three-book series "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"? Let's find out!

  • Individuals preparing for the IELTS General Training exam: If you are participating in the IELTS General Training exam and have not found satisfactory study materials, you can refer to this book series. "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" provides comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical exercises to help you prepare for the official exam.
  • IELTS teachers: Due to the scarcity of materials for the IELTS General Training exam, the "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" book series published by Oxford University can be considered a reliable reference for teachers to use as teaching materials.
  • Individuals who want to self-study English: The nature of the IELTS General Training exam guides learners to use English in daily life and communication in the workplace. Therefore, those who want to self-study English for communication purposes can use the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" as a resource.

II. Content Structure of the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"

Each book in the "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" series has its own content structure. Let's explore the detailed content of each book that PREP wants to introduce to you!

Content Structure of the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"

1. IELTS Preparation and Practice Listening, Speaking

The first book in the "IELTS Preparation and Practice" series that PREP wants to introduce to you is "IELTS Preparation and Practice Listening, Speaking." What is the detailed content structure of this book? Let's find out below!

IELTS Preparation and Practice Listening, Speaking


Detailed content

Introduction - How to use this Book

  • Introduction to general information about the book "IELTS Preparation and Practice Listening, Speaking."
  • Explanation of the purpose of use, target users, and effective learning methods for the book.
  • Providing general information about the two skills: IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking.
  • Scoring scales and criteria for IELTS Speaking and Listening.

The Listening test

Unit 1: About the Listening Test

Focus on providing general information about the Listening test:

  • What is the Listening test?
  • Types of questions in the test?
  • Effective strategies for listening comprehension?
  • Focus on vocabulary and grammar?
  • Tips to help you achieve high scores in the listening section.

Afterward, Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training will provide Listening Practice Activities for you to practice.

Unit 2: Section 1 of the Listening Test

Unit 3: Section 2 of the Listening Test

Unit 4: Section 3 of the Listening Test

Unit 5: Section 4 of the Listening Test

Unit 6: At the End of the Listening Test

IELTS Listening Practice Test 1

Update the reader with 3 standardized IELTS Listening Practice tests resembling the actual test format for you to practice.


IELTS Listening Practice Test 2

IELTS Listening Practice Test 3

The Speaking test

Unit 1: Introduction and Format

Unit 1 focuses on providing general information about the Speaking test:

  • What is the Speaking test?
  • Types of questions in the test?
  • Effective strategies for answering Speaking questions?
  • Focus on vocabulary and grammar?
  • Tips for organizing ideas to help you achieve high scores in the speaking section.

Unit 2: The Speaking TestSkills Practice Bank

Unit 2 mainly provides readers with vocabulary knowledge to meet the criteria of the IELTS Speaking test.

Unit 2 mainly provides readers with vocabulary knowledge to meet the criteria of the IELTS Speaking test.

Unit 3: The Speaking Test in Parts

Unit 3 introduces the standardized format of the IELTS Speaking test, which consists of three parts:

  • Part 1: Introductions and personal information.
  • Part 2: Individual long turn.
  • Part 3: Discussion.

Detailed instructions are provided for each part, along with recommended vocabulary and grammar usage.

Unit 4: Sample Speaking Tests

Provide 6 sample IELTS Speaking test questions in the standardized format for you to practice.

Unit 5: AudioSamples-Written Assessments

Provide audio recordings of sample answers so that you can listen and learn the native speaker's accent, as well as how to develop ideas fluently during the speaking process.

Appendix 1

Listening Transcripts

Provide transcripts for the listening exercises in the Listening tests section.

Appendix 2

  • Listening Answers
  • SpeakingAnswer Key

Provide answer keys for the exercises in the Speaking and Listening tests sections. 

Appendix 3

  • ListeningAnswerSheet
  • Speaking Self-Assessment Table

Provide sample answer sheets for readers to become familiar with before taking the actual test.

Provide a self-study evaluation chart at the end of the book.


The author expresses gratitude to the readers and collaborators who have contributed to the creation of "IELTS Preparation and Practice Listening, Speaking.".

Sources and References

References used by the author in the book.

2. IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading & Writing Academic

The second book will focus on the remaining two skills: Reading & Writing. The content structure of this book will have some differences compared to "IELTS Preparation and Practice Listening, Speaking." Let's explore it right below with PREP!

 IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading & Writing Academic


Detailed content

Introduction - How to use this Book

  • Introduction to the general information about the book "IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading, Writing."
  • Explanation of the purpose, target audience, and effective learning methods of the book.
  • Provide general information about the two skills: IELTS Reading and IELTS Writing.
  • Scoring scales and criteria for assessing IELTS Reading and Writing.

Part 1: Academic Reading

Unit 1: About the Academic Reading Test

Provide the structure of the IELTS Academic Reading test:

  • Number of reading passages.
  • Time allocation for the test.
  • Different types of reading tasks.

Unit 2: The Skills You Need

Provide necessary strategies and techniques to achieve high scores.

Unit 3: Multiple-choice Questions

Provide sample passages under common question formats in IELTS Reading, such as:

  • Multiple-choice Questions
  • True/False/Not Given Questions
  • Yes/No/Not Given Questions
  • Short Answer Questions
  • Sentence Completion Questions
  • Diagram/Flow Chart Completion Questions
  • Diagram/Flow Chart Completion Questions
  • Table/Note Completion Questions
  • Summary Completion Questions
  • Matching Headings Questions
  • Matching Features Questions
  • Matching Sentence Endings Questions

For each task type, alongside the question prompts, "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" also provides appropriate approaches for each type, allowing readers to familiarize themselves with these approaches and develop quicker and more accurate answering methods.

Unit 4: True/False/Not Given Questions

Unit 5: Yes/No/Not Given Questions

Unit 6: Short Answer Questions

Unit 7: Sentence Completion Questions

Unit 8: Diagram/Flow Chart Completion Questions

Unit 9: Table/Note Completion Questions

Unit 10: Summary Completion Questions

Unit 11: Matching Headings Questions

Unit 12: Matching Features Questions

Unit 13: Matching Sentence Endings Questions

Unit 14: Academic Reading Practice Tests

Provide standardized Reading Practice Tests for readers to get acquainted with different question formats and practice completing them under time pressure.

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 1

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 2

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 3

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 4

Part 2: Academic Writing Task 1

Unit 1: About Academic Writing Task 1

The first part of the Academic Writing Task 1 introduces the structure of the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1:

  • Number of writing tasks.
  • Time allocation for the test.
  • Different types of writing tasks.

Unit 2: Task Achievement

In this section, the author clearly explains the scoring scales and criteria for assessing IELTS Writing. To achieve a high Writing score, it is crucial to understand the requirements for achieving an IELTS Writing band 9.0, rather than simply focusing on writing, expanding vocabulary, or mastering complex grammar. Before starting your writing practice, it is essential to grasp the following four criteria:

  • Task Achievement
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Unit 3: Coherence and Cohesion

Unit 4: Lexical Resource

Unit 5: Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Unit 6: Practice Questions

In this section, "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" provides several Academic Writing Task 1 prompts for readers to practice.

Part 3: Academic Writing Task 2

Unit 1: About Academic Writing Task 2

The first part of the Academic Writing Task 2 introduces the structure of the IELTS Academic Writing Task 2:

  • Number of writing tasks.
  • Time allocation for the test.
  • Different types of writing tasks.

Unit 2: Analysing the Academic Writing Task 2

Analyze the common types of prompts in Academic Writing Task 2:

  • Concept
  • Example

Unit 3: Brainstorming Ideas

Provide approaches to generate ideas and develop them for each prompt type mentioned above.

Unit 4: Planning the Essay

Detailed instructions on how to structure an appropriate introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion within the prescribed word count.

Unit 5: Writing the Essay

Step-by-step guidance on how to complete a comprehensive Academic Writing Task 2 essay.

Unit 6: Lexical Resource

Vocabulary that can help boost scores in the "Lexical Resource" criterion for Academic Writing Task 2.

Unit 7: Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Complex grammatical structures that can enhance scores in the "Grammatical Range and Accuracy" criterion.

Unit 8: Editing

Techniques for simultaneously writing and checking for spelling, vocabulary, structural, and idea development errors.

Unit 9: Common Problems

Highlight common mistakes to avoid and suggest solutions.

Unit 10: Practice Tests

The final unit provides four standardized Academic Writing Task 2 prompts for readers to practice under time pressure.

Appendix 1

Answer Key

Provide suggested question prompts for exercise sections.

Appendix 2

Reading Answer Sheet

Academic Writing Task 1 Self-study Checklist

Editing Checklist for Task 2

Provide sample answer sheets for the Reading skills.

Guidelines for self-evaluating the Academic Writing Task 1 and Task 2 sections after each practice session.


The author expresses gratitude to the readers and collaborators who have contributed to the creation of "IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading, Writing."

3. IELTS Preparation and Practice General Reading – Writing General

Although both books focus on Reading and Writing skills, the book mentioned above specifically targets the Academic test, while "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" is geared towards the General Training exam. Let's explore with PREP to see how the structure of the "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training Reading Writing" book differs from the Academic version!

 IELTS Preparation and Practice General Reading – Writing General
 IELTS Preparation and Practice General Reading – Writing General


Detailed content

Introduction - How to use this Book

  • Introduction to the general information about the book "IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading, Writing."
  • Explanation of the purpose, target audience, and effective learning methods of the book.
  • Provide general information about the two skills: IELTS Reading and IELTS Writing.
  • Scoring scales and criteria for assessing IELTS Reading and Writing.

Part 1: General Training Reading

Unit 1: About the General Training Reading Module

Provide the structure of the IELTS General Reading test:

  • Number of reading passages.
  • Time allocation for the test.
  • Different types of reading tasks.

Unit 2: Section 1: Answering Questions to Short Texts

Provide sample passages and solving methods for each task type to help readers understand and apply them to subsequent exercises.

  • Questions to Short Texts
  • Questions to Longer Texts
  • Questions to a Longer Text

Each type of exercise will be accompanied by examples and solving methods so that you can understand and apply them to subsequent exercises.

Unit 3: Section 2: Answering Questions to Longer Texts

Unit 4: Section 3: Answering Questions to a Longer Text

Unit 5: Reading Practice Tests

Provide 3 standardized General Training Reading tests in the authentic test format for readers to practice.

Part 2: General Training Writing

Unit 1: About the General Training Writing Module

Providing the structure of the IELTS General Writing test:

  • Number of writing tasks.
  • Time allocation for the test.
  • Different types of writing tasks.

Unit 2: Task 1: How to Write a Letter

Provide guidelines for structuring a complete letter, including the required sections for a letter.

Unit 3: Task 1: Writing a Casual Letter

Guidance on how to write a letter in an informal style.

Unit 4: Task 1:Writing a Formal Letter

Guidance on how to write a letter in a formal and respectful style.

Unit 5: Task 1: Common Letter Types

Provide common letter samples for readers to refer to.

Unit 6: Task 2: How to Write an Essay

Guidance on how to write a complete paragraph in the General Training Writing style.

Unit 7: Getting a Good Score: Task Response

Guidance on how to maximize scores by meeting the following criteria:

  • Task Response
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy
  • Lexical Resource

Unit 8: Getting a Good Score: Coherence and Cohesion

Unit 9: ·Getting a Good Score: Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Unit 10: Getting a Good Score: Lexical Resource

Unit 11: Common Essay Types

Provide sample essays for readers to refer to.

Unit 12: Writing Practice Tests

Provide 4 Writing Practice Tests for readers to practice writing under time pressure.

Appendix 1

Answer Key

Answer keys for the above exercises.

Appendix 2

Reading Answer Sheet


Sample answer sheets for readers to become familiar with.

The author expresses gratitude to the readers and collaborators who have contributed to the creation of "IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading, Writing."

III. Advantages and Disadvantages of the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"

What are the notable advantages and disadvantages of this set of three books? Let's explore them with PREP right away!

Advantages and Disadvantages of the book "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"

1. Advantages

Advantages of "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training":

  • Provide comprehensive theoretical knowledge and exercises for all four skills: The theoretical part is presented scientifically, combined with illustrations, images, and charts to facilitate the learners' understanding. The exercise section includes answer keys at the end of the book, allowing readers to self-assess their abilities after studying.
  • Combine both IELTS General and IELTS Academic: Except for the Listening and Speaking skills, which are only for the General test, the Reading and Writing skills are provided for both General and Academic tests.
  • Up-to-date information: All the knowledge in the book is currently compatible with the actual test structure, so you can fully trust using "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" during your preparation for the IELTS General exam!

2. Disadvantages

Disadvantages of "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training":

  • All content is written entirely in English: For those with average to weak English proficiency, it may be difficult to access and learn the content in this book.

IV. How to study "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"

What do you need to do to master the four skills: Listening - Speaking - Reading - Writing in "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"? Below, PREP has suggested some study steps to explore the information in the book and improve your English skills!

How to study "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training"

1. How to Learn IELTS Listening - Speaking Skills

1.1. Learning Listening Skills

  • Gain detailed information about the test duration and common topics that appear in the Listening section.
  • Familiarize yourself with the question types in the IELTS General Training Listening provided by the "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" book.
  • Study the theoretical aspects: strategies, methods of answering questions, tips for achieving high scores in Listening, common mistakes and issues encountered during the Listening section.
  • Combine theoretical study with examples to understand the question formats and study methods.
  • After grasping the theoretical part, practice exercises to reinforce your understanding and retention of the study methods.
  • Dedicate time to practice exercises and take practice tests to assess your proficiency and learning progress.
  • In addition to "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training," you should also supplement your learning with other resources on Listening skills such as "Basic IELTS Listening," "Get ready for IELTS Listening," "Tactics for Listening – Basic," and "Intensive IELTS Listening."

1.2. Learning Speaking Skills

For the IELTS General Training Speaking skills, to achieve the best results, it's recommended to find a study partner who has an equal or higher level of proficiency to help each other during the practice sessions. However, the following steps outline an effective way to practice Speaking using the "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training Listening, Speaking" book:

  • Obtain detailed information about the test duration and common topics that appear in the Speaking section.
  • Thoroughly understand the scoring scale and the four criteria for assessing IELTS Speaking to plan and practice effectively.
  • Study the theoretical aspects: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar structures, and how to develop ideas for Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
  • Take note of the errors and challenges you commonly encounter during the Speaking practice sessions and focus on correcting them before moving on to more extensive and advanced training.
  • If you are practicing Speaking alone, you can consider using the Shadowing technique to improve your accent, intonation, and speaking speed.

However, the essence of IELTS Speaking lies in "interaction, discussion, and reflection." Therefore, if you are looking for a study companion who can help you improve your accent, vocabulary, and grammar structures, correct errors during speaking, and provide good ideas for different Speaking parts, you should visit the Virtual Speaking Room (VSR) at PREP. This is the first AI-powered virtual speaking practice room in Vietnam, where the progress is real even though the practice room is virtual. Visit VSR today to discover many other outstanding features!


2. How to Learn IELTS Reading - Writing Skills

2.1. Learning Reading Skills

  • Obtain detailed information about the test duration and common topics that appear in the Reading section.
  • Familiarize yourself with the question types in the IELTS Reading section provided by the "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" book.
  • Study the theoretical aspects: strategies, methods of answering questions, tips for achieving high scores in Reading, common mistakes and issues encountered during the Reading section.
  • Combine theoretical study with examples to understand the question formats and study methods.
  • After grasping the theoretical part, practice exercises to reinforce your understanding and retention of the study methods.
  • Dedicate time to practice exercises and take practice tests to assess your proficiency and learning progress.
  • In addition to "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training," you should also supplement your learning with other resources on Reading skills such as "Get Ready for IELTS Reading" and "IELTS Advantage Reading Skills."

2.2. Learning Writing Skills

  • Obtain detailed information about the test duration and common topics that appear in the Writing section.
  • Thoroughly understand the scoring scale and the four criteria for assessing IELTS Writing to plan and practice effectively.
  • Study the theoretical aspects: vocabulary, grammar structures, and how to develop ideas for the letter and essay writing tasks.
  • Take note of the errors and challenges you commonly encounter during the Writing practice sessions and focus on correcting them before moving on to more extensive and advanced training.

Besides speaking, to achieve a high band score in IELTS Writing, you also need people with higher writing proficiency than you to check your writing for errors. Writing is considered the most challenging skill among the four skills because, in addition to vocabulary and advanced grammar, you need a rich reserve of ideas and persuasive paragraph development.

Fortunately, the Test Practice room at PREP fully meets these requirements. With PREP's Test Practice, your essays will be carefully assessed and corrected by experienced IELTS instructors. Moreover, you will be provided with regularly updated IELTS Writing prompts from real test forms. Don't hesitate to visit PREP's Test Practice room.


V. Where to Buy "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" Book?

Currently, many places are selling low-quality copies of the "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training" book. To save time, PREP has compiled and collected some reputable online bookstores and Practice for IELTS General Training PDF files for your reference!

Purchase link for Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training


Link to reference Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training

Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training (3 volumes)

Hopefully, this review of the three-book set, "Preparation and Practice for IELTS General Training," has provided you with useful information. We wish you success in finding the suitable book to conquer the IELTS journey. Good luck, Preppies!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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