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Overview of Oxford Bookworms Library book - A collection of great stories from Oxford

If you're someone who wants to improve your vocabulary and English skills through reading, you definitely shouldn't miss out on the Oxford Bookworms Library book. So, what makes this series special? What are its advantages and disadvantages, and how can you use it effectively? Find out in the detailed review below by PREP and download the free PDF file!

Overview of Oxford Bookworms Library book
Overview of Oxford Bookworms Library book

I. Introduction to the Oxford Bookworms Library book

If you have a passion for English books and stories, you certainly can't overlook the Oxford Bookworms Library book. So, what makes these books special? Let's briefly explore in the content section below!

1. Authors and works

The Oxford Bookworms Library book is a collection of stories published by Oxford University - one of the oldest and most renowned institutions in the world. The entire Oxford Bookworms Library book consists of 1,124 books, divided into 7 levels ranging from starter to level 6. If you're a fan of classic literature, modern novels, non-fiction, etc., then this will undoubtedly be an excellent choice. Let’s read the table below to get a brief understanding of the authors and works in the Oxford Bookworms Library book:

General Introduction to the Oxford Bookworms Library book by Oxford University 

Publisher Oxford University
  • Book
  • Audio Pack (Book + Audio)
  • e-Book
  • App
Number of books 1124 books

2. Suitable users

So, who are the suitable users for the Oxford Bookworms Library book? Let’s find out below:

  • Learners at all levels: According to the author's introduction, these books are categorized from A1 to C2 levels based on the CEFR framework and are written for students and even adults who want to conquer, improve, and enhance their English skills through reading.
  • English teachers: If you're an English teacher, you can use these books as reference materials or knowledge assessment tools for your students.

II. Content of the Oxford Bookworms Library book

The Oxford Bookworms Library book consists of 1,124 books and is divided into 7 levels. Let's explore the detailed information below!

1. Starter Level 

The Starter Level of the Oxford Bookworms Library book includes 106 books. Here is a list of some popular titles:

Starter Level
Starter Level 

Book Title


A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Hank Morgan is a happy young man in Connecticut, USA, in the year 1879, until one day someone runs into his office and shouts, "Come quickly, Boss! Two men are fighting." After that, something very strange happens to him, and his life changes forever.

Dead Man's Money

When Cal Dexter rents one of the cabins at Blue Lake, he finds $3,000 under the floor! He doesn't know it, but it's money from a bank robbery. Dead man's money. "Should I take it to the police?" he wonders.

But there are three more people who want the money, and two of them are dangerous. Can Cal stop them?

Drive into Danger

"I can drive a truck," Kim said on her first day at work in the office. When Kim's passenger, Andy, finds something strange under the truck's chassis, everything becomes dangerous - very dangerous.

In addition, the Starter Level of the Oxford Bookworms Library book includes other books such as:

  • Give us the Money
  • King Arthur
  • Last Chance
  • Mystery in London
  • The Mystery of Manor Hall
  • New York Café
  • Oranges in the Snow
  • Orca
  • Pirate Treasure
  • Police TV

2. Level 1

Level 1 of the Oxford Bookworms Library book consists of 287 books. Below is a list of some of the most popular titles:

Level 1
Level 1

Book Title


Animals in Danger

People love and need animals. They keep them as pets in their homes and on farms. They enjoy visiting zoos, watching animals on film and TV. Children like to play with toy animals. 

But humans are also a great danger to animals. They take their land, cut down trees, pollute rivers and seas, and kill large animals for their skins or for medicine. There are about 7,000 species of animals in danger today. What can we do to protect animals in the world from ourselves?


Many people know about Brazil's beautiful beaches, the Amazon rainforest, and the fantastic Carnival festival in Rio de Janeiro. But Brazil has much more to offer: here you can find fascinating ancient towns, modern cities, and thousands of different species of animals and plants. 

This is the homeland of famous artists and writers, as well as international sports events like the World Cup and the Olympics. What other interesting things can you find here? Why is there music and dancing in the streets? And who are the people of this amazing country?

A Little Princess

Sara Crewe is a very wealthy little girl. She comes to England for the first time when she is seven, and her father takes her to Miss Minchin's school in London. Then he goes back to work in India. Sara is sad at first, but she soon makes friends at school. 

But on her eleventh birthday, something terrible happens, and now Sara has no family, no home, and not a penny in the world...

In addition to Level 1, the Oxford Bookworms Library book also includes other books such as:

  • England
  • Hollywood
  • Japan
  • John Lennon
  • A Ghost in Love and Other Plays
  • Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp
  • Goodbye, Mr Hollywood
  • Les Misérables
  • Mary, Queen of Scots
  • The Bridge and Other Love Stories

3. Level 2 

The Oxford Bookworms Library book Level 2 consists of 285 books. Here is a list of some of the most popular titles:

Level 2
Level 2 

Book Title


A Stranger at Green Knowe

When Ping sees Hanno in the zoo, he is very excited but also unhappy. Hanno is a beautiful, big, black gorilla, much stronger and more powerful than a human being. But how can this amazing wild animal live in a cage, behind bars and locked doors? 

Then Hanno escapes from the zoo. And a few days later, his footprints are seen near Green Knowe, a very old and interesting house deep in the English countryside where Ping is staying...

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Content: Up above her, on one of the mushroom heads, a large caterpillar was sitting smoking a pipe. After a while, the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth and said to Alice in a slow, sleepy voice, 'Who are you?' 

Strange things happen when Alice falls down the rabbit-hole and into Wonderland! She talks to the Caterpillar and the Cheshire Cat, goes to the Mad Hatter's tea party, plays croquet with the King and Queen of Hearts...

Changing their Skies: Stories from Africa

Then a letter comes to Aloo from a famous university in the United States. They offer him a place... a place with a scholarship. Aloo can't believe it at first. He reads the letter again and again. Aloo is very excited, but soon he realizes that it is not as easy as it seems. He needs money to live, money for a plane ticket... And then there is his mother...

The stories in this collection come from Malawi, South Africa, and Tanzania, and are written by African authors Steve Chimombo, Farida Karodia, and M. G. Vassanji.

In addition to Level 2, the Oxford Bookworms Library book includes other books such as:

  • Chocolate
  • Climate Change
  • Dead Man's Island
  • Death in the Freezer
  • Dracula
  • Ear-rings from Frankfurt
  • Five Children and It
  • Ghosts International: Troll and Other Stories
  • Grace Darling
  • Henry VIII and his Six Wives

4. Level 3 

The Oxford Bookworms Library book Level 3 consists of 194 books. Here is a list of some of the most popular titles:

Book Title


A Christmas Carol

Scrooge said that Christmas was a humbug - a time when you find yourself a year older and not a penny richer. The only thing that mattered to Scrooge was business and making money. 

But on Christmas Eve, three ghosts come to visit him. They take him traveling on the wings of the night to see the shadows of Christmas in the past, present, and future - and Scrooge learns a lesson that he will never forget.

A Pair of Ghostly Hands and Other Stories

What would you do if you woke up in the middle of the night and heard the sound of running water somewhere in your house? Of course, you would get up and turn off the tap. A little while later, you hear the sound of running water again. You are alone in the house, and you know that you turned off the tap. What would you do next? 

The ghosts in these stories all have unfinished business with the world of the living. They return from the grave to complete a task, keep a promise, find something they have lost. Sometimes they want to help people, sometimes they want to punish them - or kill them.

Chemical Secret

John Duncan is a kind-hearted person, but he needs money. He also has children to take care of. He is willing to do anything, and his superiors know that. 

They assign tasks to him because he cannot say no; he lacks the ability to be sincere. And the job is like a poison inside him. It has changed him and made him blind, so he cannot see the real toxicity - until it's too late.

In addition to Level 3, the Oxford Bookworms Library book also includes other books such as:

  • Australia and New Zealand
  • Dinosaurs
  • Ethan Frome
  • Formula One
  • Future Energy
  • Information Technology
  • Goldfish
  • Love Story
  • On the Edge
  • Recycling

5. Level 4 

Level 4 of the Oxford Bookworms Library book consists of 123 books. Below is a list of some of the most popular titles:

Book Title


A Tale of Two Cities

The Count lay there like a stone, stabbed in the heart. On his chest was a piece of paper with the words: "Drive him fast to the grave. This is from JACQUES." The French Revolution brought terror and death to many.

But even in these dark times, people can still love and be kind. They can be generous, sincere... and brave.

Death of an Englishman

It was a very inconvenient time for a murder. Florence was full of Christmas shoppers, and half the police force was on holiday. At first, it seemed like a fairly ordinary murder. Of course, there were a few mysteries. In this case, the dead man had a habit of moving furniture at three o'clock in the morning. Naturally, the police wanted to know why.

The case becomes more complicated. But as always, the answer is right in front of them. They just can't see it. In the end, it's just a very ordinary murder.


Life in the small English town of Cranford seems peaceful and serene. The ladies of Cranford lead orderly and regular lives. They visit from twelve to three, have small evening parties, and worry about their maids.

But life is not always smooth - there are few arguments, jealousies, sudden deaths, and unexpected marriages... Mrs. Gaskell's timeless picture of life in a small town in the first half of the 19th century has captivated readers for nearly 150 years.

In addition, Level 4 of the Oxford Bookworms Library book includes other books such as:

  • Black Beauty
  • Desert, Mountain, Sea
  • Disaster!
  • Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  • Eat, Pray, Love
  • Gandhi
  • Great Crimes
  • Gulliver's Travels
  • Land of my Childhood: Stories from South Asia
  • Little Women

6. Level 5 

Level 5 of the Oxford Bookworms Library book consists of 72 books. Below is a list of some of the most popular titles:

Book Title


Brat Farrar

"You look exactly like him! You could take the dead boy's place and no one would ever know the difference. You would be rich for life!" And so the plan is born. At first, Brat Farrar resists the idea; it's a crime, it's dangerous.

But in the end, he is persuaded, and a few weeks later, Patrick Ashby returns from the dead and comes home to inherit the family house and fortune. The Ashby family seems happy to welcome Patrick home, but Brat soon realizes that somewhere there is a time bomb ticking...

David Copperfield

Please, Mr. Murdstone! Don't beat me! I've tried to learn my lessons, really I have," David sobbed. Only eight years old, but Mr. Murdstone had beaten him, making David so frightened that he bit the cruel stepfather's hand.

Because of that, he was locked in his room day and night, with no one allowed to speak to him. As David grows up, he learns that life is full of trouble, pain, and cruelty. But he also finds laughter and goodness, trust and friendship... and love.


V. I. Warshawski, a private investigator in Chicago, United States. Private detectives are often imagined as tired men in raincoats, but Vic is a woman. She is tough, beautiful, carries a gun, and constantly asks questions until she gets answers. When her cousin Boom Boom dies in an accident, Vic is naturally saddened.

She wants to know how and why the accident happened, but she is not satisfied with the answers she receives. So, she continues to ask questions... and more people start dying.

In addition, Level 5 of the Oxford Bookworms Library book series includes some other books such as:

  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
  • Far from the Madding Crowd
  • Ghost Stories
  • Great Expectations
  • I, Robot - Short Stories
  • King's Ransom
  • The Accidental Tourist
  • The Age of Innocence
  • The Bride Price
  • The Dead of Jericho

7. Level 6 

Level 6 of the Oxford Bookworms Library book consists of 50 books. Here is a list of some of the most popular titles:

Book Title


A Passage To India

A mysterious incident at the Marabar Caves involving Adela Quested, a newcomer from England, and Dr. Aziz, an Indian doctor, leads to a drama that divides the British and Indian communities in anger, suspicion, and fear.

Forster's great novel vividly portrays all the dangers and misunderstandings of colonialism, but, as Forster himself wrote, the story is about something larger than politics, about humanity's search for a more enduring home, about the universe expressed in the earth and sky of India, about the horror hidden in the Marabar Caves...

The Woman in White

A woman dressed in white first appears at night on a lonely plot of land near London and is seen again at a grave in Cumberland. Who is she? Where does she come from, and what is her history? She seems lonely and friendless, fearful and confused.

And it seems she knows a secret—a secret that could bring ruin and shame to a man who will stop at nothing to keep her silent. Wilkie Collins's famous mystery thriller has excitement, suspense, romance, and a plot that twists and turns with every page.

Barchester Towers

Mrs. Proudie, the combative wife of the new Bishop of Barchester, brings Reverend Slope into the Bishop's Palace to help rule over her husband and the local clergy.

But Slope is a snake in the grass, determined to advance himself—even if it means battling Mrs. Proudie. Their clash becomes a fierce dance, involving the wealthy, beautiful Widow Bold, the angry Archdeacon Grantly, the man-eating Signora Neroni, the bewildered Parson Quiverful, and his noisy brood of fourteen children. This classic comedy of manners is Trollope's most famous novel.

In addition, Level 6 of the Oxford Bookworms Library book series includes some other books such as:

  • Cry Freedom
  • Night Without End
  • Oliver Twist
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • The Enemy
  • The Fly and Other Horror Stories
  • The Joy Luck Club
  • The Woman in White
  • Vanity Fair

Above, PREP has compiled some famous series of Oxford Bookworms Library book. To read more, please visit the website of Oxford University Press! 

III. Pros and Cons of the Oxford Bookworms Library book series

Before choosing to use the Oxford Bookworms Library book, let's go through the pros and cons of these books!

1. Pros

  • The word count of each book is moderate, and the level is indicated on the cover, making it easy for readers to choose a suitable story according to their current proficiency level.
  • The books are well-presented with distinct illustrations and vibrant colors, which make the reading process more engaging.
  • Audio is included, allowing readers to improve their reading and listening skills in English.
  • The books provide some unfamiliar terms and difficult vocabulary, helping learners consolidate and enhance their English vocabulary.
  • Each book has a number of free tests for readers to assess their knowledge after finishing reading.
  • In addition to print versions, the Oxford Bookworms Library book series is also available in ebook or audio formats, suitable for use on devices such as phones, computers, and tablets. So, if you prefer these digital versions, you can purchase the digital editions.

2. Cons

  • The price is a bit high.
  • The books are written entirely in English, so if you are a beginner, the Oxford Bookworms Library book may not be suitable.
  • Currently, there are not many places in Vietnam that sell the Oxford Bookworms Library books, which makes it difficult for those who want to find and own them.

IV. Reader Reviews of the Oxford Bookworms Library book series

What do readers think about the Oxford Bookworms Library book series? Please refer to some videos below:

Vanessa's review of the Oxford Bookworms Library book series:

Maria's review of the Oxford Bookworms Library book series:

V. Effective Ways to Use the Oxford Bookworms Library book series

How can we use the Oxford Bookworms Library book effectively to expand our vocabulary, improve our reading and listening skills? Let's go through some methods that can help you enhance your English proficiency through this popular series!

1. Choose the appropriate book based on your level and interests

The first step to using the Oxford Bookworms Library book effectively is to select a suitable book. If you are at a beginner level, choose books from the Starter or Level 1 and Level 2 categories.

In addition to considering your own proficiency level, also consider the genre that you genuinely enjoy. If you are passionate about detective stories, then don't miss out on books like "Drive into Danger" or "A Stranger at Green Knowe."

2. Read the content first, listen to the audio later

After choosing the right book, read it thoroughly and attentively. During the process, quickly jot down any important vocabulary or grammar points in a notebook or on a piece of paper. Next, to test your memory, listen to the audio without looking at the book! Repeat this listening process 2-3 times, and then compare it with the content in the book to see how much you understand.

3. Combine reading with other skills

In addition to reading the books in the Oxford Bookworms Library book series, combine them with other skills such as listening, speaking, and writing to improve and reinforce your English proficiency.

  • Listening: Listen to the audio provided by the publisher.
  • Speaking: Summarize the story in English, and then tell it to your friends or family to strengthen your speaking skills.
  • Writing: Use new words or grammar points that you have noted down in your notebook to construct sentences relevant to the context.

VI. Where to Buy Oxford Bookworms Library book PDF Books?

With respect for the authors' copyrights, PREP recommends that you purchase the 1124 books in the Oxford Bookworms Library book series from local bookstores or reputable e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Shopee, Tiki, and others. Additionally, if you want to own the digital version for reading on your phone, tablet, or computer, you can download the PDF file collected by PREP from the following link:

Link to purchase

Oxford University Press

Link to download PDF

Download Oxford Bookworms Library book Audio + PDF free

These are the most detailed reviews of the Oxford Bookworms Library book series. Quickly get your hands on these books for entertainment as well as to enhance your academic knowledge. Wish you success!


CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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