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Mindset for IELTS 3 - Effective IELTS Exam Preparation Book

Mindset for IELTS 3 is a comprehensive resource that covers all four skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking, designed for those aiming to achieve a target score of 7.5 on the IELTS exam. Let's explore the content structure of this book and discover effective studying techniques for Mindset for IELTS 3 together with PREP.

Mindset for IELTS 3 - Effective IELTS Exam Preparation Book
Mindset for IELTS 3 - Effective IELTS Exam Preparation Book

I. Introduction to the book "Mindset for IELTS 3"

Introduction to the book "Mindset for IELTS 3"

First, let's explore general information about "Mindset for IELTS 3" and its target audience with PREP!

1. General information

"Mindset for IELTS 3" is part of the "Mindset for IELTS" series published by Cambridge University Press. This book provides readers with valuable knowledge about the IELTS exam, as well as effective strategies and learning methods.

  • Book title: Mindset for IELTS 3
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press
  • Year of publication: 2017
  • Number of pages: 226
  • Language: English

2. Targeted learners

The most suitable users for studying "Mindset for IELTS 3" are those who are at an IELTS level of 6.5 and aim to achieve a target IELTS score of 7.5.

In addition, teachers or IELTS instructors can use the "Mindset for IELTS 3 Teacher's Book PDF" as teaching material for students at various levels.

II. Review of the content of "Mindset for IELTS 3"

Let's now explore the detailed content structure of "Mindset for IELTS 3" together with PREP!

Book structure 

Detailed content

Meet the Authors

Introduction and information about the 6 authors.

How does the mindset for IELTS work?

Providing information about the 4 common score bands in IELTS.

Tailored to suit your needs

Learning strategies tailored to your desired band score.

Course configuration

The 5 main sections you will conquer during the study of Mindset for IELTS 3.

8 vocabulary units

Providing 8 IELTS vocabulary units. Each unit will cover knowledge for the 4 skills:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Speaking

Answer key

Answers to the practice exercises.

Listening scripts

Transcripts of the Listening skill.

Review of the content of "Mindset for IELTS 3"

III. Pros and Cons of Mindset for IELTS 3

Let's explore the pros and cons of Mindset for IELTS 3 together with PREP!

1. Pros

  • Colorful design and unique illustrations: Mindset for IELTS 3 not only provides theory and exercises but also includes supplementary illustrations, images, and charts to enhance understanding for learners.
  • Shares effective time management methods: Right from the beginning of the book, Mindset for IELTS 3 shares the main contents of a unit and how to divide study time effectively.
Pros and Cons of Mindset for IELTS 3

2. Cons

  • 100% English content: The book is written entirely in English, which can be challenging for beginners starting their IELTS journey.

IV. Reader's Reviews of Mindset for IELTS 3

Reader's Reviews of Mindset for IELTS 3

Let's listen to the reviews of readers about Mindset for IELTS 3 with PREP!

  • According to user Jackson, who left a comment on the Amazon platform: "Mindset for IELTS 3 helped me achieve my desired IELTS band score of 7.5. Moreover, thanks to the scientifically presented content in the book, I was able to achieve 8.0 in Listening."
  • Huong Mai shared in the "Helpful IELTS Materials" group: "If you're looking for a set of books to help you approach and improve your English, you can consider Mindset for IELTS. I have studied up to Mindset for IELTS 3 and found it very effective."

V. Effective Ways to Study Mindset for IELTS 3

Let's explore effective ways to study the content in Mindset for IELTS 3 for optimal results!

1. Master the section "In this unit you will learn how to..."

Before delving into the detailed content of Mindset for IELTS 3, take 5 minutes to read the section "In this unit you will learn how to...". Why should you study this information thoroughly?

  • It helps you identify the key knowledge areas for each skill you need to achieve.
  • If you can answer all the questions at the end of each skill, it means you have understood the entire lesson.

For example, in Unit 1: Urban and Rural Life, you need to grasp the following requirements:

Reading skill

  • Understand how to approach the "Matching Heading" task in the Reading skill.
  • Identify the main idea in each paragraph.
  • Understand the usage of prefixes.

Writing skill

  • Understand how to approach the "Line graph" task.
  • Learn how to achieve a high score in the "Task achievement" criterion.
  • Describe and compare the usage of adjectives and adverbs.

Listening skill

  • Master Part 1 of the listening section.
  • Have a proper understanding of "Names and numbers."
  • Improve paraphrasing skills.

Speaking skill

  • Summarize the 3 parts of the Speaking test.
  • Analyze correct and incorrect answers for each part.
  • Learn how to allocate time for each part.


Effective Ways to Study Mindset for IELTS 3
Effective Ways to Study Mindset for IELTS 3

2. Pay attention to the "TIPS" mentioned in the book

The authors provide quick and accurate tips to save time in each specific content within each skill. For example, in Unit 1: Urban and Rural Life, in the Reading skill, right at the beginning, the authors give readers a tip to find the main heading for the "Matching Heading" exercise.

Tip: "The heading you are looking for will not contain the same words or phrases as in the question. Your task is to find synonyms, antonyms, and apply paraphrasing skills to find the correct answer.

Effective Ways to Study Mindset for IELTS 3
Effective Ways to Study Mindset for IELTS 3

3. Complete the illustrative exercises

Within each skill, to ensure that learners grasp and apply the theoretical knowledge, the authors provide practical exercises. Make sure to complete all of them and check the answers in the Mindset for IELTS 3 answer key at the end of the book!

Effective Ways to Study Mindset for IELTS 3
Complete the illustrative exercises

VI. Where to Buy Authentic Mindset for IELTS 3?

PREP has compiled and gathered highly reputable addresses to purchase the book, along with providing a free download link for Mindset for IELTS 3. Check them out!

Purchase link


Download link

Download Mindset for IELTS 3 in PDF

In this article, PREP has provided a detailed review of the content structure of Mindset for IELTS 3. Visit PREP regularly to stay updated with high-quality English materials! Wishing you all success!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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