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Improve your English reading comprehension with the Inside Reading book series

The Inside Reading series is a set of books that helps learners to deeply study and develop their English reading skills. In this article, let's explore together with PREP the content structure, advantages, disadvantages, and effective ways to study these learning materials.

The overview of Inside Reading book
The overview of Inside Reading book

I. Introduction to Inside Reading

First, let's explore the general information and target users of Inside Reading!

1. General information

The Inside Reading series consists of 5 books suitable for 5 different proficiency levels. Each book includes 10 units corresponding to 10 academic vocabulary topics for the Reading skill.

  • Book title: Inside Reading

  • Authors: Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J. Zwier

  • Publisher: Oxford University

  • Publishing house: Oxford University Press

  • Number of books: 5

2. Target users

  • Students: Inside Reading is designed to serve the needs of high school students and university students, especially those preparing for English proficiency exams like TOEFL, IELTS, VSTEP, etc.

    • Intro book: Beginner level

    • Book 1: Low-intermediate level

    • Book 2: Intermediate level

    • Book 3: High-intermediate level

    • Book 4: Advanced level

IELTS teachers can use this book series as a reliable reference material in their teaching process.

II. Review Content of the Inside Reading 

Review Content of the Inside Reading
Review Content of the Inside Reading

Let's explore the detailed content structure of Inside Reading with PREP!

Book Structure 

Detailed Content


An overview introduction to the book.

To the teachers

A reference material for English teachers.


The list of reference materials used in the book.

Unit Tour

The components of each unit.

Inside Reading Intro

All 5 books include 10 units. Each unit consists of 4 main parts:

  • Content area.

  • Reading Skill.

  • 2 Reading passages (Reading 1 & 2).

  • Vocabulary activities.

Inside Reading 1

Inside Reading 2

Inside Reading 3

Inside Reading 4


The list of academic vocabulary.

III. Advantages and Disadvantages of Inside Reading

Let's explore the pros and cons of Inside Reading with PREP!

1. Advantages

  • Develops reading skills: The book helps learners develop and practice reading comprehension skills through a variety of complex reading passages.

  • Enhances vocabulary: It provides opportunities to expand vocabulary through reading materials, helping learners enrich their language.

  • Effective reading strategies: The book offers reading strategies that help learners understand how to approach English texts effectively.

2. Disadvantages

  • Not suitable for beginners: The book has a fairly advanced level of knowledge, which can be challenging for those new to learning English, especially those at a lower proficiency level.

  • Limited development of Speaking and Writing skills: The book primarily focuses on Reading skills, so it may not provide enough opportunities to develop Speaking and Writing abilities.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Inside Reading
Advantages and Disadvantages of Inside Reading

IV. Reader Reviews of Inside Reading

Let's listen to what readers have to say about Inside Reading with PREP!

  • Kim from the "Reading Materials" group shares: "Inside Reading has truly helped me develop my reading skills. The complex yet fascinating reading passages have given me more confidence in tackling challenging English texts."

  • Jack also left a comment in the "Conquering 9.0 Reading Skills" group, saying: "Inside Reading is an excellent resource for preparing for international English exams. The reading passages are at an appropriate difficulty level and have helped me get used to the question styles typically found in these tests."

Reader Reviews of Inside Reading
Reader Reviews of Inside Reading

V. Effective Ways to Study Inside Reading

How can you effectively conquer the content in Inside Reading Intro, 1, 2, 3, and 4? Let's explore the details with PREP!

1. Conquering Academic Vocabulary

The 5 books corresponding to 5 levels will help you master 570 word families from the Academic Word List (15 words per unit). To effectively grasp these keywords, pay attention to the following key elements:

  • Noticing: Before learning new words, take note of the vocabulary section at the beginning of each lesson that appears in the sample sentences or short reading passages. This will give you a preliminary understanding of the vocabulary as well as the topic you'll be learning about.

  • Repetition: Repeating words is crucial in the vocabulary learning process. This step will help you remember new words for a longer period and quickly learn their pronunciations.

  • Learner Involvement: Instead of just studying the vocabulary in isolation, it's better to engage in more activities that connect the words to practical application:

    • Level 1 "Word Level": At this level, focus on the meaning, pronunciation, and basic grammatical aspects of the vocabulary. For example:

Word - Pronunciation

Part of speech



Enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/


to get pleasure from something

Enjoy + Noun/ Ving.

  • Level 2 "Sentence Level": This time, you need to apply the vocabulary you've learned to construct complete sentences. For example:

  • I really enjoyed that movie.

  • I want to travel because I enjoy meeting people and seeing new places.

Effective Ways to Study Inside Reading
Effective Ways to Study Inside Reading

2. Conquering Academic Reading

For the Academic Reading section, readers need to follow the necessary strategies and skills below:

  • Previewing: Read through the reading passage and the task instructions.

  • Scanning: Read through the paragraphs sequentially to identify the main ideas and keywords.

  • Using context clues to clarify meaning: Utilize the context to guess the meanings of vocabulary.

  • Finding the main idea: Identify the main idea and answer the comprehension questions.

  • Summarizing: Summarize the reading passage.

  • Making inferences: Draw final conclusions about the reading.

VI. Where to Buy Genuine Inside Reading?

Where should you buy Inside Reading to avoid counterfeit copies? Below, PREP has compiled and collected the most reputable sources to purchase the books, along with links of the Inside Reading download PDF files for free. Check them out!

Purchase link

Oxford, Amazon, Fahasa

Download link

Download 5 books Inside Reading PDF - Video - Audio:

  • Inside Reading Intro

  • Inside Reading 1

  • Inside Reading 2

  • Inside Reading 3

  • Inside Reading 4

In this article, PREP has provided a very detailed review of the Inside Reading book structure and content. Regularly visit PREP to stay updated on quality English learning materials! Wishing you success!

Hien Hoang
Hien Hoang
Product Content Admin

Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.


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