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What are Infer and Imply? Distinguish between Infer and Imply

Infer and Imply are two common verbs in English that many people often confuse regarding usage. In this article, PREP will help you understand the concepts and usage of Infer and Imply.

Differences between Infer and Imply in English
Differences between Infer and Imply in English

I. What is Infer?

Before distinguishing between Infer and Imply in English, let's learn what Infer means and its structure with Infer!

What is Infer?
What is Infer?

1. Definition

What is Infer? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Infer functions as a verb, meaning: to form an opinion or guess that something is true because of the information that you have. For example:

  • Richard inferred from her expression that she wanted to leave. 
  • Temy inferred that she was not interested in a relationship from what she said in her letter. 

2. The structures with Infer



Be inferred something (from something)

Much of the meaning must be inferred from the context. 

Infer that + clause

It is reasonable to infer that the government knew about these deals. 

II. What is Imply?

Before distinguishing between Infer and Imply in English, let's learn what Imply means and its structure with Imply!

What is Imply?
What is Imply?

1. Definition 

What is Imply? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Imply functions as a verb, meaning: to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly. For example:

  • The relationship implied a high degree of trust between the two parties. 
  • He implied that the error was mine. 

2. The structures with Imply



Imply (that)…

Are you implying (that) I am wrong? 

Imply something

Tom’s silence seemed to imply agreement

It (be) implied that…

It was implied that we were at fault. 

III. Differences between Infer and Imply

Let’s explore the differences between Infer and Imply!





To draw a conclusion based on data, information, or context, that has been directly observed or learned, rather than having the conclusion directly stated.

To indirectly suggest or hint at something without stating it directly. The speaker does not explicitly say it but the listener can understand the intended meaning based on the context or their knowledge.


Sammy didn't say anything, but I could infer from her expression that she was angry. 

When Tomy said he was too busy to go out with us, he implied that he didn't want to. 

Differences between Infer and Imply
Differences between Infer and Imply

IV. Exercises about Infer and Imply with answers

Let's practice distinguishing between Infer and Imply with these exercises!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer: Infer and Imply

  1. Her silence ________ that she was not happy with the decision.
    1. Implied
    2. Inferred
  2. Based on the evidence, we can ________ that the suspect is guilty.
    1. Imply
    2. Infer
  3. The way he looked at her ________ that he does not have romantic feelings for her.
    1. Implied
    2. Inferred
  4. From the data collected, scientists were able to ________ a correlation between two variables.
    1. Imply
    2. Infer
  5. When she said she couldn't come to the party, she ________ that she had other plans.
    1. Implied
    2. Inferred
  6. The dark clouds and strong winds ________ that a storm is approaching.
    1. Imply
    2. Infer
  1. Based on the customer reviews, we can ________ that the product has quality issues.
    1. Imply
    2. Infer
  1. The sudden change in her tone of voice ________ that she is upset.
    1. Implied
    2. Inferred
  1. From the research findings, scientists were able to ________ a causal relationship between the two variables.
    1. Imply
    2. Infer
  1. The way he avoided eye contact during the interview ________ that he is not being completely honest.
    1. Implied
    2. Inferred

Exercise 2: Choose the correct verb to complete these sentences: Infer or Imply (conjugate the verbs if any)

  1. From the missing piece of evidence, the detective was able to ____ that a break-in had occurred.
  2. The weatherman said there was a 30% chance of rain, which ____ precipitation was possible.
  3. Sally's rude email ____ she was unhappy with her coworkers.
  4. We can ____ from the graph data that sales increased over time.
  5. Her sad expression ____ inner turmoil about personal issues. 
  6. The heavy rain ________ that the picnic will have to be canceled.
  7. Based on the witness's testimony, the jury was able to ________ that the defendant was at the scene of the crime.
  8. Her hesitation to answer the question ________ that she is hiding something.
  9. From the information provided in the article, I ________ that the new policy will have a significant impact on small businesses.
  10. The manager's subtle comments ________ that he is not satisfied with my performance.

2. Answer

Exercise 1:

  1. A
  1. B
  1. A
  1. A
  1. A
  1. A
  1. B
  1. A
  1. B
  1. A

Exercise 2:

  1. Infer
  2. Imply
  3. Imply
  4. Infer
  5. Imply 
  6. Implied
  7. Infer
  8. Implied
  9. Infer
  10. Implied

PREP hopes this article has helped you gain a better understanding of how to use Infer and Imply. Let’s follow PREP for more useful English knowledge updates! Wishing you all the best in your language-learning success!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Mr. Tú Phạm is the founder of PREP, a Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of teaching and test preparation experience, he has assisted thousands of students in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam. Additionally, Mr. Tú Phạm serves as a consultant for British Council programs and as a speaker at numerous premier education events, programs, and seminars.
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