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What is As a result in English? Distinguishing between As a result and As a result of

As a result is a common phrase in English used to refer to a consequence. However, when adding the preposition "of" after it, As a result in English has a completely different usage. In this article, PREP will help you understand the meaning, structure, usage and synonyms of this phrase!

As a result in English
As a result in English

I. What is As a result in English?

What is As a result in English? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, As a result is an adverbial phrase, meaning: therefore, consequently, as a consequence (a conclusion drawn after a previously mentioned action). For example:

  • Alex sprained his wrist and, as a result, he will not be playing in the tournament. 
  • It is raining cats and dogs, as a result, I decided to work from home. 
What is As a result in English?
What is As a result in English?

II. What is As a result of?

What is As a result of? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, this is an English phrase, meaning: because of something. For example:

  • Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales. 
  • As a result of the accident, Lenny suffered permanent brain damage.
What is As a result of in English?
What is As a result of?

III. Most common usage of As a result in English

As a result in English commonly functions as an adverbial phrase, used to refer to a relationship of cause and effect. For example:

  • David fell asleep after drinking too much hot chocolate. As a result, he had the strangest dream. 
  • Tom was late. As a result, he didn't catch the bus. 
Most common usage of As a result in English
Most common usage of As a result in English

IV. Words/phrases/structures equivalent to As a result in English

So in English, how many words/phrases/structures are equivalent to As a result in English? Let's explore the table of synonyms along with examples below!

Words/ phrases/ 




The Smith’s team were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project. 


A better working environment improves people’s performance, and hence productivity. productivity. 


The writers claim that the book constitutes “the first sequential exposition of events and thus of the history of the revolution”. 


Lisa spent most of her money in the first week and consequently had very little to eat by the end of the holiday. 

As a consequence (of)

Andy was given a traffic ticket as a consequence of running the red light.


Surveys suggest that these shows are not what most people want to watch. Accordingly, one network is now scheduling a made-for-TV movie every Sunday night. 

V. Distinguishing between As a result and As a result of

So what are the differences between As a result and As a result of, and how do we differentiate between the usage of these two phrases? Let's explore together with PREP below!

Distinguishing between As a result and As a result of
Distinguishing between As a result and As a result of

As a result

As a result of


therefore, consequently, as a consequence (a conclusion drawn after a previously mentioned action)

because of something


  • S + V + O, as a result, S + V + O.
  • S + V + O. As a result, S + V + O.
  • As a result of + Noun, S + V + O.
  • S + V + O + as a result of + Noun.


  • I fell behind on my assigned reading, as a result, my grades suffer. 
  • Alice went to bed late last night. As a result, she can't get up to go to school. 
  • As a result of the accident, he can't play volleyball anymore. 
  • She died last week as a result of complications from Parkinson's disease. 

VI. Exercise about As a result in English

Let's do the two exercises below to deepen your understanding and help you remember the usage of these two phrases better!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer

  1. _______ his hard work, he was promoted to a managerial position.
    1. As a result of
    2. As a result
  2. She studied diligently for the exam, and _______, she scored the highest marks in her class.
    1. As a result of
    2. As a result
  3. _______ of the heavy rain, the outdoor event was canceled.
    1. As a result of
    2. As a result
  4. The company invested in new technology, and _______, their productivity increased significantly.
    1. As a result of
    2. As a result
  5. _______ the economic downturn, many businesses had to lay off employees.
    1. As a result of
    2. As a result
  6. He neglected his health, and _______, he suffered from a serious illness.
    1. As a result of
    2. As a result

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentence using the words in the right column:

1. Because of his dedication, he succeeded in his career.

As a result

2. The team worked late into the night; hence, they completed the project on time.

As a result

3. She trained rigorously, which led to her winning the championship.

As a result

4. Because of his dedication, he succeeded in his career.

As a result

5. The heavy snowfall resulted in the closure of schools.

As a result

6. The company introduced eco-friendly practices, which reduced its carbon footprint.

As a result

2. Answer

Exercise 1:

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B

Exercise 2:

  1. As a result of his dedication, he succeeded in his career.
  2. The team worked late into the night; as a result, they completed the project on time.
  3. He won the championship as a result of her rigorous training
  4. As a result of his lack of preparation, he failed the exam.
  5. The school was closed as a result of the heavy snowfall.
  6. The company introduced eco-friendly practices, as a result, its carbon footprint was reduced.

VII. Master IELTS Skills for a High Band Score

PREP hopes this article has helped Preppies understand clearly the meanings, structures, usage of As a result in English, as well as differentiate between As a result and As a result of. If you’re ready to learn from the best, PREP’s expert tips and insider advice will help you excel in every section of the IELTS exam 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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