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Differences between two words Hard work and Hard-working in English

Both Hard work and Hard-working mean "working diligently". However, their their parts of speeches and positions in a sentence are completely different. In this article, PREP will help you understand the definitions, synonyms, and differences between Hard work and Hard-working. Take a look below!

Hard work and Hard-working
Hard work and Hard-working in English

I. What is Hard work?

In English, Hard is pronounced /hɑːrd/ and functions as an adjective and adverb, meaning: difficult to understand, do, experience, or deal with; needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort. Work is pronounced /wɜːrk/ and functions as a noun and verb, meaning: an activity, such as a job, that a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for money; to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money.

When combined, we have the noun phrase Hard work, which means: a great deal of effort or endurance. For example:

  • It's hard work shoveling snow. 
  • Anna’s success in the project is a testament to her dedication and hard work
What is Hard work?
What is Hard work?

Synonyms for Hard work:

Synonyms for Hard work





great enthusiasm or eagerness

Maria tackled her new project with great zeal



the quality of working carefully and with a lot of effort

Alex's diligence in studying for the exam paid off. 



the fact of working hard

Peter’s industriousness and commitment to his work earned him a promotion. 



great care and attention to detail

They researched the subject with great assiduity



the quality of showing great care and attention to detail

The success of the project was a result of the team's assiduousness

II. What is Hard-working?

What is Hard-working? According to the Cambridge and Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Hard-working (or commonly written as Hardworking) is pronounced /ˌhɑːrdˈwɜːr.kɪŋ/. Hard-working functions as an adjective, meaning: always doing a lot of work; always putting a lot of effort and care into work. For example:

  • Harry was always very hard-working at school.
  • We want to thank our hard-working volunteers.
What is Hard-working?
What is Hard-working?

Some words and phrases associated with Hard-working:

Words and phrases associated with Hard-working


Hard-working people/ families/ citizens/…

I really want to become a hard-working citizen. 

Synonyms for Hard-working:

Synonyms for Hard-working




The industrious employee consistently went above and beyond.



Despite facing challenges, Maria’s unflagging determination to achieve her goals never wavered. 



Alex’s unfaltering commitment to the cause inspired others. 



Even in the face of criticism, Anna remained unswerving in her dedication. 



The team's unremitting efforts to improve product quality led to a significant increase in sales. 



Robert’s indefatigable spirit made him a valuable asset in the company. 



With a determined mindset, Allay overcame obstacles. 



The constant pursuit of excellence is the driving force behind the organization's long-term success. 



In the face of adversity, Jennie’s resolute commitment to her goals inspired those around her.



The unceasing support of the community played a crucial role in the recovery efforts after the earthquake. 

III. Differences between Hard work and Hard-working

Differences between Hard work and Hard-working
Differences between Hard work and Hard-working

Hard work and Hard-working can be translated to mean "effort and diligent work". However, their word types and positions in a sentence are completely different. Let's explore them with PREP below!


Hard work


Part of speech

Noun phrase



Refers to difficult or strenuous work, and can also imply diligence and commitment in performing tasks.

Describes a person or characteristic of being dedicated, diligent, and making a consistent effort in work or tasks.


Success in any field requires dedication and hard work

Malisa is a hard-working (= hardworking) student. 

IV. Exercise to distinguish Hard work and Hard-working

To differentiate between Hard work and Hard-working, let’s complete the exercise provided by PREP below!

Exercise: Choose the correct answer: Hard work or Hard-working

  1. Linda has always been known for her __________.
    1. Hard work
    2. Hard-working
  2. Success in this field requires a combination of talent and __________.
    1. Hard work
    2. Hard-working
  3. Rocker is a consistently __________ student who never gives up.
    1. Hard work
    2. Hard-working
  4. The project's completion was a result of the team's __________ and dedication.
    1. Hard work
    2. Hard-working
  5. Maison put a lot of __________ into preparing for the exam.
    1. Hard work
    2. Hard-working
  6. Working in the mechanic factory requires a lot of _______.
    1. Hard work
    2. Hard-working
  7. I can’t understand why Jackson doesn't like _______.
    1. Hard work
    2. Hard-working
  8. Businessmen need to be _______.
    1. Hard work
    2. Hard-working
  9. The more you want to win the market, the more _______ you have to do.
    1. Hard work
    2. Hard-working
  10. Those who are not _______ are easily fired by the boss.
    1. Hard work
    2. Hard-working


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B

V. Crack the IELTS Exam With Confidence

PREP hopes that through this article, you have grasped the definitions, usage, and differences between Hard work and Hard-working. If you’re looking for a clear path to your dream IELTS band score, PREP’s step-by-step approach is designed for you 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
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