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What is Get rid of? The usage of Get rid of in English

The phrase Get rid of is commonly used in both conversation and English exams. So what is Get rid of? How can you use this phrase most accurately? Check out the article below to deeply understand and remember the usage of Get rid of, Preppies!

The usage of Get rid of in English
The usage of Get rid of in English

I. What is Get rid of?

The Get rid of meaning is: to find a way to make someone leave because you do not want the person to be with you any longer or to remove something that you do not want any longer, depending on the context of the sentence. This is a commonly used phrase in conversation, and is not too formal. For example:

  • He can’t wait to get rid of that ugly old couch. 

  • Linda went on talking and talking. Peter finally got rid of her by saying he had to make dinner. 

What is Get rid of?
What is Get rid of?

II. How to use Get rid of

The phrase Get rid of has various nuances and meanings, so you need to be careful to use it in the right context and with the right tone to avoid misunderstandings. Here are the structures of Get rid of and their different variations:

Structures of Get rid of



Be rid of somebody/something

In a formal way

We didn’t enjoy marking those papers, and we were glad to be rid of this task. 

Get rid of somebody/something

In a normal way

I finally got rid of my little sister by telling her scary stories. 

Want rid of somebody/ something

In a informal way

He said he wanted rid of me. 

How to use Get rid of
How to use Get rid of

In addition, to better distinguish each structure, you can understand them according to the following specific semantic forms:

Structures of Get rid of


Be rid of something/ somebody

to have taken action so that something or someone is no longer there to worry or annoy you.

Get rid of something/ somebody

to throw away or destroy something you do not want anymore; to take action so that you no longer have something unpleasant that you do not want; to make someone leave because you do not like them or because they are causing problems.

Want rid of something/ somebody

to want to no longer have or be affected or bothered by (something or someone unwanted).


In the above Get rid of structures, the word "RID" is used as an adjective, however, we can also use "Rid" as a regular verb.

"Rid" means: to free a person or place of something unwanted or harmful. Please note that when using "Rid" as a verb, it requires an object to complete the meaning. For example:

  • I can’t rid myself of the fear of running out of money. 

  • I tried to rid myself of my annoying guests, but I couldn’t. 

III. Words/phrases that go with Get rid of

Let's review the words/phrases that can go with Get rid of below:

1. Get rid of synonyms

Some words/phrases that have a similar meaning to Get rid of include:






to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer want or need it

She makes clothes from things people have discarded



to remove or take away someone or something

They eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident.



to get rid of something unwanted, especially by leaving it in a place where it is not allowed to be

Several old cars had been dumped near the beach. 

Wipe out

/waɪp aʊt/

to destroy something completely or cause something to be completely lost

Whole villages were wiped out in the fighting. 



to get rid of something that is no longer useful or wanted, often using its parts in new ways

I scrapped our plans for a trip to France. 

Sell out

/sɛl aʊt/

to get rid of all of an item in exchange for money

I sold out the T-shirts in the first couple of hours. 



to throw something carelessly; to end a romantic relationship with someone

I just chucked my girlfriend. 

Do away with 

/du əˈweɪ wɪθ/

to get rid of something or stop using something

These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with months ago. 



to refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone

The appeal was rejected by the court. 



to take the place of something, or to put something or someone in the place of something or someone else

The factory replaced most of its workers with robots. 



to take something or someone away from somewhere, or off something

The girl came to remove the rubbish from the backyard. 

Dispose of

/dɪˈspoʊz əv/

to get rid of someone or something or deal with something so that the matter is finished

He never uses that bike anymore, but he's very reluctant to dispose of it.



to prevent someone or something from entering a place or taking part in an activity

Women are still excluded from the bar. 

Throw away/out

/θroʊ əˈweɪ/aʊt/

to get rid of something by treating it as garbage

So when are you going to throw away those old toys? 

Send away

/sɛnd əˈweɪ/

to dispatch or banish

He sent his application form away



to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country

My sister was expelled from school for bad behavior. 



to fail to include or do something

He was omitted from the list of contributors to the report. 

Get rid of synonyms
Get rid of synonyms

2. Fixed phrases with Get rid of

Fixed phrases


Get rid of everything

Get rid of everything you possibly can before setting out, and don’t be afraid to donate things or send them home along the way. 

Get rid of ... yourself

There are a number of ways to get rid of them yourself, or better yet, to prevent them. 

Get rid of backwardness

Some people need to get rid of backwardness to better themselves. 

IV. Exercises with Get rid of

After having a general understanding of Get rid of, let's practice some exercises to solidify your knowledge:

1. Exercise

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer

  1. She wants to get rid of ______, because they’re not good for her health.

    1. canned foods

    2. juice

    3. vegetables

    4. fruits

  2. I can not __________ financial problems.

    1. rid of myself having

    2. rid myself of having

    3. get rid of myself have

    4. get rid myself of have

  3. She is a mean person, I will __________ her.

    1. get comfortably rid of

    2. get comfortable rid of

    3. comfortable rid of

    4. comfortably rid of

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentence using the phrase Get rid of

  1. I hate my belly fat. I have been going to the gym every day.

➡ …………………………………………………..

  1. My stomach is aching badly. I need to get the pills.

➡ …………………………………………………..

  1. Smoking kills you. You must quit this bad habit.

➡ …………………………………………………..

  1. He is the weakest one in our team. If we want to win, he shouldn’t be here anymore.

➡ …………………………………………………..

2. Answer

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

  1. A

  2. B

  3. A

  1. I have been going to the gym every day to get rid of my belly fat.

  2. I need to get the pills to get rid of my stomach ache.

  3. You must get rid of smoking (because it’s a bad habit).

  4. He is the weakest one in our team. If we want to win, he should be got rid of.

The article above has provided you with detailed information about the meaning, usage with examples of Get rid of. In addition, if you know any other interesting information about Get rid of or synonymous terms, don't hesitate to share them in the comments below!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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