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What is Fun? What is Funny? Differences between Fun and Funny in English

Fun and Funny are often confused in terms of meaning and usage. In today's article, PREP will explain all the relevant knowledge about Fun and Funny. Let's refer to it to accurately distinguish between these two words!

Fun and Funny in English
Fun and Funny in English

I. What is Fun?

Before distinguishing Fun and Funny, let's understand the definition, words/phrases commonly used with Fun, and the list of synonyms for Fun with PREP!

1. Definition

What is fun? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Fun is pronounced /fʌn/ and functions as both a noun and an adjective. Let's explore its meanings through the examples below!

  • Fun acts as a noun, meaning: pleasure, enjoyment, or entertainment. For example: Invite friends to the party, and have fun
  • Fun acts as an adjective, meaning: giving pleasure, especially because of being not at all serious. For example: Did you have a fun evening? 
What is Fun?
What is Fun?

2. Words/phrases/structures commonly used with Fun

Let's explore a list of common words, phrases, and structures used with Fun with PREP!

Words/phrases commonly used with Fun


Have fun!

Before leaving for the trip, Lona said, "Have fun!" to her friends.

Good fun

Playing board games with friends is always good fun on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Great fun

The carnival was great fun, with exciting rides and entertaining performances. 

A lot of fun

The school picnic was a lot of fun, with students playing games and enjoying delicious food. 

Full of fun

The children's party was full of fun, with laughter and games filling the air. 

Take the fun out of

Constant criticism can take the fun out of a creative process. 

No fun/not much fun

The long wait at the airport turned out to be no fun at all. 


Sandra is a fun-loving person who enjoys socializing and trying new activities. 

What fun

What fun it was to explore the hidden gems of the jungle!

A bit of fun

Playing pranks on April Fools' Day is just a bit of fun as long as it's harmless. 

In fun

Alex teased his friend about losing the game, but it was all in fun

Have fun and games (idiom)

We had real fun and games trying to bathe the dog. 

Not be all fun and games (idiom)

It's not all fun and games being a tour guide. 

Make fun of someone/something

It's not polite to make fun of someone's appearance. 

3. Synonyms of Fun

Let's list the synonyms that can be used interchangeably with Fun with PREP!

Synonyms of Fun


Enjoyment /ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt/


The family gathered for a picnic, sharing food, laughter, and mutual enjoyment

Gaiety /ˈɡeɪ.ɪ.ti/ (noun)

The festival was filled with gaiety, as people danced, sang, and celebrated together. 

Pleasure /ˈplɛʒər/ (noun)

Strolling along the beach at sunset brought immense pleasure to the couple on their honeymoon.

Amusement /əˈmjuːzmənt/


The comedy show provided endless amusement, with the audience laughing throughout the performance. 

Merriment /ˈmɛr.ɪ.mənt/


The holiday season is a time for merriment, with friends and family coming together to celebrate. 

Joking /ˈdʒoʊ.kɪŋ/ (noun)

His joking nature lightened the atmosphere, making it more enjoyable for everyone at the party. 

Entertainment /ˌɛntərˈteɪnmənt/ (noun)

The variety show offered a diverse range of entertainment, from music performances to stand-up comedy. 

Recreation /ˌrɛkrɪˈeɪʃən/


Taking a hike in the mountains served as recreation to enjoy natural beauty. 

Relaxation /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃən/ (noun)

After a long week of work, a hot bath and a good book provided a much-needed dose of relaxation

Playfulness /ˈpleɪ.fəlnəs/


Children engaged in playfulness, running around and enjoying their time at the playground. 

II. What is Funny?

To understand the differences between Fun and Funny, let's explore the definition, words/phrases commonly used with Funny, and the list of synonyms for Funny with PREP!

1. Definition

What is funny? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Funny is pronounced /ˈfʌn.i/ and functions as an adjective, meaning: humorous; causing laughter. For example:

  • Do you know any funny jokes? 
  • It's a really funny film. 
What is Funny?
What is Funny?

2. Words/phrases commonly used with Funny

Let's explore a list of common words and phrases used with Funny with PREP!

Words/phrases commonly used with Funny


Funny side to it 

Despite the challenging situation, there was a funny side to it that brought laughter to everyone. 

Funny with + noun

Robert is always funny with his jokes, making people laugh at every gathering. 

That's funny

Andrea recounted a story, and then everyone burst into laughter, "Well, that's funny!" 

Funny thing

The funny thing about the situation was that no one could figure out who had started the water balloon fight. 

Feel funny

felt funny when I realized everyone was watching me.

It's funny how

It's funny how life can surprise you when you least expect it.

Go funny 

The computer started to go funny after the software update. 

Funny ha-ha or funny peculiar? (idiom)

"Anna is a very funny woman." "Funny ha-ha or funny peculiar?

Funny ha-ha or funny strange/weird? (idiom)

It's a funny old world (idiom)

My friend gives me money. It's a funny old world

3. Synonyms of Funny

Let's list the synonyms that can be used interchangeably with Funny with PREP!

Synonyms of Funny


Amusing /əˈmjuːzɪŋ/


The comedian's anecdotes were amusing, keeping the audience engaged and chuckling. 

Humorous /ˈhjuːmərəs/


The book was filled with humorous anecdotes that make reading it a delightful experience.

Hilarious /hɪˈleəriəs/


The stand-up comedian delivered a hilarious performance that had the entire audience in stitches.

Hysterical /hɪˈsterɪkəl/


The sitcom was so hysterical that even after it ended, the audience couldn't stop laughing. 

Riotous /ˈraɪetas/


The comedy show turned out to be riotous, with the audience laughing uproariously at every joke. 

Uproarious /ˌʌpˈrɔːriəs/


The unexpected twist in the plot led to an uproarious reaction from the audience. 


/ˈwɪti/ (adjective)

Her witty remarks and clever wordplay added a touch of humor to the conversation. 

Ridiculous /rɪˈdɪkjʊləs/


The situation was so ridiculous that even the characters in the movie couldn't believe what was happening. 

Ludicrous /ˈluːdɪkrəs/


Smith looked ludicrous in that suit! 

III. Differences between Fun and Funny

Above, we have learned an overview of Funny and Fun. So how can we distinguish Fun and Funny accurately? Let's follow the table below with PREP!

Differences between Fun and Funny
Differences between Fun and Funny

Differences between Fun and Funny



Part of speech

Nouns and adjectives.






Noun: pleasure, enjoyment, or entertainment

Humorous; causing laughter

Adjective: giving pleasure, especially because of being not at all serious


Everybody had a lot of fun at the party. 

No matter how disastrous the situation, there always seems to be a funny side to it. 

There are lots of fun things to do here. 

IV. Exercises to distinguish Fun and Funny with answers

To have a clear understanding of the correct usage and differences between Fun and Funny, quickly complete the exercises below with PREP!

1. Exercises

Fill in Fun or Funny in the appropriate blanks.

  1. The amusement park is always a source of _______ for families with its roller coasters and games.
  2. The comedian's jokes were so _______ that the audience couldn't stop laughing throughout the show.
  3. Playing board games with friends can be a lot of _______ on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
  4. His _______ facial expressions and witty remarks added humor to the otherwise serious meeting.
  5. The beach vacation was filled with _______ activities like swimming, surfing, and building sandcastles.
  6. The school talent show promised an evening of _______, laughter, and entertaining performances.
  7. The comedian's _______ anecdotes about everyday life resonated with the audience.
  8. Hiking in the mountains turned out to be a _______ adventure, with breathtaking views along the trail.
  9. The unexpected twist in the plot of the comedy movie had the audience in fits of _______ laughter.
  10. Cooking together with friends can be a _______ way to bond and create delicious meals.

2. Answer

  1. Fun
  2. Funny 
  3. Fun
  4. Funny
  5. Fun
  6. Fun
  7. Funny
  8. Fun
  9. Funny
  10. Fun

PREP hopes that through this article, you have grasped the definition, usage, and differences between Fun and Funny. Let’s follow PREP for more quality English knowledge updates!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Mr. Tú Phạm is the founder of PREP, a Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of teaching and test preparation experience, he has assisted thousands of students in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam. Additionally, Mr. Tú Phạm serves as a consultant for British Council programs and as a speaker at numerous premier education events, programs, and seminars.
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