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Download the Essential Grammar In Use series in an attractive and free PDF version!

While many rich grammar resources are available, it can be challenging to find a book that contains understandable content and beginner-friendly access. In this article, PREP will introduce Essential Grammar In Use, which you can download immediately along with learning guidance at the end of the article!

Download the Essential Grammar In Use series in an attractive and free PDF version!
Download the Essential Grammar In Use series in an attractive and free PDF version!

I. Introduction to Essential Grammar In Use 

1. General information

"Essential Grammar In Use" was written by Raymond Murphy and published by Cambridge University Press, so you can be confident in its content and quality! This book is highly suitable for those who are new to English grammar.

  • Name: Essential Grammar In Use
  • Publishing company: Cambridge University Press
  • Author: Raymond Murphy
  • Content: The book comprises 115 lessons corresponding to 115 grammar topics. It provides a detailed analysis of each sentence type, word, and phrase used within basic structures.

2. Targeted learner of Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar In Use

Essential Grammar in Use is an English grammar book for non-native speakers. It helps improve grammar proficiency and reading comprehension at A2 or B1 levels.

The target users are those at elementary levels who have a foundational understanding of the English language, or intermediate levels whose basic grammar skills are still weak. Learners whose English education was disrupted may vaguely remember grammar concepts but lack an understanding of detailed usage.

II. The content of Essential Grammar In Use

1. Structure

The Essential Grammar In Use book contains 115 lessons corresponding to 115 grammar topics. It provides a detailed analysis of each type of sentence structure, word, and phrase used with basic structures. Each lesson is further divided and analyzed more specifically with basic tenses, articles, nouns, adjectives, verb phrase applications, different forms of verbs, etc. This helps you acquire a full and fundamental set of knowledge to advance further.

Grammar concepts such as the Present or Future Tenses will be divided into multiple lessons, helping learners understand those grammatical topics most thoroughly

For example, the Present Tense is divided into 9 units. Learners will study grammar points like the present continuous or present simple in these 9 units.

The content of Essential Grammar In Use
The content of Essential Grammar In Use

At the end of the Essential Grammar In Use book are 7 appendices designed to help learners understand grammar concepts more deeply or expand their knowledge of important grammatical phenomena. In addition, it is recommended to engage in additional practice through the exercises after the appendices. The answer key for all exercises in the Essential Grammar In Use book is also at the end for learners to refer to when needed.

The content of Essential Grammar In Use
The content of Essential Grammar In Use

2. Specific topics

Specific topics
Specific topics




9 lessons on present tenses primarily focusing on the usage of verbs


5 lessons on past tenses centered around the usage of verbs.

Present perfect

6 lessons on present perfect tense


2 lessons on the passive voice of the verb "tobe" in sentences

Verb forms

2 lessons on various forms of words in the present and past related to frequency


4 lessons on future tenses with the use of auxiliary verbs

Modal, imperative

8 lessons on modal verbs.

There and it

3 lessons on the forms of "there" in sentences

Auxiliary verbs

4 lessons exclusively on auxiliary verbs


6 lessons on various question forms in English such as wh-questions, do-questions.

Reported Speech

1 lesson on reported speech structures.

Ing and to

4 lessons on verbs with the -ing suffix and verbs used with "to."

Go, get, do, make and have

4 lessons on the verbs "go, get, do, make, and have."

Pronouns and possessives

6 lessons on various verb forms, auxiliary verbs, possessive forms.

A, an, the

9 lessons on articles "a, an, the."

Determiners and pronouns

11 lessons on definite and indefinite forms of words.

Adjectives and adverbs

8 lessons on adjectives and adverbs.

Word order

4 lessons on word order arrangements.

Conjunctions and clauses

6 lessons on linking words and clauses in sentences.

III. The pros & cons of the Essential Grammar In Use books

1. Pros

  • Breaking down knowledge into small segments: In the Essential Grammar In Use book, grammar is broken down into very small sections. This approach ensures that learners absorb a minimal amount of content in each lesson, maintaining a high standard of knowledge. For instance, even the basic concepts of simple present and present continuous tenses are divided into 8 lessons, helping beginner English learners feel less discouraged during the grammar practice process.
  • From simplicity to complexity: The grammar lessons are arranged from easy to difficult level. In instances where complex concepts are explained using words, there are also accompanying diagrams and detailed illustrative images to enhance learners' understanding.
  • Diverse and engaging content: The lessons in the Essential Grammar In Use book boast a wide range of content. This is one of the methods to help learners reduce boredom when revising. All exercises are extremely basic and have additional answer sections, allowing learners to check their work immediately after completion. This format is particularly well-suited for beginners. As learners progress through the lessons, additional exercises are introduced to facilitate the revision and retention of knowledge from previous sections.
The pros & cons of the Essential Grammar In Use series
The pros & cons of the Essential Grammar In Use series

2. Cons

The Essential Grammar In Use book does not categorize grammar topics based on tenses, sentence elements, or sentence types. Therefore, learners will start with the simple present and present continuous tenses within 15 lessons before proceeding with the present perfect tense. This approach can occasionally pose a challenge for learners seeking a more systematic organization of their knowledge.

IV. How to use Essential Grammar In Use Effectively

With a grammar book like Essential Grammar In Use, you must study lesson by lesson in sequence. Each lesson will include 1 page of theory and 1 page of exercises. The theory page is always on the left side while the exercise page is always on the right side of the book. Please refer to PREP's effective steps for studying the Essential Grammar In Use book below:

How to use Essential Grammar In Use Effectively
How to use Essential Grammar In Use Effectively


Guidelines on Essential Grammar In Use


You should look at the title to know what your lesson is about and which knowledge areas it relates to. For example, if the title is am/is/are (Question), it means you will learn how to use Am/Is/Are in questions.


Next, read the theory section to grasp the basic knowledge. Note that at this point you only need to understand, without having to memorize yet. Then you should do the exercises in your notebook first and you can review the theory if you forget while doing the exercises.


Before learning a new lesson, flip back to the exercise section of the previous lesson, and this time do it directly without reviewing the theory again.

Pay attention to the small print at the end of each page as well, as it will list all the related lessons to the knowledge area being studied.


After finishing each lesson in Essential Grammar In Use, you should summarize the key grammar points learned and make your notebook to summarize grammar for yourself.

That notebook should include notes on related lessons in the book so you can self-study and review in your way, and also help remember the knowledge better. In addition, you should practice taking grammar notes scientifically, as well as optimizing the layout when writing down grammar for the most effective learning!

V. Download Essential Grammar In Use (PDF + Audio) for free

To help you study effectively on your own, PREP has collected download links for the PDF version of the Essential Grammar In Use book with free Audio as well. Click on the link below to download and start reviewing:

Download Essential Grammar In Use (PDF + Audio)

This article provides a detailed review of the Essential Grammar In Use book, along with quality download links for your reference. Hopefully, this will be a wonderful resource for your studies!

Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Mr. Tú Phạm is the founder of PREP, a Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of teaching and test preparation experience, he has assisted thousands of students in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam. Additionally, Mr. Tú Phạm serves as a consultant for British Council programs and as a speaker at numerous premier education events, programs, and seminars.
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