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Check out 95 English words starting with L
Leadership, Longevity, Loyal, ect. are some of the English words starting with L related to the topic of work Relationships. Do you know any other English words starting with L related to different topics? If not, refer to the article below by PREP!

- I. English words starting with L by 10 topics
- 1. English words starting with L about work relationships
- 2. English words starting with L about clothes and fashion
- 3. English words starting with L about personality
- 4. English words starting with L about weather
- 5. English words starting with L about culture
- 6. English words starting with L about appearance
- 7. English words starting with L about environmental pollution
- 8. English words starting with L about animals
- 9. English words starting with L about birds
- 10. English words starting with L about marine life
- II. Exercises to review English words starting with L
- III. Crack the IELTS Exam With Confidence
I. English words starting with L by 10 topics
Let's explore the meanings and illustrative examples of English words starting with L across 10 different topics with PREP!
1. English words starting with L about work relationships

No. |
English words starting with L |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Leadership /ˈliːdərˌʃɪp/ (Noun)
the set of characteristics that make a good leader |
Jack lacks leadership qualities. |
2 |
Loyal /ˈlɔɪəl/ (Adjective) |
firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles |
John has been a loyal worker in this company for almost 50 years. |
3 |
Listen /ˈlɪsən/ (Verb) |
to give attention to someone or something in order to hear him, her, or it |
Listen, we really need to submit our report this weekend. |
4 |
Learning /ˈlɜrnɪŋ/ (Noun) |
the activity of obtaining knowledge |
For me, it was a great learning experience. |
5 |
Lend support /ˈlɛnd səˈpɔrt/ (Verb) |
to support or help someone |
In times of need, colleagues are always willing to lend support to one another. |
6 |
Laughter /ˈlæfter/ (Noun) |
the act or sound of laughing |
As we approached the hall we could hear the sound of laughter. |
7 |
Lend a hand /ˈlɛnd ə hænd/ (Verb) |
assist in an action or enterprise |
Always happy to lend a hand. |
8 |
Longevity /lɒŋˈdʒɛvɪti/ (Noun) |
living for a long time |
Alex contributed his longevity to ABC company. |
9 |
Leverage strengths /ˈlɛvərɪʤ strɛŋθs/ (Verb) |
to use something that you already have in order to achieve something new or better |
Effective teams know the importance of leveraging each member's strengths to achieve success. |
2. English words starting with L about clothes and fashion

No. |
English words starting with L |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Leggings /ˈlɛɡɪŋz/ (noun) |
very tight trousers made from a material that stretches easily, sometimes worn under other clothes |
Maria wore black leggings and a T - Shirt at home. |
2 |
Leather jacket /ˈlɛðər ˈdʒækɪt/ (noun) |
A jacket made by leather |
Jack strutted into the party wearing a stylish leather jacket and ripped jeans. |
3 |
Loafers /ˈloʊfarz/ (noun) |
a type of leather shoe without a fastening, that a person's foot slides into |
Anna loves loafers. |
4 |
Lanyard /ˈlænjard/ (noun) |
a long piece of cord (= thick string), etc. worn around the neck, on which a security pass, ID card, key, etc. is hung |
Robert clipped his ID badge to his lanyard before starting his shift at the hospital. |
5 |
Lab coat /ˈlæb koʊt/ (noun) |
A coat used in the laboratory |
The scientist donned a crisp white lab coat before conducting experiments in the lab. |
6 |
Leotard /ˈliəˌtɑrd/ (noun) |
a tight piece of clothing that covers the body but not the legs, usually worn by female dancers or women doing physical exercise |
The dancer wore a sparkly leotard for her performance on stage. |
7 |
Lace dress /ˈleɪs drɛs/ (noun) |
a very delicate cloth which is made with a lot of holes in it |
Jennie looked elegant in a lace dress, accessorized with pearls and heels. |
8 |
Linen shirt /ˈlɪnən ʃɜrt/ (noun) |
shirts are made using natural linen fibers from the stalk of a flax plant |
Richard opted for a casual look, pairing a linen shirt with khaki shorts. |
9 |
Long-sleeve shirt /long-sliːv ʃɜrt/ (Noun phrase) |
shirts with their sleeves extended to cover the entire arm up to the wrist |
Jackson layered a long-sleeve shirt under his sweater. |
3. English words starting with L about personality

No. |
English vocabulary starting with the letter L |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Loving /ˈlʌvɪŋ/ (Adjective) |
showing a lot of love towards someone |
Lisa has a loving nature, always expressing affection and care towards those around her. |
2 |
Logical /ˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ (Adjective) |
reasonable and based on good judgment |
Jack’s logical approach to problem-solving ensures that decisions are based on rationality and evidence. |
3 |
Lively /ˈlaɪvli/ (Adjective) |
full of energy and enthusiasm; interesting and exciting |
Maria always brings a lively energy she goes wherever. |
4 |
Lazy /ˈleɪzi/ (Adjective) |
not willing to work or use any effort |
John tends to be lazy, often procrastinating on tasks. |
5 |
Loud /laʊd/ (Adjective) |
making a lot of noise |
Jackson’s loud voice and boisterous laughter can be heard from across the room. |
6 |
Light-hearted /ˈlaɪtˌhɑːrtɪd/ (Adjective) |
happy and not serious |
Even in challenging situations, Richard maintains a light-hearted attitude. |
7 |
Laid-back /ˈleɪdˌbæk/ (Adjective) |
relaxed in manner and character; not usually worried about other people's behaviour or things that need to be done |
Peter has a laid-back personality, preferring to take things easy and go with the flow. |
8 |
Loner /ˈloʊnər/ (Noun) |
a person who likes to do things on their own without other people |
Smith was always a loner at school. |
4. English words starting with L about weather

No. |
English words starting with L |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Lightning /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/ (Noun) |
a flash of bright light in the sky that is produced by electricity moving between clouds or from clouds to the ground |
The sky lit up with brilliant flashes of lightning during the thunderstorm. |
2 |
Landfall /ˈlændfɔl/ (Noun) |
the first land that is reached or seen at the end of a journey across the sea or through the air, or the fact of arriving there |
Residents prepared for the impending landfall of the hurricane by boarding up windows and securing loose objects. |
3 |
Low-pressure area /loʊ ˈprɛʃər/ (Noun) |
places where the atmosphere is relatively thin. |
Low-pressure areas often bring unstable weather conditions and increased chances of precipitation. |
4 |
Landslide /ˈlændslaɪd/ (Noun) |
a mass of rock and earth moving suddenly and quickly down a steep slope |
Heavy rainfall triggered a landslide, blocking off the main road through the mountain pass. |
5 |
Lagoon /ləˈɡuːn/ (Noun) |
an area of sea water separated from the sea by a reef (= a line of rocks and sand) |
The tranquil lagoon provided a haven for a diverse array of aquatic life. |
6 |
Levee /ˈlɛvi/ (Noun) |
a wall made of soil or other materials that is built next to a river to stop the river from overflowing (= coming out of a place because it is too full) |
Communities built levees along riverbanks to protect against flooding during periods of high water. |
7 |
Lunar eclipse /ˈluːnər ɪˈklɪps/ (Noun) |
an astronomical event that occurs when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow, causing the Moon to be darkened |
The lunar eclipse cast an eerie glow over the night sky, captivating onlookers. |
8 |
Lush /lʌʃ/ (Adjective) |
(of plants, or an area of land with plants) growing close together and in large numbers |
The lush vegetation in the rainforest teemed with vibrant colors and diverse wildlife. |
5. English words starting with L about culture

No. |
English words starting with L |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Language /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/ (Noun) |
a system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar |
Language is not just a means of communication but also a reflection of a society's values and beliefs. |
2 |
Literature /ˈlɪtəratʃər/ (Noun) |
written artistic works, especially those with a high and lasting artistic value: |
Literature provides a window into the cultural heritage of a civilization. |
3 |
Legacy /ˈlɛɡesi/ (Noun) |
money or property that you receive from someone after they die |
The legacy of our ancestors shapes our present and influences our future. |
4 |
Lore /lɔːr/ (Noun) |
traditional knowledge and stories about a subject |
Lore and mythology are integral parts of many cultures, passed down through generations. |
5 |
Lifestyle /ˈlaɪfstɑɪl/ (Noun) |
someone's way of living; the things that a person or particular group of people usually do |
Our lifestyle choices often reflect our cultural educations and norm norms. |
6 |
Lyrical /ˈlɪrɪkəl/ (Adjective) |
expressing personal thoughts and feelings in a beautiful way |
The lyrical beauty of poetry captures the essence of human emotions and experiences. |
7 |
Leisure /ˈliːʒər/ (Noun) |
the time when you are not working or doing other duties |
Leisure activities offer opportunities for relaxation and socialization within a community. |
8 |
Legends /ˈlɛdʒəndz/ (Noun) |
a very old story or set of stories from ancient times, or the stories, not always true, that people tell about a famous event or person |
Legends and folktales enrich our understanding of the collective imagination of a society. |
9 |
Lineage /ˈlɪn.i.ɪdʒ/ (Noun) |
the members of a person's family who are directly related to that person and who lived a long time before him or her |
Lineage plays a significant role in some cultures, dictating social status and family ties. |
10 |
Liveliness /ˈlaɪvlɪnəs/ (Noun) |
the quality of being interesting and exciting |
The liveliness of festivals and celebrations brings communities together. |
6. English words starting with L about appearance

No. |
English words starting with L |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Lips /lɪps/ (Noun) |
one of the two soft parts that form the upper and lower edges of the mouth |
Anna's lips were painted a vibrant shade of red, adding a touch of glamor to her look. |
2 |
Lashes /ˈlæʃɪz/ (Noun) |
an eyelash |
With a flick of her lashes, Jennie cast a flirtatious glance across the room. |
3 |
Legs /lɛɡz/ (Noun) |
one of the parts of the body of a human or animal that is used for standing or walking |
Lisa’s long legs carried her gracefully across the dance floor. |
4 |
Lanky /ˈlæŋki/ (Adjective) |
tall and thin and often moving awkwardly as a result |
Despite Jack’s lanky frame, he moved with surprising agility. |
5 |
Lean /liːn/ (Adjective) |
thin and healthy |
Xavia maintained a lean physique through regular exercise and a healthy diet. |
6 |
Long hair /lɔŋ hɛr/ (Noun phrase) |
a hairstyle where the head hair is allowed to grow to a considerable length |
Maria's long hair cascaded down her back in glossy waves. |
7 |
Large eyes /lɑrdʒ aɪz/ (Noun phrase) |
A big eye |
Large eyes sparkled with excitement as Jenny shared her story. |
8 |
Lithe /laɪð/ (Adjective) |
young, healthy, attractive, and able to move and bend smoothly |
The dancer's lithe movements captivated the audience. |
9 |
Limber /ˈlɪmbər/ (Adjective) |
(of a person) able to bend and move easily and smoothly |
Mona's limber body allowed her to contort into various yoga poses easily. |
10 |
Luminous skin /ˈluːmɪnəs skɪn/ (Noun phrase) |
A bright and white skin |
Jisoo was admired for her luminous skin. |
7. English words starting with L about environmental pollution

No. |
English words starting with L |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Land pollution /loin pəˈluːʃən/ (Noun) |
the deterioration of the earth's land surfaces at and below ground level |
Land pollution is a growing concern as urbanization expands. |
2 |
Litter /ˈlɪtər/ (Verb) |
to drop rubbish on the ground in a public place |
Littering contributing to unsightly landscapes and environmental degradation. |
3 |
Leaking chemicals /ˈliːkɪŋ ˈkɛmɪkəlz/ (Noun) |
the uncontrolled release of a hazardous chemical |
Leaking chemicals from industrial sites pose serious threats to water sources. |
4 |
Lead contamination /ˈlɛd kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃən/ (Noun) |
Is polluted by lead |
Lead contamination in soil can have severe health implications for humans and wildlife. |
5 |
Loss of biodiversity /lɒs ʌv baɪəʊˈdɪvəsɪti/ (Phrase) |
a decrease in biodiversity within a species, an ecosystem, a given geographic area, or Earth as a whole |
The continued loss of biodiversity is a severe environmental issue. |
6 |
Light pollution /laɪt pəˈluːʃən/ (Noun) |
the human-made alteration of outdoor light levels from those occurring naturally |
Light pollution disrupts natural ecosystems and affects nocturnal animals. |
7 |
Landfill overflow /ˈlændfɪl ˈoʊvərˌfloʊ/ (Noun) |
the situation where a landfill, which is a designated area for waste disposal, exceeds its capacity and waste starts spilling or escaping beyond the boundaries of the landfill |
Landfill overflow can contaminate nearby soil and waterways. |
8 |
Leakage of pollutants /ˈliːkɪdʒ ʌv ˈpɒl.jə.tənts/ (Noun) |
the unintentional release or seepage of harmful substances, such as chemicals, contaminants, or toxins, from their intended containment or storage systems |
Leakage of pollutants from factories can devastate aquatic habitats. |
9 |
Lagoon contamination /ləˈɡuːn kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃən/ (Noun) |
the pollution or degradation of a lagoon, which is a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by a barrier, such as a sandbar or a coral reef |
Lagoon contamination from agricultural runoff harms marine life. |
10 |
Lethal emissions /ˈliːθəl ɪˈmɪʃənz/ (Noun) |
the release of substances or gases that are highly toxic or harmful to human beings, animals, or the environment |
Lethal emissions from vehicles contribute to air pollution and respiratory diseases. |
8. English words starting with L about animals

No. |
English words starting with L |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Lion /ˈlaɪən/ (Noun) |
a large wild animal of the cat family with yellowish-brown fur that lives in Africa and southern Asia: |
The lion roared loudly, asserting dominance over the pride. |
2 |
Leopard /ˈlɛpərd/ (Noun) |
a large wild cat that has yellow fur with black spots on it and lives in Africa and southern Asia |
The leopard stealthily stalked its prey through the dense jungle. |
3 |
Llama /ˈlɑːmə/ (Noun) |
a large South American animal with a long neck and long hair, often kept for its meat, milk, or fur and to carry heavy loads |
The llama's thick wool provides excellent insulation in cold weather. |
4 |
Lynx /lɪŋks/ (Noun) |
a wild animal of the cat family that has brown hair, sometimes with dark spots on it, pointed ears, and a short tail |
The lynx prowled through the forest, its keen eyes searching for prey. |
5 |
Lizard /ˈlɪz.əd/ (Noun) |
a small reptile that has a long body, four short legs, a long tail, and thick skin |
The lizard sunbathed on the warm rock, soaking in the heat. |
6 |
Ladybug /ˈleɪdiˌbʌɡ/ (Noun) |
a small beetle that is round and typically red with black spots |
The ladybug gently landed on the petal of a flower, its red wings contrasting beautifully. |
7 |
Lemur /ˈliːmər/ (Noun) |
a small animal from Madagascar, similar to a monkey with thick fur and a long tail, that lives in trees and is active at night |
The lemur swings gracefully from branch to branch in the lush rainforest. |
8 |
Labradoodle /ˈlæbrəˌduːdəl/ (Noun) |
a type of dog that is a cross between (= a mixture of ) a Labrador and a poodle |
The labradoodle eagerly wagged its tail, excited for its daily walk. |
9 |
Locust /ˈloʊ.kəst/ (Noun) |
a large insect found in hot areas that flies in large groups and destroys plants and crops |
I see a swarm of locusts. |
9. English words starting with L about birds

No. |
English words starting with L |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Lark /lɑːrk/ (noun) |
a small, brown bird that is known for its beautiful singing |
The lark's melodious song filled the meadow with music at dawn. |
2 |
Lapwing /ˈlæp.wɪŋ/ (noun) |
a small dark bird with a white chest and raised feathers on its head |
A lapwing soared gracefully overhead, its distinctive call echoing in the distance. |
3 |
Lyrebird /ˈlaɪr.bɜːrd/ (noun) |
an Australian bird with long legs. The male has a tail that it can spread out into the shape of a lyre |
I had barely started walking before the lyrebird stopped me in my tracks. |
4 |
Little grebe /ˈlɪt.l̩ ɡriːb (noun) |
a small water bird with a pointed bill |
A little grebe dove beneath the water's surface in search of food. |
5 |
Long-tailed Tit /ˌlɔːŋˈteɪld tɪt/ (noun) |
a common bird found throughout Europe and the Palearctic |
A flock of long-tailed tits flitted from tree to tree, their tails trailing behind them. |
6 |
Limpkin /ˈlɪmp.kɪn/ (noun) |
a large wading bird related to rails and cranes |
The limpkin waded through the marsh, searching for snails to eat. |
7 |
Lorikeet /ˈlɒr.ɪ.kiːt/ (noun) |
a medium-sized parrot, with the length ranging from 25 to 30 cm (9.8 to 11.8 in) including the tail |
The lorikeet's vibrant plumage stood out against the lush green foliage. |
8 |
Laughing Dove /ˈlæf.ɪŋ dʌv/ (noun) |
a long-tailed, slim pigeon, typically 25 cm (9.8 in) in length |
The laughing dove cooed softly from its perch on a branch. |
9 |
Lesser Flamingo /ˈles.ər fleɪˈmɪŋ.ɡoʊ/ (noun) |
the smallest species of flamingo, though it is a tall and large bird by most standards |
A flock of lesser flamingos waded through the shallow waters. |
10 |
Loon /luːn/ (Noun) |
a large North American bird that eats fish |
The loon's haunting call echoed across the tranquil lake at dusk. |
10. English words starting with L about marine life

No. |
English words starting with L |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Lobster /ˈlɑːb.stər/ (noun) |
an animal that lives in the sea and has a long body covered with a hard shell, two large claws, and eight legs, or its flesh when used as food |
The lobster was served with melted butter and lemon wedges. |
2 |
Limpet /ˈlɪm.pɪt/ (noun) |
a small sea creature with a cone-shaped shell that attaches itself to rocks |
Barnacles covered the rocky shore where limpets clung tightly. |
3 |
Lingcod /ˈlɪŋˌkɑːd/ (noun) |
a large fish that is found in the Pacific Ocean near North America, or the meat of this fish |
The lingcod, a popular fish in coastal cuisine. |
4 |
Leatherjacket /ˈlɛð.ərˌdʒæk.ɪt/ (noun) |
is a species of jack in the family Carangidae |
The leatherjacket fish was known for its tough, leather-like skin. |
5 |
Littleneck Clam /ˈlɪt.l̩ˌnɛk klæm/ (noun) |
a type of young clam (= a sea creature with a shell in two parts, and a soft body that can be eaten) |
Fresh littleneck clams were steamed and served with garlic butter. |
6 |
Lionfish /ˈlaɪən.fɪʃ/ (noun) |
a genus of venomous marine fish, native to the Indo-Pacific |
The lionfish is a venomous predator in coral reef ecosystems. |
7 |
Langoustine /ˈlæŋ.ɡə.stiːn/ (noun) |
a sea animal with a shell and ten legs, like a large shrimp or small lobster, that can be eaten |
Langoustines are often enjoyed boiled or grilled with garlic butter. |
8 |
Lemon sole /ˈlɛm.ən soʊl/ (noun) |
a right-eyed flatfish with a small head and mouth and smooth, slimy skin |
A delicate lemon sole fillet was pan-fried until golden brown. |
9 |
Lady crab /ˈleɪ.di kræb/ (noun) |
a species of crab from eastern North America |
Anna carefully cracked open the shell of the lady crab to reveal the succulent meat inside. |
10 |
Longfin squid /ˈlɔŋˌfɪn skwɪd/ (noun) |
a species of squid of the family Loliginidae |
Longfin squid is commonly used in dishes. |
II. Exercises to review English words starting with L
To better remember the list of English words starting with L shared above by PREP, let's complete the following exercises together!
1. Exercises
Exercise 1: Match the vocabulary with the appropriate picture
Vocabulary |
Image |
Longfin squid |
Lady crab |
Lion |
Lemur |
Lobster |
Exercise 2: Make example sentences with each vocabulary word below
- Lightning
- Lifestyle
- Landfall
- Land pollution
- Littering
2. Answer
Exercise 1:
Vocabulary |
Image |
Longfin squid |
Lady crab |
Lion |
Lemur |
Lobster |
Exercise 2:
- Be careful not to be struck by lightning.
- Jack doesn't have a very healthy lifestyle.
- A landfall had blocked off the river centuries back.
- Land pollution is hazardous to all kinds of life.
- There are penalties for littering.
III. Crack the IELTS Exam With Confidence
PREP hopes that through this article, PREP has helped you compile a comprehensive list of English words starting with L across various topics. If you want to score big, PREP’s tactical preparation plan will lead you straight to success.
- IELTS learning online: Unlock Your IELTS Success Story.

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