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A simple and readable compilation of English words that start with D
Vocabulary plays an especially important role in the English learning process. Mastering a large vocabulary trove not only improves your communication skills but also enhances your ability in Listening - Speaking - Reading - Writing. In this article, PREP would like to introduce over 250 English words that start with D along with familiar topics and word classes. Please follow the article to enrich your knowledge with interesting insights!

I. A compilation of English words that start with D
Learning by topic is considered one of the most effective ways to enrich your English vocabulary. In the below parts, PREP has listed English words that start with D under 3 most popular topics: food & drinks, objects, and animals, and under word classes. This approach aims to help create a clear and structured study plan for better understanding.
1. Foods, drinks, and vegetables
First of all, let’s dive into English words that start with D of the most interesting theme, which is foods, drinks, and vegetables.

English words that start with D |
Word class |
Pronunciation |
Example |
Dragonfruit |
Noun |
/ˈdræɡənˌfruːt/ |
This dragonfruit is so juicy and sweet! |
Durian |
Noun |
/ˈdʊriən/ |
The smell of durian can be quite pungent, but the taste is amazing. |
Date |
Noun |
/deɪt/ |
I love eating dates as a snack. |
Daikon |
Noun |
/ˈdaɪˌkɒn/ |
Daikon is a type of radish commonly used in Japanese cuisine. |
Dandelion green |
Noun |
/ˈdændɪˌlaɪən ɡriːn/ |
Dandelion greens are rich in vitamins and minerals. |
Delicata squash |
Noun |
/ˌdɛlɪˈkɑːtə skwɒʃ/ |
Delicata squash has a creamy, sweet flesh and is perfect for roasting. |
Dill |
Noun |
/dɪl/ |
Dill is often used as a seasoning for fish and seafood dishes. |
Dumpling |
Noun |
/ˈdʌmplɪŋ/ |
I love to eat dumplings with soy sauce. |
Donut |
Noun |
/ˈdoʊnət/ |
I usually have a donut with my morning coffee. |
Duck |
Noun |
/dʌk/ |
Roast duck is a classic Chinese dish. |
Dip |
Noun |
/dɪp/ |
I like to eat chips with sour cream and onion dip. |
Daal |
Noun |
/dɑːl/ |
Daal is a popular Indian lentil dish. |
Danish |
Noun |
/ˈdeɪnɪʃ/ |
I always buy cheese danish from the bakery. |
Dim sum |
Noun |
/ˌdɪm ˈsʌm/ |
Dim sum is a style of Chinese cuisine where small plates of food are served. |
Devour |
Verb |
/dɪˈvaʊər/ |
The kids devoured the pizza in no time. |
Dine |
Verb |
/daɪn/ |
We often dine out on weekends. |
Drink |
Verb |
/drɪŋk/ |
She drank a glass of milk with her breakfast. |
Digest |
Verb |
/daɪˈdʒɛst/ |
It takes around 3 hours for the body to digest a meal. |
Dunk |
Verb |
/dʌŋk/ |
He likes to dunk his cookies in his coffee before eating them. |
Delicious |
Adjective |
/dɪˈlɪʃəs/ |
This pizza is delicious! |
Delectable |
Adjective |
/dɪˈlɛktəbl/ |
The delectable aroma of freshly baked bread filled the room. |
Digestible |
Adjective |
/daɪˈdʒɛstəbl/ |
These vegetables are highly digestible. |
Decadent |
Adjective |
/ˈdɛkədənt/ |
The chocolate cake was so decadent, it felt like a sin to eat it. |
Dietary |
Adjective |
/ˈdaɪəˌtɛri/ |
She follows a strict dietary regimen to maintain her health. |
2. Objects
Afterward, let's explore together the vocabulary associated with objects and tools beginning with the letter D, which we commonly use in our daily routines!
English words that start with D |
Word class |
Pronunciation |
Example |
Desktop computer |
Noun |
/ˈdɛsktɒp kəmˈpjuːtər/ |
I use my desktop computer for work and gaming. |
Drill |
Noun |
/drɪl/ |
I need to buy a drill to hang up some shelves. |
Door |
Noun |
/dɔːr/ |
Please close the door when you leave. |
Desk |
Noun |
/dɛsk/ |
I need a comfortable desk and chair for my home office. |
Diary |
Noun |
/ˈdaɪəri/ |
I like to have a diary to record my thoughts and experiences. |
Dish |
Noun |
/dɪʃ/ |
Please wash the dishes after dinner. |
Dumbbell |
Noun |
/ˈdʌmbɛl/ |
I use dumbbells to exercise my arms and shoulders. |
Dryer |
Noun |
/ˈdraɪər/ |
I always use a hair dryer to dry my hair after washing it. |
Dartboard |
Noun |
/ˈdɑːrtˌbɔːrd/ |
We have a dartboard in our basement for entertainment. |
Dictionary |
Noun |
/ˈdɪkʃəˌnɛri/ |
I often use a dictionary to look up new words. |
Doorbell |
Noun |
/ˈdɔːrbɛl/ |
Please ring the doorbell if nobody answers the door. |
Digital camera |
Noun |
/ˈdɪdʒɪtl ˈkæmərə/ |
I prefer using a digital camera over a film camera. |
Drawing board |
Noun |
/ˈdrɔːɪŋ bɔːrd/ |
I use a drawing board to sketch out my designs. |
Dentist chair |
Noun |
/ˈdɛntɪst tʃɛr/ |
I feel nervous sitting in the dentist chair. |
Durable |
Adjective |
/ˈdʊrəbl/ |
This suitcase is very durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. |
Digital |
Adjective |
/ˈdɪdʒɪtl/ |
The digital camera takes high-quality photos. |
Double-sided |
Adjective |
/ˈdʌbl ˈsaɪdɪd/ |
This double-sided tape is strong and perfect for hanging pictures. |
Deserted |
Adjective |
/dɪˈzɜːrtɪd/ |
The deserted island was home to many types of wildlife that had adapted to the environment. |
3. Animals
Regarding animals, you must be very interested in this topic. Let’s explore which animal names start with the letter D with PREP!

English words that start with D |
Word class |
Pronunciation |
Example |
Dog |
Noun |
/dɔːɡ/ |
My dog is always happy to see me. |
Dolphin |
Noun |
/ˈdɒlfɪn/ |
We saw a pod of dolphins swimming in the ocean. |
Deer |
Noun |
/dɪr/ |
The deer was grazing in the field. |
Duck |
Noun |
/dʌk/ |
The ducklings followed their mother across the pond. |
Donkey |
Noun |
/ˈdɒŋki/ |
The donkey carried heavy loads up the mountain. |
Dragonfly |
Noun |
/ˈdræɡənˌflaɪ/ |
A dragonfly landed on the flower. |
Dove |
Noun |
/dʌv/ |
The dove cooed softly in the tree. |
Dalmatian |
Noun |
/dælˈmeɪʃən/ |
The Dalmatian is a breed of dog with spots. |
Dormouse |
Noun |
/ˈdɔːrˌmaʊs/ |
The dormouse hibernates during the winter. |
Dung beetle |
Noun |
/dʌŋ ˈbiːtl/ |
I’m so scared when I see a Dung beetle moving towards me. |
Desert tortoise |
Noun |
/ˈdɛzərt ˈtɔːrtəs/ |
The desert tortoise can survive in very hot and dry environments. |
Dingo |
Noun |
/ˈdɪŋɡoʊ/ |
The dingo is a wild dog found in Australia. |
Dachshund |
Noun |
/ˈdɑːksˌhʊnd/ |
The dachshund is a small breed of dog with a long body. |
Desert hare |
Noun |
/ˈdɛzərt hɛr/ |
The desert hare has large ears to help it regulate its body temperature. |
Domestic |
Adjective |
/dəˈmɛstɪk/ |
Domestic cats are popular pets around the world. |
Docile |
Adjective |
The docile horse was easy to train and ride. |
4. Environment
Exploring vocabulary related to the environment is crucial, especially given its significance today. Join PREP in diving into English words beginning with the letter 'D' within the topic of the environment.
English words that start with D |
Word class |
Pronunciation |
Example |
Deforestation |
Noun |
/dɪˌfɔːrɪˈsteɪʃən/ |
Deforestation is a major issue that is contributing to climate change. |
Drought |
Noun |
/draʊt/ |
The drought has caused crops to fail and water sources to dry up. |
Decompose |
Verb |
/ˌdiːkəmˈpoʊz/ |
When organic matter decomposes, it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. |
Deplete |
Verb |
/dɪˈpliːt/ |
If we continue to deplete the earth’s natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment. |
Depletion |
Noun |
/dɪˈpliːʃən/ |
The depletion of the ozone layer is causing harmful UV radiation to reach the Earth’s surface. |
Disposable |
Adjective |
/dɪˈspoʊzəbl/ |
Disposable plastic bags are a major contributor to environmental pollution. |
Dumping |
Noun |
/ˈdʌmpɪŋ/ |
Dumping hazardous waste into rivers is illegal and highly damaging to the environment. |
Degradation |
Noun |
/ˌdɛɡrəˈdeɪʃən/ |
Deforestation and soil erosion are leading to the degradation of natural habitats. |
Dam |
Noun |
/dæm/ |
The construction of a dam can have both positive and negative environmental impacts. |
Disposal |
Noun |
/dɪˈspoʊzəl/ |
Proper disposal of hazardous materials is crucial for protecting the environment and public health. |
Damaging |
Adjective |
/ˈdæmɪdʒɪŋ/ |
The damaging effects of plastic pollution on marine life are well-documented. |
Dump |
Verb |
/dʌmp/ |
People who dump trash on the side of the road are breaking the law and harming the environment. |
Defect |
Noun |
/ˈdiːfɛkt/ |
The defect in the manufacturing process resulted in toxic chemicals being released into the environment. |
Dilute |
Verb |
/daɪˈluːt/ |
The factory diluted the toxic waste with water before dumping it into the river. |
Disrupt |
Verb |
/dɪsˈrʌpt/ |
Construction noise can disrupt the natural habitats of wildlife and cause them to migrate. |
Dirty |
Adjective |
/ˈdɜːrti/ |
The dirty air in the city is a result of high levels of pollution from cars and factories. |
Dusty |
Adjective |
/ˈdʌsti/ |
The dusty road made it difficult to breathe and caused allergies. |
Drown |
Verb |
/draʊn/ |
Many marine animals drown in plastic waste in the ocean. |
Dangerous |
Adjective |
/ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ |
The dangerous chemicals in pesticides can have harmful effects on human health. |
Desalination |
Noun |
/diːˌsælɪˈneɪʃən/ |
Desalination is becoming an increasingly important technology for providing clean drinking water in areas with water scarcity. |
Density |
Noun |
/ˈdɛnsɪti/ |
The area has a high population density. |
Diverse |
Adjective |
/daɪˈvɜːrs/ |
The rainforest is home to a diverse range of plants and animals. |
5. Sports
Vocabulary related to sports is just as exciting as any other topic. Let's team up with PREP to explore English words that start with the letter D within the topic of sports.
English words that start with D |
Word class |
Pronunciation |
Example |
Dribble |
Verb |
/ˈdrɪbəl/ |
Lionel Messi is known for his excellent dribbling skills on the soccer field. |
Defender |
Noun |
/dɪˈfɛndər/ |
The defender made a great tackle to prevent the other team from scoring a goal. |
Discipline |
Noun |
/ˈdɪsəplɪn/ |
It takes discipline and dedication to become a professional athlete. |
Dive |
Verb |
/daɪv/ |
The diver performed an impressive somersault before entering the water. |
Defeat |
Noun |
/dɪˈfiːt/ |
The team suffered a devastating defeat in the championship game. |
Defensive |
Adjective |
/dɪˈfɛnsɪv/ |
The coach decided to switch to a defensive strategy to protect their lead. |
Double fault |
Noun |
/ˈdʌbl fɔːlt/ |
The tennis player made a double fault, giving their opponent an easy point. |
Doping |
Noun |
/ˈdoʊpɪŋ/ |
Doping is a serious problem in many sports, and can have dangerous health effects. |
Draw |
Noun |
/drɔː/ |
The game ended in a draw, with neither team able to score a winning goal. |
Disqualify |
Verb |
/dɪsˈkwɑːləˌfaɪ/ |
The athlete was disqualified for using performance-enhancing drugs. |
Drop shot |
Noun |
/ˈdrɑːp ʃɑːt/ |
The tennis player used a drop shot to catch their opponent off guard and win the point. |
Dead ball |
Noun |
/dɛd bɔːl/ |
The referee called a dead ball when the ball went out of bounds and couldn’t be retrieved. |
Dominant |
Adjective |
/ˈdɑːmɪnənt/ |
Serena Williams has been a dominant player in women’s tennis for many years. |
Durable |
Adjective |
/ˈdʊrəbl/ |
A durable pair of running shoes is essential for long-distance runners. |
Dunk |
Verb |
/dʌŋk/ |
The basketball player’s ability to dunk has made him a fan favorite. |
Draw |
Verb |
/drɔː/ |
The new fitness app is designed to draw users in with its engaging content and features. |
Dexterity |
Noun |
/dɛkˈstɛrɪti/ |
Gymnasts require a high level of dexterity and coordination to perform their routines. |
Distance runner |
Noun |
/ˈdɪstəns ˈrʌnər/ |
The distance runner set a new personal record in the marathon. |
Drive |
Noun |
/draɪv/ |
He performs a beautiful drive. |
Dynamic |
Adjective |
/daɪˈnæmɪk/ |
The dynamic warm-up routine helped prepare the athletes for the game. |
Dedicated |
Adjective |
/ˈdɛdɪˌkeɪtɪd/ |
She is a dedicated athlete who trains every day to improve her performance. |
Determined |
Adjective |
/dɪˈtɜːrmɪnd/ |
The team was determined to win the championship this year. |
Disciplined |
Adjective |
/ˈdɪsəplɪnd/ |
The coach instilled a disciplined approach in the team’s training and preparation. |
6. Clothes
Have you ever wondered what the clothes you wear are called in English? Let's join PREP to conquer English vocabulary on the topic of clothing with words starting with the letter D!

English words that start with D |
Word class |
Pronunciation |
Example |
Dress |
Verb |
/drɛs/ |
She wore a beautiful dress to the wedding ceremony. |
Denim |
Noun |
/ˈdɛnɪm/ |
Denim jeans are a popular style of pants for casual wear. |
Designer |
Noun |
/dɪˈzaɪnər/ |
Many famous designers showcase their latest collections during Fashion Week. |
Dapper |
Adjective |
/ˈdæpər/ |
He always looks dapper in his well-tailored suits. |
Diamond |
Noun |
/ˈdaɪəmənd/ |
The engagement ring featured a stunning diamond at the center. |
Dye |
Verb |
/daɪ/ |
She decided to dye her hair blonde for a new look. |
Dress code |
Noun |
/drɛs koʊd/ |
The office has a strict dress code that prohibits casual clothing. |
Decorative |
Adjective |
/ˈdɛkərətɪv/ |
The decorative embellishments added a touch of elegance to the garment. |
Doublet |
Noun |
/ˈdʌblɪt/ |
The actor wore a doublet in the period drama to match the time period. |
Draped |
Verb |
/dreɪpt/ |
The curtains were draped over the windows to block out the sunlight. |
Dressing gown |
Noun |
/ˈdrɛsɪŋ ɡaʊn/ |
She wrapped herself in a cozy dressing gown after her shower. |
Drop earrings |
Noun |
/drɑːp ˈɪrɪŋz/ |
The drop earrings complemented her outfit perfectly. |
Denier |
Noun |
/ˈdɛnjər/ |
The denier of the fabric determined its durability and thickness. |
Dresser |
Noun |
/ˈdrɛsər/ |
The dresser was full of neatly folded clothes and accessories. |
Diamond-cut |
Adjective |
/ˈdaɪəmənd kʌt/ |
The diamond-cut edges of the crystal vase added to its overall beauty. |
Dress up |
Verb |
/drɛs ʌp/ |
She decided to dress up for the fancy dinner party and wore a stunning gown. |
Down jacket |
Noun |
/daʊn ˈdʒækɪt/ |
He wore a warm down jacket to protect himself from the cold winter weather. |
Drawstring |
Noun |
/ˈdrɔːstrɪŋ/ |
The drawstring on the hood helped to adjust the fit of the sweatshirt. |
Distressed |
Adjective |
/dɪˈstrɛst/ |
The distressed jeans gave him a fashionable, worn-in look. |
Diamond ring |
Noun |
/ˈdaɪəmənd rɪŋ/ |
He proposed to her with a beautiful diamond ring that took her breath away. |
Dashing |
Adjective |
/ˈdæʃɪŋ/ |
She made a dashing appearance at the party in her elegant dress. |
Dressy |
Adjective |
/ˈdrɛsi/ |
The wedding had a dressy dress code, so everyone was dressed up. |
Drape |
Verb |
/dreɪp/ |
She draped a shawl over her shoulders to keep warm. |
Don |
Verb |
/dɑːn/ |
He donned a leather jacket for his motorcycle ride. |
II. A compilation of English words that start with D categorized by word classes
Let’s check out which nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs start with the letter “D” with PREP!
1. Verb
Here are some English verbs that start with the letter 'D'.

English words that start with D |
Pronunciation |
Example |
Dance |
/dæns/ |
She loves to dance to the latest pop songs. |
Dare |
/dɛr/ |
I dare you to jump over the fence. |
Deal |
/diːl/ |
We need to deal with this problem before it gets worse. |
Debate |
/dɪˈbeɪt/ |
The candidates debated the issues for two hours. |
Decide |
/dɪˈsaɪd/ |
Have you decided where to go for vacation? |
Declare |
/dɪˈklɛr/ |
The president declared a state of emergency. |
Decorate |
/ˈdɛkəˌreɪt/ |
She decorated her house with flowers and candles for the party. |
Dedicate |
/ˈdɛdəˌkeɪt/ |
He dedicated his life to helping others. |
Defend |
/dɪˈfɛnd/ |
The soldier defended his country against the enemy. |
Delay |
/dɪˈleɪ/ |
The flight was delayed due to bad weather. |
Deliver |
/dɪˈlɪvər/ |
The postman delivered a package to my house. |
Demand |
/dɪˈmænd/ |
The workers demand better pay and working conditions. |
Deny |
/dɪˈnaɪ/ |
He denied stealing the money from the cash register. |
Depart |
/dɪˈpɑːrt/ |
The train will depart from platform 3. |
Describe |
/dɪˈskraɪb/ |
Can you describe the suspect to the police? |
2. Adjective
Here are some English adjectives for description that start with the letter 'D':
English words that start with D |
Pronunciation |
Example |
Dangerous |
/ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ |
It’s dangerous to cross the street without looking both ways. |
Dark |
/dɑːrk/ |
It’s too dark to see anything. |
Dead |
/dɛd/ |
The plant looks dead. |
Deep |
/diːp/ |
The hole is so deep you can’t see the bottom. |
Defeated |
/dɪˈfiːtɪd/ |
My team was defeated in the final match. |
Delicious |
/dɪˈlɪʃəs/ |
This pizza is delicious. |
Delightful |
/dɪˈlaɪtfəl/ |
We had a delightful time at the amusement park. |
Depressed |
/dɪˈprɛst/ |
She felt depressed after losing her job. |
Determined |
/dɪˈtɜːrmɪnd/ |
He was determined to finish the race, no matter what. |
Different |
/ˈdɪfrənt/ |
They have very different personalities. |
Difficult |
/ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ |
Learning a new language can be difficult. |
Dirty |
/ˈdɜːrti/ |
Please clean your room, it’s very dirty. |
Dizzy |
/ˈdɪzi/ |
She felt dizzy after riding the roller coaster. |
Drab |
/dræb/ |
The gray, drab sky made everyone feel gloomy. |
Dry |
/draɪ/ |
The desert is very dry and hot. |
3. Adverb
Adverbs give more information to the verbs. Let’s explore what adverbs start with “D”!
English words that start with D |
Pronunciation |
Example |
Daily |
/ˈdeɪli/ |
I check my email daily. |
Dangerously |
/ˈdeɪndʒərəsli/ |
He drove dangerously fast on the highway. |
Darkly |
/ˈdɑːrkli/ |
The movie was darkly lit to create a spooky atmosphere. |
Dearly |
/ˈdɪrli/ |
She loved her grandmother dearly. |
Deeply |
/ˈdiːpli/ |
I am deeply grateful for your help. |
Definitely |
/ˈdɛfɪnɪtli/ |
I will definitely be there on time. |
Deliberately |
/dɪˈlɪbərətli/ |
He deliberately ignored her when she spoke to him. |
Depressingly |
/dɪˈprɛsɪŋli/ |
The weather has been depressingly gray for weeks. |
Desperately |
/ˈdɛspərətli/ |
She desperately needed a job to pay her bills. |
Differently |
/ˈdɪfrəntli/ |
We all think differently about the situation. |
Directly |
/dəˈrɛktli/ |
Can you please speak directly into the microphone? |
Disappointingly |
/ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋli/ |
The team played very disappointingly. |
Disastrously |
/dɪˈzæstrəsli/ |
The earthquake affected the region disastrously. |
Distinctly |
/dɪˈstɪŋktli/ |
I distinctly remember telling you about the meeting. |
Doubtfully |
/ˈdaʊtfəli/ |
He looked at her doubtfully when she made mistakes. |
4. Noun
Many English nouns start with the letter D, but PREP will provide familiar vocabulary first, as for more difficult and advanced words, PREP will reveal in the following lessons!

English words that start with D |
Pronunciation |
Example |
Day |
/deɪ/ |
Today is a beautiful day. |
Decision |
/dɪˈsɪʒən/ |
Making a decision can be difficult sometimes. |
Discussion |
/dɪˈskʌʃən/ |
We had a long discussion about the project. |
Department |
/dɪˈpɑːrtmənt/ |
She works in the marketing department. |
Delivery |
/dɪˈlɪvəri/ |
The delivery will arrive tomorrow. |
Deadline |
/ˈdɛdˌlaɪn/ |
The deadline for the project is next week. |
Destination |
/ˌdɛstɪˈneɪʃən/ |
Our destination is the beach. |
Disaster |
/dɪˈzæstər/ |
The hurricane was a disaster for the region. |
Doctor |
/ˈdɒktər/ |
I need to make an appointment with the doctor. |
Dream |
/driːm/ |
She had a dream about traveling the world. |
Drink |
/drɪŋk/ |
Would you like a drink? |
Direction |
/dɪˈrɛkʃən/ |
Can you give me directions to the nearest gas station? |
Device |
/dɪˈvaɪs/ |
My phone is a very important device for me. |
Data |
/ˈdeɪtə/ |
The company has a lot of data on their customers. |
Dollar |
/ˈdɒlər/ |
The shirt costs thirty dollars. |
III. Exercises on English words that start with D
1. Exercises
Exercise 1: Match the words with the appropriate pictures
English words that start with D |
Picture |
Dragonfruit |
Durian |
Date |
Delicata squash |
Dill |
Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the missing letters
Word |
Picture |
D__ger__s |
De__ra__ |
D__ore__at__n |
Di__ipl_n_ |
D__qu__if_ |
2. Answers
Exercise 1:
English words that start with D |
Picture |
Dragonfruit |
Durian |
Date |
Delicata squash |
Dill |
Exercise 2:
- Dangerous
- Decorate
- Deforestation
- Discipline
- Disqualify
IV. Crack the IELTS Exam With Confidence
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