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7 English cartoon movies to help you improve your English quickly

Improving English proficiency via English cartoon movies is not unfamiliar to many learners. However, not everyone knows the correct and effective way to study. Therefore, below are some ways to learn English through animated movies and some recommended movies for you to consider!

7 English cartoon movies to boost your english skills
7 English cartoon movies to boost your english skills

I. What are English cartoon movies?

English cartoon movies or animated English movies are types of films that target children but are loved by people of all ages. 

For English learners, cartoon films in English can be a reliable source for practicing and preparing for English exams because the vocabulary and grammar structures used in this genre are generally simpler compared to regular English movies.

What are English cartoon movies?
What are English cartoon movies?

II. Benefits of cartoon movies for learning English

1. Real English learning beyond textbooks

Learning English through English cartoon movies allows us to truly learn the language and acquire knowledge that may not be found in textbooks or taught in classroom lectures. In English classes, you may learn phrases like "Nice weather we're having" or "It's raining cats and dogs." However, in reality, we don't often use these expressions, as they can sound formal and unnatural.

Therefore, when learning English through English cartoon movies, you will learn how to use the language more naturally, ensuring that the knowledge is closely aligned with everyday communication styles.

Real English learning beyond textbooks
Real English learning beyond textbooks

2. Learning English through context

Usually, when traditionally learning new words, we often study those words from available lists or create our own vocabulary lists that suit us. However, there is an issue that arises when learning new words from a list, which is that you only learn the meanings of the words without truly understanding where and how they are used.

For example, when learning the word "detective" from a dictionary, but we can easily forget it if we don't use it regularly. On the other hand, when you learn the vocabulary word "detective" through watching animated movies, you may discover that the word has multiple meanings. For example, it can be a title before someone's name (Detective Beckham) or it can be a noun indicating a profession (She's a detective).

Therefore, learning English through English cartoon movies not only helps you grasp the meanings of vocabulary words but also allows you to understand in detail how they are used in specific contexts.

Learning English through context
Learning English through context

3. Conveying ideas beyond verbal communication

In English, only about 7% of our communication is expressed through spoken words, so what about the remaining 93%? It's all about how you say it. You know, things like body language, your expressions (like smiles or frowns), and your tone of voice (such as when showing anger or boredom).

By observing the actors, you not only learn English through animated movies but also understand how they express themselves in communication. Characters can be sad, happy, surprised, or angry. And you can understand this immediately.

Conveying ideas beyond verbal communication
Conveying ideas beyond verbal communication

III. How to learn English through animated movies easily

In the following section, will guide you through the careful steps of reviewing to achieve the highest efficiency when learning English through animated movies:

  • Step 1: Choose your favorite animated movie: In the first step, choose your favorite movie genre, such as family, detective, action, romance, etc. This will not only prevent you from feeling bored but also increase your interest, resulting in high efficiency and quick knowledge absorption.

  • Step 2: Select a movie that matches your current English proficiency level: Choosing a movie that matches your current level will help you understand it easily and feel more interested in the process of learning English through animated movies. will suggest suitable movie options based on proficiency levels in the next part of the article.

  • Step 3: Watch while combining with a dictionary: Some of you may have limited vocabulary when starting to learn English through animated movies, so there may be many unfamiliar words. Therefore, pause the video and look up the dictionary to understand the meanings of those words, then take notes in your vocabulary notebook. Taking notes of vocabulary will help you transform unfamiliar knowledge into familiar one, and after encountering those new words a few times, you will understand them very well!

  • Step 4: Repeat common phrases: While watching cartoon films in English, you can imitate the characters' voices and record their dialogues to practice accurate pronunciation, and natural conversation, and identify mistakes to correct them on time. If you follow the process of learning English through movies by listening to a dialogue multiple times, taking notes, looking up new words, listening again, and practicing speaking multiple times, then after a few days, your vocabulary will rapidly expand.

  • Step 5: Watch without subtitles: Once you have understood all the vocabulary in the animated movie you are following, re-watch it for the second or third time without subtitles to learn English through animated movies effectively.

  • Step 6: Repeat the above steps: Apply the above method of learning English through animated movies regularly every day to achieve quick results. By consistently following these steps, in a short period of time, you will be able to watch English animated movies without subtitles!

IV. English cartoon movies list

As mentioned in part 3, studying good English animated movies at the appropriate level will make it more enjoyable and easier for you to absorb knowledge. Therefore, would like to suggest some best animation movies for learning English for each level: Basic - Intermediate - Advanced:

1. Basic Level

The best cartoon movies for basic level are:

  • Toy Story - a movie about an adventure to find their way back to their owner Andy, featuring two toys, Woody the cowboy and Buzz Lightyear the space ranger.

  • Dexter's Laboratory - The show revolves around the daily life of the boy genius Dexter and his laboratory filled with his inventions.

  • Adventure Time - a suitable animated movie for learning English. It follows the adventures of Finn and his best friend, a magical dog named Jake.

2. Intermediate Level

Top animated movies and the best animated movies of all time for intermediate level are:

  • Teen Titans/Young Justice - You get to see powerful superheroes, exciting action scenes, and unique villains. These are the characteristics of the superhero genre, which is always appealing to both children and adults.

  • Martha Speaks - This animated English movie is about a dog who learns how to speak after eating alphabet soup.

3. Advanced Level

All cartoon movies for advanced level are:

  • Regular Show - The series depicts the lives of various animals in a park facing bizarre situations due to their laziness.

  • The Simpsons - An animated series about the lives of the Simpson family in the town of Springfield, USA. The show includes many dialogues revolving around their daily lives.

These are some effective ways to learn English through the best English cartoon movies and 7 recommended movies that can help you improve your English proficiency quickly. Can you give us some new animation movies? Let’s leave a comment below!

Hien Hoang
Hien Hoang
Product Content Admin

Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.


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