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What is Different from? Detailed usage of Different from

Different from is a common phrase in English used to express differences. What is its correct usage and structure? How does it differ from similar structures like Different to, Different than and Different with? Let's explore the details below!

What is Different from? The usage of Different from
What is Different from? The usage of Different from 

I. What is Different from?

Different has the pronunciation /ˈdɪf.ɚ.ənt/ and functions as an adjective meaning: “not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality; distinct; separate”. For example:

  • She seems to wear something different every day. 

  • He's different now that he's been to college. 

When combined with the preposition “from”, it forms the phrase Different from. The Different from meaning is: not the same as another or each other. For example: 

  • John is different from other people. 

  • What’s different from last year? 

What is Different from?
What is Different from?

And beside Different from, we can use some other equivalent words:

Different from synonyms




The twins may look alike, but they are quite dissimilar when it comes to personality.



The word has three distinct meanings.



She's got really distinctive handwriting.



Dan's actually quite nice, unlike his father.



The hotel's being renovated, so we're looking for an alternative venue.

II. Common phrases/words with Different

Here are some popular collocations with Different. Check them out!



Absolute difference

The proportionate difference is greatest, but the absolute difference is smallest, for couples where the wife is aged 80 and over. 

Big difference

There is a big difference between a five-year sentence, a forty-year sentence, and a sentence measured in three figures. 

Crucial difference

The crucial difference between the old and the new systems is compliance with the principle of informational self-determination. 

Cultural difference

Cultural differences in architectural education are seldom discussed in public debate among architecture teachers. 

Difference of attitude

Surely that indicates a difference of attitude at least. 

Difference to

This smartphone model is different to the one I had last year. 

Completely different 

Her approach to solving the problem was completely different from mine. 

Entirely different

The new design is entirely different from what we originally planned.

Difference type

We need a different type of software to handle this task. 

Difference kind

He prefers a different kind of music than what is usually played here. 

Difference of opinion

They had a difference of opinion about the best way to proceed with the project.

Have one’s differences

Despite having their differences, they managed to work together effectively.

Common phrases/words with Different
Common phrases/words with Different

III. How to use Different from in Sentences

Below is how to use the Different from structure:

Subject + to be/stative verbs + different from + object

Note: Stative verbs are verbs that describe a state and cannot be used in the V-ing form. These verbs include: look, seem, hear, feel, taste, etc.

  • That house is different from every house I ever lived in before.

  • Xavia looks very different from yesterday. She is prettier today! 

  • It seemed different from what Jack expected. 

How to use Different from in Sentences
How to use Different from in Sentences

IV. Distinguishing Different from, Different to, Different than, Different with, and The same as

In addition to Different from, different can also be used with other prepositions like to and than. Let’s clarify below:

1. Distinguishing Different to or Different from and Different than

Many wonder which preposition Different should be used with. Let’s clarify the differences among these prepositions.

In fact, Different to or Different from and Different than differ in terms of the level and scope of grammatical standards recognized. The table below helps clarify these three structures:


Different from

Different to

Different than

Frequency of usage

Common in both writing and speaking

More common in spoken English

Not widely used; typically used for comparative contexts

Scope of usage

Can be used in all cases

Commonly used by British speakers (rarely by Americans)

Commonly used by Americans (rarely by British speakers)


  • My opinion is different from Peter’s. 

  • This weather is so different from yesterday. 

  • Emi is so different to her sister. 

  • This house is very different to your house. 

  • This coffee tastes very different than the one I usually drink. 

  • His accent is different now than before he went to New Zealand. 

Note: With Different to and Different than you can safely rewrite them using the Different from structure without concern for grammar or appropriateness. Therefore, Different from is a safe choice for your sentences.

2. Distinguishing Different from and Different with

Different from is used to compare one person or thing to another person or thing. In contrast, Different with emphasizes the differences of the subject being mentioned, highlighting the reasons for the differences. For example:

  • Richard looks so different with the new hair. 

  • Emi seems different with the tattoos on her right arm. 

3. Distinguishing Different from and The same as

In addition to the synonyms of Different from mentioned above, learners should also be aware of the antonym, which is The same as. Let’s explore the differences between these two phrases!


Different from

The same as


Different from is used to indicate differences between two or more entities.

The same as is used to indicate similarity or equivalence between two or more entities.


  • This book is different from the one I read last week. 

  • Her opinion is different from mine. 

  • This shirt is the same as the one you bought. 

  • His answer was the same as mine. 

V. Exercises on using Different from

Let’s complete the exercises below to solidify your understanding of Different from in English grammar!

1. Exercise

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct term (use either Different from or The same as).

  1. The final match today is different ______ 2019.

  2. How are you ______ from your father?

  3. The cake tastes ______ as chocolate.

  4. We imagine ourselves more ______ other animals.

  5. Rain is pronounced ______ reign in English.

Exercise 2: Determine if the following phrases that accompany "different" are TRUE or FALSE.

  1. This trip has been different than the one I took to London 10 years ago when I spent most of my time in the pubs.

  2. Jack (an American): My sister is different to who she was last year. She has matured.

  3. The jacket we bought is not different from the pricier one at the boutique.

  4. Emily is very different with her sister.

  5. You are really no different to the rest of us.

2. Answer

Exercise 1

1 – from

2 – different

3 – the same

4 – different from

5 – the same as

Exercise 2

1 - F

2 - F

3 - T

4 - F

5 - T

The above information provides detailed insights about Different from. Don’t forget to carefully read the examples and complete the exercises to master this structure! Enjoy your English learning journey!

Master Tu Pham
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.
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