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What are Day and Date? Detailedly differences between Day and Date in English

Are the uses of Day and Date the same? When do you use Day? When do you use Date? In today's article, PREP will help you quickly understand the definitions, usages, and ways to distinguish between Day and Date. Check it out!

Differences between 2 words Day and Date in English
Differences between 2 words Day and Date in English

I. What is Day?

Before distinguishing the differences between Day and Date in English, let's learn the definition of Day together with PREP and familiarize ourselves with some words/phrases and idioms associated with Day below!

1. Definition

What is Day? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Day is pronounced as/deɪ/, this word functions as a noun, meaning: a period of 24 hours, especially from twelve o'clock one night to twelve o'clock the next night. For example:

  • It took us almost a day to get to America. 
  • It rained all day
What is Day?
What is Day?

2. Words/phrases associated with Day

PREP has fully compiled words and phrases associated with Day in the table below. Please familiarize yourself with it.




Every day



Anna goes for a run every day to stay fit. 

The day before yesterday

We went to the beach the day before yesterday

The day after tomorrow

Our flight is scheduled for the day after tomorrow, so we need to pack tonight. 

Three/four/five/etc days ago

We visited the museum three days ago and learned a lot about ancient civilizations. 

For days

The storm raged on for days, causing widespread damage. 

In a few days/in a few days' time

The package is expected to arrive in a few days. 

A big day

Graduation day is a big day for students and their families. 

All day

Jerry worked on her project all day, only taking short breaks for meals. 

Day off

a day when you do not have to work or do something that you normally do

Taking a day off from work allows her to relax and recharge. 

The other day

a few days ago

I saw an old friend at the grocery store the other day. 

These days

used to talk about the present time, in comparison with the past

People are using more on digital communication these days

In those days

in the past

In those days, technology was not as advanced as it is now. 

Any day now

very soon, especially within the next few days

The package is expected to arrive any day now. 

By day

when it is naturally light

Alex worked as an accountant by day and pursue his passion for painting by night. 

Day after day

repeatedly, every day

Day after day, she practiced the piano to perfect her performance. 

Day by day

every day, or more and more as each day passes

The demand for this product is increasing day by day

Day and night

all the time

The construction crew worked day and night to complete the project on time. 

(From) day to day

If something changes (from) day to day, it changes often

The weather can change from day to day during the spring season. 

From one day to the next

before each day happens

Life can change dramatically from one day to the next

To this day

up to and including the present moment

To this day, the mystery surrounding the disappearance remains unsolved. 

3. Idioms in English with Day

Let's go over some common idioms involving Day together with PREP!

Idioms in English with Day



All in a day's work

If something difficult, unpleasant, or strange is all in a day's work for someone, it is a usual part of their job

Dealing with difficult customers is all in a day's work for a customer service representative. 

The best/happiest days of your life

the most pleasant time you will ever have

Your wedding day is often considered one of the happiest days of your life

Day in day out

(especially of something boring) done or happening every day for a long period of time

Jennie works hard day in day out to support her family. 


something's days are numbered

If someone or something's days are numbered, they will not exist for much longer

With the decline in sales, it seems like the old bookstore's days are numbered. ➡️ This bookstore is about to close/go bankrupt.

Have had its/your day

to be much less popular than before

Henry sold many books in the 1990s, but he’s had his day

Have your day in court

to get an opportunity to give your opinion on something or to explain your actions after they have been criticized

After years of legal battles, she finally had her day in court to present her case.

In all my (born) days

in all of my life

In all my born days, I've never seen such a peculiar sight. 

In my day

when I was young

In my day, we didn't have smartphones; we played outside. 

In this day and age

at the present time

In this day and age, technology has helped us in life and work. 

It's not every day (that)...

something is unusual or rare

It's not every day that you get to witness a solar eclipse. 

Make someone's day

to make someone happy

Seeing those little kids having so much fun just made my day. 

The old days

times in the past

Lisa often reminisces about the old days when life was simpler. 

That'll be the day

something you say to show you think that something is unlikely to happen

If he thinks he can beat the champion, that'll be the day

II. What is Date?

Before distinguishing between Day and Date, let's learn about Date together with PREP, including its Definition, structure, usage, and illustrative examples!

1. Definition

What is Date? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Date is pronounced as /deɪt/, this word functions as both a noun and a verb. Let's learn specifically through the examples below with PREP!

  • Date functions as a noun, meaning: a numbered day in a month, often given with a combination of the name of the day, the month, and the year; a social meeting planned before it happens, especially one between two people who have or might have a romantic relationship. For example:
  • What date is the next meeting? - Tuesday, 17 December. 
  • Anna has a hot date tonight. 
  • Date functions as a verb, meaning: to write the day's date on something you have written or made; to say how long something has existed or when it was made; to regularly spend time with someone you have a romantic relationship with. For example:
    • Thank you for your letter dated November 20. 
    • The last letter I received from the insurance company was dated August 18, 2001. 
    • They dated for ten years before they got married. 
What is Date?
What is Date?

2. Words/phrases associated with Date

Let’s discover some words and phrases that are associated with Date below!




Date of birth

Please provide your full name and date of birth on the registration form. 

Closing date

the last date on which something can be done

The closing date for submitting applications is at the end of this month. 

Opening date

The grand opening date for the new store is set for next Saturday. 

Fix a date

Let's fix a date for our next team meeting so that everyone can attend. 

Make a date

They decided to make a date for dinner and a movie over the weekend. 

The expiry date

the last day on which a product or service can be used

Please always check the expiry date before buying any perishable goods. 

On a date

They looked happy and relaxed on a date at the cozy little cafe. 

A hot date

Lisa was excited about a hot date with the charming guy she met last week. 

Date back

to have existed for a particular length of time or since a particular time

The ancient ruins date back to the Roman Empire.

Date from something

The document is dated from the early 19th century. 

To date

up to the present time, until now

To date, no one has been able to solve the mystery of the missing painting. 

Actual date

The actual date of the event was different from what was initially announced. 

Anniversary date

Their anniversary date is a special day for the couple to celebrate their love. 

Approximate date

We have an approximate date for the product launch, but it may change based on development progress. 

III. Differences between Day and Date

We have explored the general knowledge about Day and Date. So what are the differences between Date and Day? Let's follow PREP and check out the table below!








A period of 24 hours, especially from twelve o'clock one night to twelve o'clock the next night

Noun: a numbered day in a month, often given with a combination of the name of the day, the month, and the year, etc.

Verb: to write the day's date on something you have written or made, etc.


This is the most beautiful day in my life. 

Today's date is December 11. 

The demand must be dated and signed by the creditor. 

Differences between Day and Date
Differences between Day and Date

IV. Exercises on distinguishing Day and Date with answers

To understand how Date and Day differ, let's complete the two exercises below together with PREP!

1. Exercises

Write Day and Date in the appropriate blanks

  1. We'll meet on a sunny _______ at the park.
  2. Friday is my favorite _______ of the week because it's the start of the weekend.
  3. She enjoys taking long walks during the _______.
  4.  Let's schedule a meeting for a later _______ that works for everyone.
  5. The important historical event occurred on a specific _______ in the past.
  6. They decided to go on a _______ to the new Italian restaurant in town.
  7. She circled the _______ of the wedding on the calendar as a reminder.
  8. We had a wonderful time at the beach on a warm summer _______, which happened to be our anniversary date.
  9. They decided to set a specific _______ for their next business meeting to discuss future plans.
  10. We planned to meet on Friday, which is the _______ of our monthly team gathering.

2. Answer

  1. Day
  2. Day
  3. Day
  4. Date
  5. Date
  6. Date
  7. Date
  8. Day
  9. Date
  10. Date

V. Take the First Step Towards IELTS Success

PREP hopes this article above has helped you understand the definitions, usages, and differences between Day and Date. If you’re looking for a clear path to your dream IELTS band score, PREP’s step-by-step approach is designed for you. 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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Habtamu Dika Sakamo
Habtamu Dika Sakamo
30/12/2024 12:54
I would like to thank you give me this full information about the difference between the date and the day.after i read this article i know very well about the difference between that I am very happy.
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