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A Comprehensive Set of Computer Vocabulary for TOEIC Candidates of All Levels
Computer Vocabulary – An Essential Vocabulary Set for the TOEIC Exam. What are the commonly used computer vocabulary words? What do they mean, and how should they be used to prepare effectively for the English test? In the following article, PREP will introduce some frequently used TOEIC vocabulary on Computers and share tips to help candidates learn English vocabulary quickly and retain it for a long time!

I. Common TOEIC Computer Vocabulary
1. TOEIC Vocabulary on Computer Devices

First, let’s explore some essential TOEIC vocabulary related to computer devices with PREP!
No |
Computer vocabulary |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
cable /ˈkeɪbəl/ |
a thick, strong wire or a group of wires covered with plastic or rubber that carries electricity or electronic signals |
My fiber optic cable is still working fine. |
2 |
desktop computer /ˈdɛskˌtɒp kəmˈpjuːtər/ |
a personal computer that is designed to be used on a desk or table, rather than being portable |
Where did Hoa buy that desktop? |
3 |
hard drive /ˈhɑrd ˈdraɪv/ |
the part of a computer that stores information permanently |
Not all computers have hard drives. |
4 |
keyboard /ˈkiˌbɔrd/ |
a set of keys that you press to operate a computer or typewriter |
Jane's keyboard is broken, and the backspace button is missing. |
5 |
laptop /ˈlæpˌtɒp/ |
a small computer that can work without being connected to electricity and can be easily carried |
We need to bring our laptops to the university. |
2. TOEIC Computer Vocabulary – The Internet Network
In addition to vocabulary related to computer devices, TOEIC vocabulary on the Internet network is also indispensable. These commonly used words include:

No |
Computer vocabulary |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
broadband /ˈbrɔdˌbænd/ |
a high-speed connection to the internet that allows large amounts of data to be sent quickly |
With its measurement tool, it measured broadband speeds from the perspective of the end user. |
2 |
Web hosting /wɛb hoʊst/ |
a service that provides space on a server for websites to be stored and accessed online |
In essence, it's similar to Linux, but it's better suited to web hosting than to being a desktop OS. |
3 |
Website /ˈwɛbˌsaɪt/ |
a set of related pages on the internet that belong to a particular person, company, or organization |
Maybe there's a website dedicated to those who despise Jackson Parrish. |
4 |
ISP (Internet Service Provider) /ISP/ |
a company that provides customers with access to the internet |
You don't have to pay for the banking service; all you have to pay for are any calls you make while online and your regular ISP fees. |
5 |
Firewall /ˈfaɪərˌwɔl/ |
a system that protects a computer network from unauthorized access |
Please only disable your firewall, not your virus scanner. |
3. TOEIC Computer Vocabulary – Email
Nowadays, email is frequently used for work-related tasks and personal communication. Below is an essential computer vocabulary list related to email:

No |
Computer vocabulary |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Email address /ˈiˌmeɪl əˈdrɛs/ |
a series of letters, numbers, and symbols that identifies a particular person's email account |
An email address forwarded to an email alias is automatically forwarded to a user who already exists. |
2 |
Password /ˈpæsˌwɜrd/ |
a secret word or series of characters that allows access to a computer system or service |
By allowing users to securely reset forgotten passwords, integrated self-service password reset reduces help desk costs even more. |
3 |
Username /ˈyu zərˌneɪm/ |
a name that a person uses to access a computer system or website |
Before you can use this system, you must first create a username and password. |
4 |
New message /ˈmɛsɪdʒ/ |
a newly written or received electronic communication |
She typed a new message to him. |
5 |
Attachment /əˈtætʃmənt/ |
a file that is sent along with an email |
She wouldn't be concerned about tomorrow if it weren't for the attachment she'd allowed to grow to Xander. |
4. TOEIC Vocabulary on the Topic of Computers – Computer Usage
Next, PREP would like to introduce Preppies to some essential TOEIC vocabulary related to computer usage. Let’s take a look!

No |
Computer vocabulary |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
restart /riːˈstɑːt/ |
to make a computer, machine, or program start again after it has been turned off |
Instead, I use the shutdown command in conjunction with the restart option. |
2 |
plug in /ˈplʌgˌɪn/ |
to connect a piece of electrical equipment to the power supply |
Conversations are also disrupted by operator errors, as it is possible to disconnect the circuit between two talking subscribers by inserting a plug in a multiple jack. |
3 |
switch on /ˈswɪtʃˌɒn, -ˌɔn/ |
to turn on a machine, light, etc. |
While you're pondering that, switch on the television and watch some American wrestling. |
4 |
shut down /ˈʃʌtˌdaʊn/ |
to turn off a machine, especially a computer, or stop an operation |
If the light itself fails, the power surge will trip the main circuit breaker, shutting down the entire tower. |
5 |
start up /ˈstɑrtˌʌp/ |
to make a machine, system, or program begin to work |
Slow Start - Pressing the Slow Start button causes the hand mixer to start slowly so that no ingredients are splattered. |
5. Other TOEIC Vocabulary on the Topic of Computers
Finally, here are some additional TOEIC vocabulary words related to computers that you should review to effectively prepare for the TOEIC exam and achieve a high score!

No |
Computer vocabulary |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Virus /ˈvaɪ rəs/ |
a program that enters a computer and damages or destroys data |
With CD4 counts around 400 and a viral load that is undetectable, the virus is no longer on my mind. |
2 |
Folder /ˈfoʊl dər/ |
a place on a computer where files are stored |
It was printed from the internet and came with a folder. |
3 |
Scroll /skroʊl/ |
to move text or images up, down, or across a computer screen |
To learn more, take a look or scroll down. |
4 |
Document /ˈdɒk yə mənt/ |
an electronic file that contains text, images, or data |
This document was made public by their government. |
5 |
Memory /ˈmɛm ə ri/ |
the part of a computer where information is stored temporarily or permanently |
The device's memory is about to be full. |
II. How to Learn TOEIC Computer Vocabulary

1. Learning Vocabulary Through Flashcards on Quizlet
Quizlet is a language-learning application that utilizes a spaced repetition method through the use of flashcards. Simply put, these are digital vocabulary cards similar to the physical ones often carried for studying.
A Quizlet flashcard typically has two sides. One side can contain examples, word usage, grammar explanations, or dialogues, while the other side provides the meaning or additional notes to help with memorization. This method is widely used in early literacy programs for children. In the past, learners had to manually punch holes in small flashcards and bind them together, which was quite inconvenient. However, technology has now made this process much more efficient.
2. Learning Vocabulary Through Writing and Speaking Practice
When practicing writing and speaking, having a rich vocabulary is essential to achieving a high score. Engaging in these activities frequently helps expand and reinforce your vocabulary. You can learn new words through paraphrasing, using synonyms and antonyms, and constructing sentences with proper grammatical structures.
With the vocabulary list and learning methods shared in this article, do you feel more confident in mastering TOEIC computer vocabulary? Stay tuned for more useful TOEIC vocabulary lessons to enhance your exam preparation effectively!

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