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What is Amongst? What is Among? What is Between? Differences of 3 words Between, Amongst and Among

When learning English, we often encounter position prepositions like Between, Amongst and Among. What are the differences between these three prepositions? Amongst and Among are written quite similarly - does this mean their uses are alike as well? Let's find the answer together with PREP below!

Differences of 3 words Between, Amongst and Among
Differences of 3 words Between, Amongst and Among

I. What is Among?

What is Among? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, among functions as a preposition, meaning: in the middle of or surrounded by other things. For example:

  • Tom saw a few familiar faces among the crowd. 
  • Rescue teams searched among the wreckage for survivors. 
What is Among?
What is Among?

II. What is Amongst?

What is Amongst? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Amongst has a similar definition to "Among", functioning as a preposition and meaning: in the middle of or surrounded by other things. However, Amongst is generally used in more formal contexts and is less common than Among. For example:

  • The results show that both boys are among the top 10% of students in the whole school. 
  • The rate of crimes among those under 25s is concerning. 
What is Amongst?
What is Amongst?

III. What is Between?

What is Between? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Between functions as a preposition, meaning: in or into the space that separates two places, people, or objects. For example:

  • The town lies halfway between the BBC building and Florence. 
  • Standing between the two adults was a small child. 
What is Between?
What is Between?

IV. Differences of Between, Amongst and Among

What are the similarities and differences of Between, Amongst and Among? Let's explore through the table below with PREP!

Similarities: Between, Amongst and Among are English prepositions commonly used to indicate a position in between two or many objects.







Between is used to indicate a position between two objects or places.

Amongst and Among are used to indicate a position between many objects or places.

Note: Amongst is used in more formal contexts and is less common.


The book is between the two cups on the table. 

The cat is hiding among the bushes in the garden. 

She found her keys among the pile of books. 

V. Exercises to distinguish Between, Amongst and Among with answers

To understand the differences between Between, Amongst and Among, let’s complete the exercises below together with PREP!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer: Between, Among or Amongst

  1. The negotiation is _______ the two companies.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  2. The prize will be shared  _______ the winners.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  3. The results show that both girls are  _______ the top 5% of students in the whole school.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  4. I found the letter ______ his papers.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  5. They strolled  _______ the crowds.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  6. The secret was kept _______ the three friends.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  7. There was a strong bond _______ the siblings.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  8. The debate is _______ the two candidates.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  9. She found her keys _______ the pile of books.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  10. The treaty was signed _______ the countries involved.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  11. The disagreement is _______ the members of the board.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  12. The collaboration _______ the departments led to great success.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  13. He walked _______ the trees in the forest.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  14. The conversation is _______ you and me.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst
  15. The flowers were scattered _______ the grass.
    1. Between
    2. Among 
    3. Amongst

Exercise 2: Choose the correct preposition to fill in the blanks: Between, Among or Amongst

  1. The secret was kept _______ the three friends.
  2. There was a strong bond _______ the siblings.
  3. The debate is _______ the two candidates.
  4. She found her keys _______ the pile of books.
  5. The treaty was signed _______ the countries involved.
  6. The disagreement is _______ the members of the board.
  7. The collaboration _______ the departments led to great success.
  8. He walked _______ the trees in the forest.
  9. The conversation is _______ you and me.
  10. The flowers were scattered _______ the grass.
  11. There is a fine line _______ love and hate.
  12. The cat hid _______ the bushes in the garden.
  13. The teacher distributed the assignments _______ the students.
  14. The treasure was buried _______ the ancient ruins.
  15. She found herself torn _______ her family and her career.

2. Answer

Exercise 1:

1 - A

2 - B/C

3 - C

4 - B/C

5 - B/C

6 - B/C

7 - B/C

8 - A

9 - B/C

10 - C

11 - B/C

12 - B/C

13 - B/C

14 - A

15 - B/C

Exercise 2:

  1. Among/ Amongst
  2. Among/ Amongst
  3. Between
  4. Among/ Amongst
  5. Amongst
  6. Among/ Amongst
  7. Among/ Amongst
  8. Among/ Amongst
  9. Between
  10. Among/ Amongst

PREP hopes this article has helped Preppies differentiate the uses of Between, Amongst and Among. If you have any other questions, please leave a comment and PREP will respond as soon as possible!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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