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A comprehensive guide to basic English communication sentences by popular topic!
Mastering basic English communication sentences can help you confidently engage in simple everyday situations. In this article, PREP will provide you with a comprehensive guide to the most common basic English communication sentences by topic. Take a look now!

- I. Compilation of basic English communication sentences by topic
- 1. Greetings
- 2. Saying Goodbye
- 3. Introduce yourselves
- 4. Saying Sorry
- 5. Saying Thanks
- 6. Commendation
- 7. Invitation
- 8. Family
- 9. Office
- 10. Weather
- 11. Giving advice
- 12. Giving suggestion
- 13. Ask for direction, giving direction
- 14. Shopping
- 15. Communication in restaurant or café
- 16. School
- 17. Bank
- 18. Emergency circumstances
- 19. Other basic topics
- II. Dialogues using basic English communication sentences
- III. How to improve effective English communication skills
I. Compilation of basic English communication sentences by topic

First, let's explore the comprehensive list of simple English sentences for daily use:
1. Greetings
Basic English communication sentences |
Hello! |
Good morning! |
Good afternoon! |
Good evening! |
Can you speak English? |
How old are you? |
I am __ years old. |
What is your name? |
My name is ___. |
Who is there? |
Who are you? |
Are you Canadian? |
How are you? |
How do you do? |
Very well, thank you. And you? |
I am not very well. |
I am fine. Thank you! |
Please, sit down. |
Sit here. |
Wait for me. |
Wait a minute. |
Wait a moment. |
Come with me. |
I am happy to make your acquaintance. |
I am very pleased to meet you. |
I’m glad to meet you. |
Please come in. |
Come this way, if you please. |
Where are you coming from? |
I don’t understand English well. |
What does this word mean? |
You speak too fast. |
Please repeat. |
Please speak more slowly. |
2. Saying Goodbye
Basic English communication sentences |
It was great/ nice/ glad/ pleased meeting you. |
It was great/ nice/ glad/ pleased talking to you. |
Have a good day/ nice day/ good night. |
I look forward to our next meeting. |
Nice to meet you/ pleased to meet you. |
Hope everything goes well. |
Have a good end of month! |
Hey, I have to leave. Thanks for talking to me. |
Okay, no problem Don't forget to text me! |
Sure! I’ll see you then! |
I should be going. It's getting late. |
We’ll meet again some day. |
I will not go any further. |
Do keep in touch. |
Please do this again soon. Let me give you my number. |
Do you have a business card so I know how to contact you? |
Be sure to drop us a line. |
See you this evening. |
Drop me a line. |
Keep in touch! |
Don’t forget to give me a ring! |
Remember to drop me a line! |
Talk to you later. |
Catch up with you later. |
I hope to see you soon. |
If you’re ever in…, come and see me – You’ve got my address. |
See you on Monday. |
Have a nice weekend. |
Give me a call sometime. |
Please give my best regards to your mother. |
Please say hello to Sara for me. |
Good luck. |
I have to leave here by noon. |
I got to go now. |
I’m afraid I have to head off now |
I got to go now. |
Would you mind if I leave the dinner before it ends? |
Take care! |
All the best, bye. |
I hope everything goes well. |
I wish you a nice day! |
Don’t forget to give me a ring! |
Stay in touch! |
Talk to you later! |
I hope to see you soon. |
3. Introduce yourselves
Basic English communication sentences |
Please let me introduce myself. I’m Jenny. |
May I introduce myself, I’m Julia. |
It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Hanna. |
Hello, it’s very nice to meet you, too. |
I’m Joan. Nice to meet you, too. |
Let me introduce my friend, mister Sara. |
I’m pleased to meet you. |
It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Martin. |
4. Saying Sorry
4.1. Popular apologize phrases
Basic English communication sentences |
I’m so sorry. |
Pardon (me). |
Sorry, it was all my fault. |
Please excuse my ignorance. |
Please accept our sincerest apologies. |
My mistake, I had that wrong. |
Sorry for your loss. |
I apologise. |
Please forgive me. |
Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. |
I’m terribly sorry. |
It’s my fault. |
I was wrong on that. |
Please don’t be mad at me. |
My mistake I had that wrong. |
How stupid/ careless/ thoughtless of me. |
I have to say sorry to you. |
I don't mean to. |
How should I apologize to you? |
I don't mean to make you displeased. |
4.2. Apologize phrases with friends
Basic English communication sentences |
My bad. |
Whoops! |
Oops, sorry! |
Oops, I did it again! |
Ever so sorry! |
4.3. Apologize phrases in letters, mails and documents
Basic English communication sentences |
I beg your pardon. |
I must apologize. |
Please excuse my ignorance. |
I had that wrong. |
How stupid/ careless/ thoughtless of me. |
I hope that you can forgive me. |
I would like to express my regret. |
I apologize wholeheartedly/ unreservedly. |
Please accept my/ our sincere apologies. |
4.4. Apologize phrases in working
Basic English communication sentences |
I’m sorry for being late I promise this is the first time and also the last |
I apologize for not completing the assigned work. Please give me one more chance |
I feel extremely guilty for ______. I accept all responsibility before the company |
5. Saying Thanks
Basic English communication sentences |
Thanks! |
Thanks a lot! |
Many thanks! |
Thanks a bunch! |
Thank you very/ so much! |
Thank you (so/ very much) for ____! |
I really appreciate it! |
I really appreciate your ! |
I’m grateful for having you as my friend/ co-worker/ boss/ teacher/…! |
There are no words to express my appreciation! |
Thanks in advance! |
You are so kind! |
I owe you. |
You did help me a lot. |
I highly value your contribution to the company. |
6. Commendation
Basic English communication sentences |
That’s a great idea! |
Cool! |
That’s really nice! |
You did that very well! |
That’s quite an improvement! |
You’re doing fine! |
Couldn’t have done it better myself! |
How lucky you are! |
I do envy you. You’re so beautiful! |
This is a wonderful meal! |
I think that’s quite pretty, don’t you? |
7. Invitation
Basic English communication sentences |
Would you like to go out on a date with me? |
Would you like to go out to have lunch/ dinner with me? |
How about lunch/ dinner? |
Do you want to go to the movies or something? |
What about going bowling/ shopping/ swimming/…? |
8. Family
Basic English communication sentences |
Have you got a big family? |
Have you got any brothers or sisters? |
How many people are there in your family? |
There are ____ people in my family. |
How's the family? How's everybody doing? |
9. Office
9.1. Introduce job
Basic English communication sentences |
What do you do? |
I'm a/an + job title |
I work as + job position |
I work in + department/field/industry |
I work for + company name |
My current company is _____. |
I have my business. |
I’m doing an internship in _____. = I’m an intern in _____. |
I’m a trainee at _____. |
I’m doing a part-time/ full-time job at _____. |
9.2. Greetings, onboarding day
Basic English communication sentences |
Are you new here? |
How long have you worked here? |
Where are our team members? |
This is your direct manager. |
I’m very happy to be a part of ____. |
I hope we will have a good time working together. |
9.3. Communication with colleagues
Basic English communication sentences |
Can/ Could you help me with this report/ contract/ quotation/…? |
Are you available for a meeting/ discussion/… this afternoon/ tomorrow morning/…? |
Have you completed your task? |
I completely/ absolutely agree with you. |
That’s a good/ bold/ creative/… idea. |
Let’s get down to the business, shall we? |
I need to discuss some problems with you. |
We need more figures and information. |
9.4. Communication with manager
Basic English communication sentences |
May I take this Monday/ next Friday/… off? |
I’m afraid I’m not well and won’t be able to come in today. |
Here is the report/ data/… you need, sir/ ma'am. |
I’ve left the file on your desk, sir/ ma'am. |
Could I have some feedback on my report/… ? |
May I ask you some questions? |
I have some questions to ask. May I take some of your time? |
9.5. Communication in meetings
Basic English communication sentences |
When does our meeting start? |
What do I need to prepare before the meeting? |
How many people are there in the meeting? |
No one is absent today. |
Let’s take a minute to brainstorm some new ideas. |
Before we continue, are there any further questions? |
Would you mind explaining that problem one more time? |
Is there anything else anyone would like to share? |
Let’s wrap up the important points before we get back to work. |
10. Weather
Basic English communication sentences |
It's sunny. |
It's raining. |
What a nice day! |
What a beautiful day! |
It's not a very nice day! |
What a terrible day! |
What miserable weather! |
It's starting to rain. |
It's stopped raining. |
11. Giving advice
Basic English communication sentences |
I reckon you should stop now. |
In my experience ____. |
As far as I’m concerned ____. |
If you don’t mind me saying ____. |
I would strongly advise you to stop. |
If I were you, I’d stop now. |
12. Giving suggestion
Basic English communication sentences |
Can you give me a hand with this? |
I wonder if you could help me with this. |
I can’t manage, can you help? |
Could you spare a moment? |
Could you help me out? |
I would like to make a suggestion ____. |
What do you suggest? |
Shall we go together? |
I’ll give you a hand. |
Let me help you. |
13. Ask for direction, giving direction
13.1. Ask for direction
Basic English communication sentences |
Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ____? |
Excuse me, could you show me the way to ____? |
Excuse me, do you know where the ____ is? |
Excuse me, do you know how to get to ____? |
Excuse me, I’m looking for ____. |
Is this the right way to ____? |
Is this the bus/ train/… for ? |
I think I’m lost. |
13.2. Giving direction
Basic English communication sentences |
It’s right there. |
It’s over there. |
It’s this way. |
It’s that way. |
Oh, you’re going the wrong way. |
You’re going in the wrong direction. |
First, go straight ahead. |
First, take this road. |
Then, take the first on the left/ right. |
After that, take the second on the left/ right. |
Keep going straight until you see… |
Go past the… on the left/ right. |
Turn left/ right into… |
At the first/ second/… intersection, |
At the first/ second/… roundabout, |
14. Shopping
Basic English communication sentences |
How much? |
Too expensive. |
Can you reduce the price? |
Can I have a discount for this? |
Do you want to sell? |
I want to buy. |
One size larger. |
One size smaller. |
What size is it? |
Do you have this in a size L? |
15. Communication in restaurant or café
Basic English communication sentences |
Excuse me! |
I am hungry. |
What is it? |
The bill please. |
May I have the menu. |
I am allergic to peanuts. |
I can not eat/drink _____. |
I am vegetarian. |
I would like to have this. |
One more. |
16. School
Basic English communication sentences |
Do you take tutoring outside of school? |
Do you get a lot of homework? |
Are you allowed to eat during class? |
Have you ever been late for class? |
Can you help me with the Physics homework? |
May I have a pen, please? |
Can you give me a hand? |
Can you do me a favour? |
Can I go to the restroom? |
Can I change seats? |
Would you mind speaking louder? |
Could you explain it once more, please? |
When is the homework due? |
Excuse me, can I talk to you for a minute? |
Can you help me, please? |
17. Bank
Basic English communication sentences |
I’d like to open an account/ a fixed account |
I’d like to close out my account |
I want to open a current account. Could you give me some information? |
I need to make a withdrawal. |
What if I overdraw? |
I’d like to withdraw 22 million against this letter of credit. |
I want to deposit 15 million into my account. |
I want to know my balance. |
Please tell me what the annual interest rate is? |
Is there any minimum for the first deposit? |
18. Emergency circumstances
Basic English communication sentences |
I need to see a doctor. |
I need to go to the hospital. |
I am sick. |
I had food poisoning. |
I was robbed. |
Call the police! |
Help me! |
19. Other basic topics
Basic English communication sentences |
Look! |
Great! |
Come on! |
Me too. |
Not bad. |
Just kidding! |
That's funny! |
That's life! |
Let's go! |
Hurry up! |
Stop it! |
Don't worry! |
Really? |
All the best! |
Go ahead! |
You're so dead! |
Just to be on the safe side. |
It's worth seeing. |
Let me know. |
Let me guess. |
It's hard to say. |
I'm working on it. |
What do you recommend? |
What's on your mind? |
Can I help you? |
May I ask you a question? |
I know. |
I don’t know. |
I think so. |
I don’t think so. |
II. Dialogues using basic English communication sentences

After learning the basic english sentences for communication, let's examine some simple English dialogues in everyday life situations:
1. Dialogue 1
Basic English communication sentences |
A: Hi! How are you? B: I'm good, thanks! How about you? A: I'm well too. I’m glad to meet you. B: So, what have you been up to lately? A: I had my business. How about you? B: I am a lecturer. I worked for a university. By the way, I have to go now. It was nice catching up with you. A: No problem. Take care and talk to you soon. B: You too. Bye! A: Goodbye! |
2. Dialogue 2
Basic English communication sentences |
A: Hi! Would you like to go out on a date with me? How about dinner? B: Sure, that sounds nice! Where do you have in mind? A: How about trying that new sushi place downtown? B: Oh, I love sushi! A: Awesome! How about Friday night? Around 7 p.m.? B: Perfect! Looking forward to it! A: Me too. See you on Friday! B: Goodbye! |
III. How to improve effective English communication skills
So how can you practice effective English communication? Let PREP guide you on how to improve your English communication skills!

1. Practice listening to English conversations regularly
Practicing listening to English conversations will help you quickly become familiar with and remember the language. You should try watching movies, listening to music or podcasts in English, and at first you can use subtitles to understand the context and vocabulary in the audio. After a while of getting used to listening to English, you can remove the subtitles and practice direct listening.
Some reliable English listening practice channels you can refer to include: TED Talks Daily, The English We Speak, FluentU English, etc.
2. Practice speaking English in everyday life
To have the opportunity to practice speaking English regularly, you can join English clubs at school or in the community to meet and practice speaking English with people who have similar interests. Additionally, find friends who also have the goal of learning English and practice speaking with them.
For those of you who are more introverted and shy about real-life interactions, you can practice English conversations through AI platforms like Virtual Speaking Room where you can practice and get feedback on your mistakes.
3. Expand your vocabulary
Finally, don't forget to build up your English conversation vocabulary every day! You need to focus on learning vocabulary by topic to avoid being scattered, and apply the vocabulary as you learn it. Put each new word into a sentence after each study session to solidify long-term memory. You should use reliable dictionaries like Cambridge and Oxford to look up the precise meanings and usages of each vocabulary word as you learn.
Above, PREP has summarized more than 1000 English sentences used in daily life, as well as provided real dialogues and effective learning methods. Please refer to these basic English communication sentences by topic to prepare well for your exams! Wishing you all the best!

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