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Thuộc lòng mẫu Template Writing Task 2 IELTS chuẩn chỉnh!

Để chinh phục được bài thi IELTS Writing Task 2, ngoài việc nắm vững kiến thức ngữ pháp, từ vựng thí sinh cần biết cách triển khai ý tưởng bài viết sao cho thật hay, thật logic và thuyết phục được giám khảo. Dưới đây là các mẫu template Writing Task 2 cho tất cả các dạng bài đầy đủ nhất. Tham khảo bài viết về mẫu template Writing Task 2 dưới đây để dễ dàng ẵm trọn band điểm thật cao bạn nhé!

Thuộc lòng mẫu Template Writing Task 2 IELTS chuẩn chỉnh!
Thuộc lòng mẫu Template Writing Task 2 IELTS chuẩn chỉnh!

I. Template Writing Task 2 - Dạng bài Advantages vs disadvantages

Template Writing Task 2 đầu tiên PREP muốn giới thiệu đến bạn chính là dàn bài trả lời câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Task 2 dạng bài Advantages vs disadvantages.

Bài mẫu Essay Advantages and Disadvantages 30/4/2022
Template Writing Task 2 - Dạng bài Advantages vs disadvantages

1. Introduction

  • General statement about the topic 
  • Thesis statement 
    • While there are a few benefits of something, the drawbacks are greater/ more significant.
    • Although there are some downsides to something, they are outweighed by the benefits.
    • While something (topic) is advantageous in some aspects/ ways, the drawbacks are more significant. 

Structure Note: Normally the introduction would contain two above sentences. For a better IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay, candidates should write a 3-sentence introduction. 

  • General background statement (broader/ more general idea) (e.g if the essay question is about air pollution, then this sentence would be about pollution in general)
  • Paraphrase the given topic
  • Answer the question 

Language Note: Each IELTS Examiner has their own preferences in terms of language use. Mr. Paul Varah (IELTS Elite) hates students using "nowadays" "in modern society/ world". Therefore, students should use "in today's world, in contemporary society/ world, currently, presently" and "in recent years/ decades" which is an acceptable paraphrase.

2. Body

Template 1
  • Body 1: There are some advantages to (the topic)
  • Body 2: However, the disadvantages are serious, far outweighing the advantages.
Template 2
  • Body 1: On the one hand, there are some reasons to believe (the topic) is unbeneficial.
  • Body 2: On the other hand, there are significant benefits to (the topic)
Template 3
  • Body 1: There are several drawbacks to (the topic).
  • Body 2: Despite the negatives mentioned above, (the topic) is a positive development for various reasons.

3. Conclusion

  • Template: Although something is beneficial in a few aspects such as A, I firmly believe that the shortcomings/ drawbacks, including B, are more significant - A and B are the key ideas of the body and are often noun phrases.
  • Note: A good conclusion should include a second sentence. This sentence should be a recommendation/ suggestion or prediction. If candidates do not write a second sentence in the conclusion paragraph, they will lose marks in terms of CC and TR also.
  • Structure: It is recommended/ suggested/ predicted that S+V.

Tham khảo thêm bài viết:

Mẫu Template Writing Task 1 

II. Template Writing Task 2 - Dạng bài Causes – Problems/ Solutions

Template Writing Task 2 tiếp theo bạn nên nằm lòng chính là dạng bài Causes – Problems/ Solutions. Tham khảo ngay mẫu dưới đây để học luyện thi IELTS Writing hiệu quả tại nhà bạn nhé!

essay mẫu về cause and solution, Cause and Solution essay bài mẫu
Template Writing Task 2 - Dạng bài Causes – Problems/ Solutions

1. Introduction

  • General statement (Write a sentence about the background of the topic)
  • Thesis statement 

Causes - Solutions

Template 1
  • Some explanations for this problem will be put forward, before a few possible solutions are proposed.
Template 2
  • Some causes for/ of the problem will be identified/ discovered/ revealed/ examined/ investigated before some viable solutions will be proposed/ suggested in the following essay.
  • problem -> trend/ situation/ practice/ problem/ issue.

Problems - Solutions

Template 1
  • This problem poses many threats to society and must be addressed by a number of solutions.
Template 2
  • This situation exerts several impacts on society and must be addressed/ controlled by some measures.
  • The subject of the sentence (problem/ situation/ trend) must be collocated with the verbs used afterwards. Make students check collocations carefully before writing.

2. Body

Problems - Solutions

Body 1
  • Something may produce some adverse effects on something. 
  • Something may pose some major problems to something.
Body 2
  • A number of solutions could be adopted/ actions could be taken to tackle something.

Causes - Solutions

Template 1
  • Body 1: There are two significant causes why something happens. 
  • Body 2: Some measures could be implemented to do something.
Template 2
  • Body 1:There are two significant causes of something.
  • Body 2: Several solutions could be adopted to tackle the problem.
Language note
  • In this kind of essay, students will make many mistakes in terms of language use, the most common of which is using wrong collocations. Please check the collocation dictionary carefully before writing.


Adjectives (Causes)

real, root, true, underlying, the root cause of the problem, deeper, biggest, chief, clear, fundamental, important, leading, main, major, number-one, primary, prime, principal, significant, common,

likely, possible, probable

Verbs (Causes)

determine, discover, find, identify, pinpoint, reveal

examine, investigate, study



Adjectives (Reasons)

cogent, good, sound, strong, compelling, convincing, plausible, big, chief, key, main, major, primary, principal

Verbs (Reasons)

cite, give (somebody/something), outline, provide, set out, state


3. Conclusion

  • Causes - Solutions: In conclusion, (the problem) can be ascribed/ attributed to a few factors, including A. To address/ tackle this problem, there are some effective measures such as B.
  • Problems - Solutions: In conclusion, (the topic) has exerted a number of adverse impacts on society including A. Strong measures, such as B, must be adopted to handle/ control/ ameliorate/ address this situation.

III. Template Writing Task 2 - Dạng bài Discuss both views and give your opinion

Dạng bài Discuss both views and give your opinion - dang bài tương đối khó nhằn trong bài thi IELTS Writing. Tham khảo ngay template Writing Task 2 của dạng bài này để xử đẹp đề thi bạn nhé:

Dạng bài Discuss essay (Discuss both views)
Template Writing Task 2 - Dạng bài Discuss both views and give your opinion

1. Introduction

General statement: 

  • People have different views about...
  • Opinions differ as to why...

Thesis statement (mention both views and your own opinion): Although there are good arguments in favour of..., I personally believe that...

2. Body

Body 1: Discuss the first view
  • There are several reasons why some believe that/ hold the view that S+V
  • The idea that S+V is attractive for several reasons.
  • The belief that S+V is reasonable for several reasons.
Body 2: Discuss the second view (make it clear that you agree with this view)
  • On the other hand, I believe that (S+V) (e.g it is more beneficial/ advantageous for somebody to do something).
  • However, I am firmly convinced that S+V.

3. Conclusion (Summarise both views and your own opinion)

Template: While some hold the view that S+V, I strongly believe/ argue that S+V. It is recommended that/ suggested that/ predicted that S+V.

IV. Template Writing Task 2 - Dạng bài Opinion essay

Template Writing Task 2 cuối cùng mà PREP muốn giới thiệu đến bạn chính là template Writing Task 2 của dạng bài Opinion Essay. Có 2 cách để trả lời cho dạng bài này, đó là:

  • Strong opinion
  • Balanced Opinion

Các dạng bài Writing Task 2 - Dạng bài Advantages and Disadvantages
Template Writing Task 2 - Dạng bài Opinion essay

1. Strong Opinion with 2 supporting points

1.1. Introduction

  • General statement (Paraphrase the question topic)
  • Thesis statement: I strongly/ firmly/ completely agree with this opinion/ policy/ action/ solution (because hint 1 and hint 2)

1.2. Note

  • Adding hints in the thesis statement is not required, but students aiming for a high band score in Writing should do so. This will help increase score in Coherence and Cohesion (as long as students fully extend and develop ideas in the body paragraphs and summarize main ideas in the Conclusion) and Grammatical Range and Accuracy (writing complex sentences, having a variety of them is the basic requirement of GRA 7.0).
  • A three-sentence introduction paragraph would be also highly recommended for a better band score in Writing.

1.3. Body

Template 1

  • Body 1: The primary reason why I believe S+V is that...
  • Body 2: Another reason for my belief is that...

Template 2

  • Body 1: From the X perspective, I think that …
  • Body 2: From the Y perspective, I believe that …
  • X and Y would be adjectives. The most common perspectives (personal, economic, social, environmental)

1.4. Conclusion

  • Restate your opinion: I strongly agree/ disagree with this opinion -> I firmly believe/ strongly argue that.
  • Summarise the key points: Because hint 1 and hint 2 -> Because of -> Since/ As
  • Note: If students restate their opinion and summarise key points in the same sentence, they should add another sentence stating their recommendation/ suggestion/ prediction. Writing a one-sentence conclusion, students would be punished.

2. Almost balanced opinion, but favoring one side

2.1. Introduction

General Statement 

  • Paraphrase the question topic
  • Write a general sentence of your own words about the topic

Thesis statement: Mention two opposing ideas, the weak opinion is mentioned first, followed by the stronger one.

  • While I agree that S1+V1 in a few aspects, I would argue that S2+V2.
  • While I accept that S1+V1, I would contend that S2+V2.

2.2. Body

Template 1:

  • Topic sentence 1: There are a few/ several reasons why I believe that S1+V1.
  • Topic sentence 2: However, I am firmly convinced that S2+V2.

Template 2:

  • Topic sentence 1: On the one hand, there are some reasons why S1+V1.
  • Topic sentence 2: On the other hand, I firmly believe that S2+V2.

2.3. Conclusion

  • Paraphrase the thesis statement
  • Summarize the key ideas
Template In conclusion/ To conclude, although I agree / accept that S1 + V1 because of a few reasons such as A, I am strongly convinced that S2+V2 since/ because + clause.
Note A good conclusion should include a second sentence. This sentence should be a recommendation/ suggestion or prediction. If candidates do not write a second sentence in the conclusion paragraph, they will lose marks in terms of CC and TR also.
Structure It is recommended/ suggested/ predicted that S+V

Trên đây là mẫu Template Writing Task 2 đầy đủ cho tất cả các dạng bài. PREP chúc bạn học luyện thi hiệu quả tại nhà và chinh phục được band điểm Writing thật cao nhé!

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