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Sample Speaking Part 2: Describe an important event that you celebrated

The following sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic, "Describe an important event that you celebrated," has been prepared by teachers at Therefore, to achieve a high band score in IELTS Speaking for this topic, please refer to the grammar structure, word usage, organization, and allocation of ideas in the speech below!

Sample Speaking Part 2: Describe an important event that you celebrated
Sample Speaking Part 2: Describe an important event that you celebrated

I. Sample Speaking Part 2: Describe an important event that you celebrated

1. Cue card

In the IELTS Speaking Part 2, candidates are presented with a topic card that contains a specific question or prompt. This segment, often referred to as the "long turn," requires examinees to speak uninterrupted for up to two minutes on the given topic. It assesses their ability to fluently express ideas, provide relevant details, and maintain coherence. Candidates are encouraged to utilize a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to convey their thoughts effectively. This section aims to evaluate not only linguistic proficiency but also the speaker's ability to organize and present information coherently within a semi-formal context. Below is an example:

Describe an important event that you celebrated. You should say:

  • What it was
  • Where it happened
  • Why it was important

How people felt about it.

Sample Speaking Part 2: Describe an important event that you celebrated

2. Sample Speaking: Describe an important event that you celebrated

The IELTS Speaking sample topic "Describe an important event that you celebrated" has been prepared by top-grade teachers at 

When asked this question, what immediately flickers through my mind is the National Day which I celebrated with my friends last year. National Day of Vietnam is a national holiday observed on September 2nd to commemorate the moment when President Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam an independent state on September 2nd 1945.

Often on this day, I will head for a far-away tourist destination to let my hair down. But unfortunately, 2019's National Day holiday lasted only one day so traveling far away was out of the question. For this reason, my friends and I had a novel idea: "Why don't we travel in our own city because Hanoi was the place where the Decla-ration of Independence was made?"

With this pretty wild idea, we decided to wake up early in the morning and went to Ba Dinh square to watch the flag-raising ceremony. What a sacred moment to relive, and to truly comprehend why we can have this peaceful Vietnam to reside in! After that, we just roamed through the city for a food tour and played bowling together. One thing I found quite intriguing was that when we had a feast for lunch, the restaurant put a small Vietnamese flag on every dish to remind everybody of this special day, which seemed really cute to me.

Although not being able to travel far away on National Day put a damper on my mood, the trip around Hanoi was still an enjoyable experience for me and all my friends. I just hope that the holiday for the National Day next year will last longer so that my playful squad can go on a true vacation.

Note: The following sample is for reference purposes only, to supplement the self-study process of IELTS Speaking at home for candidates. In addition, this sample can also be used for other topics such as "Describe an important event in your life that you celebrated," "Describe an event that you celebrated," "Describe an important event in your life," etc.

II. Key vocabulary used in the sample "Describe an important event that you celebrated"

Key vocabulary used in the sample "Describe an important event that you celebrated"

Here are some useful vocabulary words that have been used in the IELTS Speaking Part 2 sample on the topic "Describe an important event that you celebrated"

  • Flicker through one's mind: to pass quickly through one's mind
  • Commemorate (v): to remember or honor
  • Head for (v): to go to a specific place
  • Let one's hair down (v): to relax and unwind
  • Out of the question: impossible
  • Novel (adj): new or fresh
  • Flag-raising ceremony (n): an event where a flag is raised
  • Relive (v): to experience again
  • Roam through (v): to wander or explore
  • Feast (n): a grand meal or celebration
  • Put a damper on one's mood: to spoil or dampen one's mood
  • Reside (v): to live or dwell

This article has provided a detailed sample for IELTS Speaking Part 2 on the topic "Describe an important event that you celebrated", written by teachers at PREP. Wishing you effective self-study at home and success in achieving a high score in the upcoming IELTS Speaking test.

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Mr. Tú Phạm is the founder of PREP, a Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of teaching and test preparation experience, he has assisted thousands of students in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam. Additionally, Mr. Tú Phạm serves as a consultant for British Council programs and as a speaker at numerous premier education events, programs, and seminars.
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