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Tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó + Gợi ý giải đề chi tiết

Bài viết dưới đây là một số đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó được prepedu.com tổng hợp kỹ lưỡng. Đi kèm với đề bài, một số ý tưởng giải quyết triệt để bài thi IELTS Writing Task 2 được gợi ý bởi thầy cô giáo tại prepedu.com giúp bạn ôn luyện thi hiệu quả tại nhà và tự tin tham gia kỳ thi Writing thực chiến. Tham khảo ngay bài viết dưới đây để hiểu rõ xu hướng ra đề để định hướng được mục tiêu, lộ trình ôn luyện dễ dàng!

Bài viết dưới đây là một số đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó được prepedu.com tổng hợp kỹ lưỡng. Đi kèm với đề bài, một số ý tưởng giải quyết triệt để bài thi IELTS Writing Task 2 được gợi ý bởi thầy cô giáo tại prepedu.com giúp bạn ôn luyện thi hiệu quả tại nhà và tự tin tham gia kỳ thi Writing thực chiến. Tham khảo ngay bài viết dưới đây để hiểu rõ xu hướng ra đề để định hướng được mục tiêu, lộ trình ôn luyện dễ dàng!

Tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó + Gợi ý giải đề chi tiết nhất

I. Nhận xét về xu hướng ra đề IELTS Writing

Dưới đây là nhận xét chi tiết về xu hướng ra đề thi IELTS Writing, cụ thể:

    • Education - giáo dục - vẫn là vô địch - được ra tới 11 lần trong năm, tỷ lệ "trúng" lên tới 20%.
    • Work - công việc - là "ngựa ô" mới và được ra ngày càng nhiều trong 2 năm trở lại đây, trong năm nay là 5 lần.
    • Health care & Medical Research (***) - chủ đề hiếm ở mọi năm năm nay được ra tới 2 lần, trong đó đặc biệt hồi giữa năm có đề về Diseases. Dữ liệu khẳng định Covid19 CHƯA thay đổi đáng kể xu hướng ra đề, nếu có chỉ tác động nhỏ, và nếu bạn chuẩn bị chủ đề này thì sự chuẩn bị mang tính "phòng ngừa" là chính.
    • Các chủ đề được ra nhiều khác từ 3-4 lần: Diets, Sports, Communication - như mọi năm - và năm nay thêm 2 chú "ngựa ô" thứ 2 là Research (**) và  (Space exploration (***).

Những đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó nhất năm nay chủ đề thực sự rất tản mát. Nó có thể là: nhạc cổ điển (19/12), trồng rau (15/10), nghiên cứu vũ trụ (3 đề liền giống hệt nhau, gần nhất là 15/8), nghiên cứu thuốc chữa bệnh (4/6),...

Nhưng chủ đề KHÓ NHẤT theo góc nhìn của mình chính là đề ngày 12/11 về QUY ĐỊNH VÀ LUẬT PHÁP TRONG XÃ HỘI. Giải quyết đề này với những bạn chưa không học giáo dục công dân giỏi :D

II. Tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó & Ideas chi tiết

1. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó: Shopping, Digital technology

Task 2: Online shopping is becoming more popular. How could this trend affect our environment and the kinds of work required?

Suggested ideas

Environmental impact:

More plastic and paper waste in the process of packaging before sending the items to customers

More air pollution in the process of delivering the items

Kinds of work that are affected:

Clerks & custodians in shops and supermarkets may lose their jobs

More work for delivery workers

2. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó: Space Exploration

Task 2: Some people think the money spent in developing the technology for space exploration is not justified. There are more beneficial ways to spend this money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Suggested ideas:

Reasons to disagree: 

People may overlook the benefits humans may enjoy in the near future. Examples: low-orbit satellites providing Internet connectivity that is extremely fast and reduce a great amount of 

People may lose future opportunities that solve great world’s problems. Example: spaced-based solar power technology may provide another solution to the depletion of fossil fuels.

Task 2: Some people believe that spending money on developing technology on space exploration is unjustifiable and there are more beneficial ways to spend this money. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Suggested ideas:

Reasons to disagree: 

People may overlook the benefits humans may enjoy in the near future. Examples: low-orbit satellites providing Internet connectivity that is extremely fast and reduce a great amount of

People may lose future opportunities that solve great world’s problems. Example: spaced-based solar power technology may provide another solution to the depletion of fossil fuels.

Task 2: Some people think the money spent on developing technology for space exploration is not justified. However, there are more beneficial ways to spend this money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Suggested ideas:

Reasons to disagree: 

People may overlook the benefits humans may enjoy in the near future. Examples: low-orbit satellites providing Internet connectivity that is extremely fast and reduce a great amount of

People may lose future opportunities that solve great world’s problems. Example: spaced-based solar power technology may provide another solution to the depletion of fossil fuels.

3. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó: Science & Research, Health care

Task 2: In today's world, private companies rather than the government pay for and conduct most scientific research. Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Suggested ideas:


Research is often practical, which means the medicine and treatments found can be used to solve current public health problems 

Research projects started by private companies may be later acquired by the government if found beneficial for the public


Private companies may choose engage in only the projects that may bring financial benefits for them

If they find a key medicine, such as an effective vaccine for Covid19, they may choose to sell their medicine at a high price that is against public benefits

Task 2: Government should spend more money on medical research to protect citizens' health rather than on protecting the environment. Do you agree or disagree?

Suggested ideas:

Reasons to allocate money to medical research:

Understanding new diseases and how to treat them => improve public health

Research carried out by private companies might be for their own benefits, not for the public

But they must still invest in environmental protection:

If the environment is polluted, people are more likely to have medical problems that require treatment which costs even more money

Respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis in places with a low air quality 

Digestive conditions such as digestive disorder where drinking water is polluted 

Task 2: Researches into new types of medicine and treatments are essential to improve health and deal with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or the government?

Suggested ideas:

Private companies:

Research is often practical, which means the medicine and treatments found can be used to solve current public health problems 


Research projects may start on a small scale, but once found useful can be acquired by larger organisations who may develop these projects further

The government:

Willing to invest in research that may not be immediately profitable but beneficial for public health in the long term

4. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó: Global issues

Task 2: Some people say that to solve today’s global problems every nation should have a good relationship with other nations. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Suggested ideas: 

Agree: A good relationship can help countries address these problems more effectively on a global scale.

Problem: natural disasters => other countries may provide medical support and evacuation services if the relationship is good

Problem: human trafficking => governments of where the victims are from and where they want to migrate to must work together

Disagree: There are problems that are beyond the relationship of countries and should be solved regardless of whether the relationship is warm or not

Problem: global warming => affecting hundreds of countries at the same time

Problem: global organised crime => these criminals are enemies of all countries 

5. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó: Children, Education

Task 2: It is suggested that primary children should learn how to grow vegetables and keep animals. Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?

Suggested ideas:


Children can learn about nature => they are more aware of protecting nature

Children may develop a relationship with the animals and plants => benefits for their emotional development


Children may get dirty in the process of planting and growing vegetables 

It might be potentially dangerous for children who are allergic to energy hair

6. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó: Society, Laws

Task 2: Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted to do. To what extent do you agree or not?

Suggested ideas

Reasons to agree:

People might commit crimes without fearing that they would be punished 

Workers might be mistreated and exploited as there would be no labour law

Trade might not happen because there there would be no rules and laws to guarantee fairness between the parties involved in the trade

Pandemics, if there are any, would spread uncontrollably since there would be no rules on containing it

7. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó: Music

Task 2: In some countries, only a few young people go to classical music concerts or play classical music. Why is this the case? Should young people be encouraged to attend those concerts and learn more about classical music?

Suggested ideas


Other kinds of music are catchier

Other kinds of music are easier and faster to learn 

We should encourage people … because:

Classical music artists can earn a living

Learning classical music can enhance one’s patience

Practicing some instruments e.g. the piano can help one improve his hand-eye coordination

III. Lời Kết

Trên đây là tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 khó đi kèm gợi ý giải đề chi tiết nhất giúp bạn tham khảo dễ dàng để ôn luyện thi Writing hiệu quả tại nhà. Bạn có thể làm thêm nhiều đề Ielts writing hơn trong các khóa học ielts và tính năng luyện đề ielts tại Prep. Tìm hiểu ngay dưới đây.

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