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Understanding Absolute phrase in English

What is an Absolute phrase? In today's article, let's explore the usage of Absolute phrases in English with PREP. Take a look now!

Mastering the 3 Absolute phrases in English
Mastering the 3 Absolute phrases in English

I. What is Absolute phrase?

I. What is Absolute phrase? An Absolute phrase is a group of words that adds meaning to the entire sentence. The Absolute phrase typically consists of a noun and a participle. For example:

  • The artist painted, her hand gliding across the canvas in a creative dance. ➞ “The artist painted” is an Absolute phrase.
  • Her engagement ring sliding loosely on her finger, Jenny placed it in her jewelry box before exercising. ➞ “Her engagement ring sliding loosely on her finger” is an Absolute phrase.
What is Absolute phrase?
What is Absolute phrase?

II. Types of Absolute phrases in English

Let's explore the three most commonly used types of Absolute phrases in English with PREP!

1. Noun + Participle

The Absolute phrase with an active meaning is the most frequently encountered type, especially in sentences combining two clauses into one. For example:

  • Jack’s homework completed, he went to bed at midnight. 
  • Maria stands alone by herself, her hair fluttering in the wind

2. Pronoun + to + verb

The Absolute phrase involves a pronoun followed by “to + verb”. For example:

  • We all filed out, some to come back homeothers to gather at the bookshop. 
  • My friends have different hobbies, some to love painting, others to enjoy singing

3. Noun/Pronoun + Prepositional Phrase/Adjective

The Absolute phrase combines a noun/pronoun with a prepositional phrase/adjective, as shown in the examples:

  • Alex was waiting, (with) his eyes on the sky
  • Jennie determination stronger than ever, she decided not to give up until she had achieved her dreams.
Types of Absolute phrases in English
Types of Absolute phrases in English

III. Common Phrases in Absolute phrases in English

Here are some common phrases that often appear in Absolute phrases:

  • Roughly speaking, the coat cost about 2000 dollars.
  • Considering Anna’s abilities, she should have done better.
  • A rain is brewing, judging by the dark clouds
  • To get back to the main point, we need more budget.
Common Phrases in Absolute phrases in English
Common Phrases in Absolute phrases in English

V. Exercises on Absolute phrases with answers

1. Exercise

Exercise 1: Identify the Absolute phrases in the following sentences:

  1. Jackson’s work completed, he left the office.
  2. Maria’s eyes filled with tears, she quietly left the room.
  3. The concert over, the audience gave the musicians a standing ovation.
  4. Weather permitting, the outdoor concert will take place tonight.
  5. The sun having set, the campers gathered around the fire.
  6. The cat, its tail wagging happily, greeted its owner at the door.
  7. Peter’s decision made, he felt a sense of relief.
  8. The exam finished, the students eagerly awaited their results.
  9. His book finished, the author began working on his next project.
  10. The rain having stopped, we decided to go for a walk.
  11. The meeting adjourned, everyone left the room.
  12. Her homework completed, Sarah watched television.
  13. The storm having passed, the children went outside to play.
  14. His confidence renewed, John approached the stage.
  15. The kitchen spotless, she started baking a cake.
  16. The dog, its ears perked up, listened intently.
  17. The decision finalized, the committee moved on to the next topic.
  18. The letter sent, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders.
  19. Her bag packed, she was ready for the trip.
  20. The sun rising, the birds began to sing.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences by adding absolute phrases.

  1. She finished her homework. She went out to play.
  2. The sun set. The evening grew cooler.
  3. He packed his bags. He left for the airport.
  4. The bell rang. The students left the classroom.
  5. The rain stopped. We went for a walk.
  6. She finished reading the book. She put it back on the shelf.
  7. The plane landed. The passengers got off.
  8. He completed the project. He submitted it to his manager.
  9. The cake baked. She decorated it with frosting.
  10. The alarm rang. They woke up immediately.

2. Answer

Exercise 1:

  1. Jackson’s work completed
  2. Maria’s eyes filled with tears
  3. The concert over
  4. Weather permitting
  5. The sun having set
  6. its tail wagging happily
  7. Peter’s decision made
  8. The exam finished
  9. His book finished
  10. The rain having stopped
  11. The meeting adjourned
  12. Her homework completed
  13. The storm having passed
  14. His confidence renewed
  15. The kitchen spotless
  16. its ears perked up
  17. The decision finalized
  18. The letter sent
  19. Her bag packed
  20. The sun rising

Exercise 2:

  1. Her homework finished, she went out to play.
  2. The sun set, the evening growing cooler.
  3. His bags packed, he left for the airport.
  4. The bell rang, the students leaving the classroom.
  5. The rain stopped, we went for a walk.
  6. The book finished, she put it back on the shelf.
  7. The plane landed, the passengers got off.
  8. The project completed, he submitted it to his manager.
  9. The cake baked, she decorated it with frosting.
  10. The alarm rang, they woke up immediately.

PREP has clarified the definition and usage of Absolute phrase above. Let’s follow PREP for more useful and informative English knowledge updates!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Mr. Tú Phạm is the founder of PREP, a Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of teaching and test preparation experience, he has assisted thousands of students in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam. Additionally, Mr. Tú Phạm serves as a consultant for British Council programs and as a speaker at numerous premier education events, programs, and seminars.
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