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Which preposition does Contrary go with? The structure Contrary to

Contrary is an English word that means "opposite in nature, direction, or meaning”. So, which preposition does Contrary go with? What are the words or phrases that are used with Contrary? Let's find out in detail in the article below!

Which preposition does Contrary go with?
Which preposition does Contrary go with?

I. What is Contrary?

What is Contrary? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Contrary functions as a noun and an adjective in a sentence.

  • Contrary functions as a noun, meaning: the opposite. For example: Jerry was worried that it might be too hard for me but it turned out the contrary was true. 
  • Contrary functions as an adjective, meaning: opposite, not reasonable. For example: Contrary to all my expectations, my ex-boyfriend found a well-paid job and a nice girlfriend. 
What is Contrary?
What is Contrary?

II. Which preposition does Contrary go with? The structure of Contrary in English

Which preposition does Contrary go with? Let's find out the answer to this question in the table below!



Contrary to something

Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk. 

On the contrary, clause

My boyfriend finds this movie interesting. On the contrary, I felt sleepy when watching it. 

To the contrary

For a long time Tom was innocent, but I now have evidence to the contrary

From the above table, we can see that Contrary is used with the prepositions "to" and "on" to form complete structures.

III. The words/phrases used with Contrary

The words/phrases used with Contrary
The words/phrases used with Contrary

Let's find out the words/phrases used with Contrary below!



Proof/ evidence to the contrary 

Everyone thinks that Hannie is good for Geiger, but I give evidence to the contrary that she is cheating on him. 

Contrary advice/ opinions/ a point of view/ arguments

My friend gives a contrary point of view to the teacher. 

Contrary to popular belief/ opinion

Contrary to popular opinion, I still believe that Susan is innocent. 

IV. Synonyms of Contrary

Synonyms of Contrary
Synonyms of Contrary

Let's list the synonyms of Contrary with PREP below!

Synonyms of Contrary



opposed (adj)

to disagree with a principle or plan

Tiffany is opposed to any changes to the current legislation. 

opposite (adj)

completely different

My sister and I are completely opposite to each other in every way. 

contradictory (adj)

My brother always keeps getting contradictory advice. 

converse (n)

However, the converse of this theory may also be true. 

conflicting (adj)

unable to exist together or both be true

The Prime Minister heard conflicting evidence from three attendants. 

incompatible (adj)

not able to exist or work with another person or thing

My sister’s naughty appearance is incompatible with her soul. 

discordant (adj)

not in agreement

Discordant opinions prevail even among good judges. 

V. Exercise on the Contrary structure in English

To remember the preposition used with Contrary, let's practice the exercise below!

1. Exercise

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer

  1. Contrary_____popular belief, caffeine can have both positive and negative effects on your health.
    1. to 
    2. on
    3. with
  2. She expected him to be upset;_____the contrary, he took the news quite calmly.
    1. to 
    2. on
    3. with
  3. Many people believe that technology isolates individuals, but,_____the contrary, it can also connect people across the world.
    1. to 
    2. on
    3. with
  4. Contrary _____what I thought, the movie turned out to be quite enjoyable.
    1. to 
    2. on
    3. with
  5. Her actions were in direct contrary_____the company's code of conduct, leading to her termination.
    1. to 
    2. on
    3. with

Exercise 2: Choose the appropriate words to fill in the blanks: contrary to, on the contrary, to the contrary

  1. The scientific findings were _____ the assumptions made by the researchers.
  2. _____, her decision to pursue a career in the arts was met with overwhelming support from her family.
  3. Despite reports _____, she seems to be coping well in prison.
  4. _____, the team's performance exceeded everyone's expectations despite initial doubts.
  5. The final exam results were _____ what the students had predicted, leaving many pleasantly surprised.
  6. _____ popular belief, cats can be very affectionate pets.
  7. Despite the forecast, the weather turned out _____ and it was a sunny day.
  8. _____ what I expected, the movie was actually quite boring.
  9. He thought she would be angry, but _____, she seemed quite happy with the news.
  10. _____ his usual behavior, he remained calm and composed during the crisis.

2. Answers

Exercise 1: 

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A

Exercise 2:

  1. Contrary to 
  2. On the contrary
  3. To the contrary
  4. On the contrary
  5. Contrary to
  6. Contrary to
  7. On the contrary
  8. To the contrary
  9. To the contrary
  10. Contrary to

VI. Excel in Every IELTS Section

With the information on Contrary provided above, PREP hopes that Preppies will have a better understanding of what Contrary is, which preposition goes with Contrary, and the common structures of Contrary. If you want expert feedback on your progress, explore our personalized IELTS mentorship programs below:

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