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What do you mean in English: Definition, usage, exercises with answers

What is What do you mean in English? When do we use the question What do you mean? To answer these questions, let's explore the definition, usage, and words/phrases that accompany What do you mean in English.

Detailed usage of What do you mean in English
Detailed usage of What do you mean in English

I. What is What do you mean in English?

What is What do you mean in English? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, What do you mean is an idiom and a common question in English conversation, used to: show that you are annoyed or that you disagree. For example:

  • What do you mean, you don't want to continue?
  • Stop, what are you doing? What do you mean? 
  • What did you mean? Maria invited me. 
What is What do you mean in English?
What is What do you mean in English?

II. The usage of What do you mean in English

Let's explore some common ways to use What do you mean in English below:

1. What do you mean + by?

The question "What do you mean + by something?" expresses the meaning: the meaning of your saying (a certain event happening). For example:

  • What do you mean by that
  • What  do you mean by fired

2. What do you mean + when?

The question "What do you mean + when?" expresses the meaning: what do you intend when..., we have the structure:

What do you mean when you + V-inf?

What did you mean when you + V2?

 For example:

  • What do you mean when you leave without saying anything
  • What did you mean when you winked at me
The usage of What do you mean in English
The usage of What do you mean in English

III. Common words and phrases used with What do you mean

Let's explore together what words/phrases are commonly used after the question What do you mean in English below!



I don’t get it.

  • A: I wanna get out of the team. 
  • B: What do you mean? I don’t get it. 


  • A: I said: “Get out of my face”. 
  • B: Pardon? What do you mean? 

Excuse me?


It makes no sense to me.

  • A: You are fired, right now! 
  • B: What do you mean? It makes no sense to me. 

It’s beyond me.

  • A: You have to take over the team leader position. 
  • B: What do you mean? It’s beyond me. 

I can’t wrap my head around it.

Common words and phrases used with What do you mean
Common words and phrases used with What do you mean

IV. Exercises on What do you mean in English

Let's complete the exercise below to further consolidate your knowledge about What do you mean in English!

1. Exercise

Exercise 1: Fill in “by” or “when” in the appropriate blanks:

  1. What do you mean _______ "thinking outside the box"? Can you give me an example?
  2. I didn't understand the lecture. What do you mean _______ "cultural relativism"?
  3. You mentioned a potential obstacle. What do you mean _______ you say "budget constraints"?
  4. The assignment instructions are a bit unclear. What do you mean _______ "analyzing the data critically"?
  5. You mentioned "net present value." What do you mean _______ you say that in the context of financial analysis?
  6. In your essay, you talked about "cultural appropriation." What do you mean _______ you use that term?
  7. The job posting mentioned "excellent communication skills." What do you mean _______ that?
  8. You said the solution is "innovative." What do you mean _______ that?
  9. You mentioned a potential obstacle. What do you mean _______ you say "budget constraints"?
  10. You discussed the project timeline, but what do you mean _______ you say "Phase 2"?

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer:

  1. What do you mean ___ you say "It's too complicated"?
    1. by
    2. when
  2. What do you mean ___ 'effective immediately'?
    1. by
    2. when
  3. What do you mean ___ you were not informed about the meeting?
    1. By
    2. when
  4. What do you mean ___ 'all-inclusive'?
    1. by
    2. when
  5. What do you mean ___ you said the project was a failure?
    1. by
    2. when
  6. What do you mean ___ this symbol in the report?
    1. by
    2. when
  7. What do you mean ___ you mentioned that yesterday?
    1. by
    2. when
  8. What do you mean ___ 'user-friendly'?
    1. by
    2. when
  9. What do you mean ___ you say you are not interested anymore?
    1. by
    2. when
  10. What do you mean ___ 'double-check everything'?
    1. by
    2. when

2. Answer

Exercise 1:

  1. by
  2. by
  3. when
  4. by
  5. when
  6. when
  7. by
  8. by
  9. when
  10. when

Exercise 2:

1 - B

2 - A

3 - B

4 - A

5 - B

6 - A

7 - B

8 -  A

9 - B

10 - A

V. Get Ready to Ace the IELTS Exam 

PREP hopes this article has helped you understand the common usages of What do you mean in English. This phrase is frequently used in casual conversations to seek clarification or elicit more information from the speaker. If you want to ace the IELTS exam, PREP’s smart preparation tools and expert guidance will set you up for success. 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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