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What is However in English? Synonymous words/phrases to However in English

What is the However in English? Although However is commonly used in English, many people do not fully understand how to use it correctly or distinguish it from other conjunctions like But, Therefore, and Nevertheless. In this article, Prep will help clarify all your doubts about this grammatical item.

What is However in English? Synonymous words/phrases to However in English
What is However in English? Synonymous words/phrases to However in English

I. What is However in English?

What is However in English? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, However functions as an adverb, a connecting word in sentences. A tentative translation is: Although, despite, in any case. For example:

  • However serves as an adverb:
    • However hungry I am, I don’t want to eat anything. 
    • However fast we drive, we’re not going to get there in time. 
  • However serves as a conjunction:
    • You can do it however you like, it really doesn’t matter.
    • I wanted to go to the beach today; however, the weather forecast predicts rain.
What is However in English?
What is However in English?

II. The position of However in English

However is commonly used to indicate a contrast or opposition within a sentence. The position of However in English can vary depending on the sentence structure and the intention of the writer. Let's learn more about this together from PREP below!

The position of However in English
The position of However in English

The position of However in English


At the beginning of the sentence, before the comma

However, I don’t think we should go to the beach today because it’s raining. 

In the middle of the sentence, after the semicolon and before the comma

I wanted to go to the movies; however, I couldn’t find anyone to go with. 

At the end of the sentence after the comma

I tried my best to finish the project on time. It was a difficult task, however.

III. The usage of However in English

What part of speech does However function within a sentence? Let's learn more about how to use However together from PREP below!

1. However serves as an adverb

When However is used as an adverb, it typically appears at the beginning or middle of a sentence. As an adverb, it often collocates with adjectives or clauses to indicate meanings such as no matter what, in any case, etc. For example:

  • He was feeling bad. He went to work, however, and tried to concentrate. 
  • We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors.
However serves as an adverb
However serves as an adverb

2. However serves as a conjunction

When However is used as a conjunction, it is often placed between two clauses to connect them. It is used to contrast or oppose the preceding idea. In addition, the However structure is also often used to introduce a new idea or opposite to the preceding one. The However structure is used to create a contrast or opposition between two clauses. For example:

  • Do it however you like. 
  • I will help however I can. 
However serves as a conjunction
However serves as a conjunction

IV. Some notes on However in English

What do we need to pay attention to regarding the usage, meaning, and position of However in the sentence? Many students are wondering: "Can 'however' stand after a comma?" Let's find out the answer together with PREP right below!

Some notes on However in English
Some notes on However in English:
  • Semicolon or comma: When However is used as an adverb, it usually follows a semicolon, but stands before a comma. For example: He wasn’t feeling well; However, he managed to finish his work on time.
  • Accurate contrast:
    • However is often used to indicate a contrast or opposition between two meanings in a sentence. Ensure that the meaning before and after 'however' are truly contrasting to avoid misunderstanding.
    • Avoid overusing: Do not overuse the word However in your writing. If you constantly use it, it can make the text difficult to read and repetitive.
  • Note: When However to replace words such as: "Nevertheless", "Nonetheless", "Still", "Yet" or "But", continue following the article with PREP to distinguish the usage of these words!

V. Distinguish However with But, Therefore, and Nevertheless

Besides However, But, Therefore, and Nevertheless are also conjunctions in English. How do we distinguish these words? Let’s check them out with PREP!

Distinguish However with But, Therefore, and Nevertheless
Distinguish However with But, Therefore, and Nevertheless

1. However vs But

However vs But





However and "but" are both used to indicate contrast or contradiction between two ideas or clauses.



used to introduce a statement that contrasts with something that has just been said

used to introduce a word or phrase that contrasts with what was said before


However is used as an adverb

But is used as a conjunction


However is used in more formal and academic contexts.

But is used in dialogues and more informal contexts.


However is used in academic contexts, more formal

But is used in conversational contexts, more informal


She wanted to go to the party. However, she was too tired. 

She wanted to go to the party, but she was too tired. 

2. However vs Therefore

However vs Therefore






However and "therefore" are both adverbs and can be placed at the beginning of a sentence or between two clauses separated by a semicolon.



used to introduce a statement that contrasts with something that has just been said

used to introduce the logical result of something that has just been mentioned


However is used to indicate a contrast or contradiction between two ideas, often leading to a surprise or unexpected outcome.

"Therefore" expresses a cause-effect relationship, referring to something that happens based on a reason or evidence that has been presented.


She studied hard. However, she still failed the exam. 

She studied hard; therefore, she passed the exam. 

3. However vs Nevertheless

However vs Nevertheless






However and "nevertheless" are both used to indicate a contrast or contradiction between two ideas or clauses.



used to introduce a statement that contrasts with something that has just been said

despite something that you have just mentioned

Position in sentences

However often appears at the beginning of a sentence, between clauses after a semicolon, or at the end of a sentence after a comma.

Nevertheless can appear at the beginning or end of a sentence and is usually not followed by a comma (,).


He was tired; however, he continued working. 

I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless. 

VI. Synonymous words/phrases to However in English

In case you need to use words or phrases with a contrasting meaning, instead of relying solely on the structure "however," you can replace it with other synonymous phrases to avoid repetition. Below, PREP has collected and compiled synonymous words/phrases for However for your reference.

Synonymous words/phrases to However in English
Synonymous words/phrases to However in English




I was tired; nevertheless, I managed to finish the project on time. 


The weather was terrible; nonetheless, we decided to go for a hike.


Notwithstanding some members’ objections, I think we must go ahead with the plan. 


He had little experience, but he still managed to impress the interviewers. 


The movie was long, yet it held my attention the entire time. 


She had a busy day at work, though she managed to find time for a quick workout. 


Although it rained heavily, they continued with the outdoor event. 

In spite of that

In spite of that, they managed to complete the project on time. 

Even so

The prices have gone up, but even so, I believe it’s worth it.

On the other hand

I wanted to go out; on the other hand, I also wanted to stay home and relax. 


He was tired, but he pushed himself to finish the race.


Some people love hot weather; conversely, others prefer cold climates.

Regardless of

She decided to go for a swim regardless of the chilly water. 

Even so

The restaurant was crowded, but even so, we had a great dining experience.

On the contrary

Many people believed it would fail, but, on the contrary, it was a great success. 

VII. Exercises on However in English

To fully grasp the knowledge of However, it's important not only to study the theoretical part thoroughly but also to practice with various exercises. Below, PREP has collected 2 sample exercises on However for your reference. You can take a look!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences with the word in parentheses

  • I want to buy a new car, but I don’t have enough money. (However)
  • I tried not to cry so hard. I cried so hard. (However)
  • She looks gorgeous in that dress. He invites her for a slow dance. (therefore)
  • Susie is going to be late for school today. She won’t be punished because the teacher hasn’t arrived yet. (But)
  • There was no hope. He went on hoping. (Nevertheless)

Exercise 2: Fill however, nevertheless, but and therefore in the appropriate blanks

  • She studied diligently for the exam; __________, she didn't perform as well as she expected.
  • The weather was forecasted to be sunny; __________, everyone brought umbrellas just in case.
  • He missed the train; __________, he arrived at the meeting on time.
  • The restaurant had a great ambiance; __________, the food was disappointing.
  • She practiced the dance routine repeatedly; __________, she was nervous during the actual performance.

2. Answer keys

Exercise 1:

  • I want to buy a new car; However, I don’t have enough money.
  • I tried not to cry so hard; However, I cried so hard.
  • She looks gorgeous in that dress; therefore, he invites her for a slow dance.
  • Susie is going to be late for school today, but she won’t be punished because the teacher hasn’t arrived yet.
  • There was no hope; nevertheless, he went on hoping.

Exercise 2:

  • She studied diligently for the exam; however, she didn't perform as well as she expected.
  • The weather was forecasted to be sunny; nevertheless, everyone brought umbrellas just in case.
  • He missed the train; however, he arrived at the meeting on time.
  • The restaurant had a great ambiance; but, the food was disappointing.
  • She practiced the dance routine repeatedly; therefore, she was nervous during the actual performance.

VIII. Transform Your IELTS Dreams Into Reality

In this article, PREP has provided you with the theoretical knowledge of However in English as well as exercise questions with answers at the end of the article so that you can review confidently. If Band 7+ is your goal, our expert strategies will get you there- check out our course below:

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
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Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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