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What is Explain in English? The meaning and structure of Explain in English

What is Explain in English? How should the structure of Explain in English be used correctly? In today's article, PREP will explain in detail all the knowledge related to the verb Explain, check it out!

What is Explain in English?
What is Explain in English?

I. What is Explain in English?

Before learning how to use the structure of Explain in English, let's discover with PREP what Explain means and its word family below!

1. Definition

What is Explain in English? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Explain is pronounced as /ɪkˈspleɪn/, functions as a verb, meaning: to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it. For example:

  • If there's anything you don't understand, I'll be happy to explain. 
  • Mr. Alex explained how the machine worked. 
  • I will explain why I chose this course. 
How to use Explain in English
How to use Explain in English

2. Word family of Explain in English

PREP has compiled the word family of Explain in the table below, read now!

Word family





The professor gave a detailed explanation of the scientific theory. 


(Adjective) /ɪkˈsplæn.ə.tɔːr.i/

The leader provided an explanatory diagram to help the staff understand the concept. 




The book includes an explanatory chapter on the historical background of the events. 




There was an unexplained noise in the haunted house. 

II. Synonyms of Explain in English

Let's explore the list of synonyms of Explain in English with PREP below!



Clarify /ˈkler.ə.faɪ/


Can you please clarify your statement? I didn't quite understand the main point. 

Define /dɪˈfaɪn/


The author takes the time to define key terms used throughout the book. 

Describe /dɪˈskraɪb/


The guidebook describes the cultural heritage of the region in great detail. 

Demonstrate /ˈdem.ən.streɪt/


These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic planning. 




The speaker uses a series of diagrams to illustrate the process. 

Illuminate /ɪˈluː.mə.neɪt/


The professor's insightful lecture helped to illuminate the historical context of the conflict. 

Account for 

/əˈkaʊnt fɔːr/ (phrasal verb)

Can you account for your absence yesterday? 

Make clear 

/meɪk klɪr/

(phrasal verb)

The manager called a meeting to make clear the new policies. 

Synonyms of Explain in English
Synonyms of Explain in English

III. Common structures of Explain in English

Let's learn how to use the 7 most common structures of Explain in English with PREP below!



Explain (something)

Can you please explain the process of photosynthesis in simple terms? 

Explain (something) to somebody

The teacher explained the math problem to the students patiently. 

Explain that

Merry explained that the delay in the project was due to unforeseen technical issues. 

Explain WH-question (who, why,...)

Could you explain why the computer system crashed during the presentation?

Explain to somebody WH-question (what, why,...)

The manager explained to the team members how the new software will improve efficiency. 

It is explained that

In the manual, it is explained that regular maintenance is crucial for the proper functioning of the equipment. 

Explain yourself


The employee had to explain himself to the supervisor about the unauthorized access to confidential information. 

Common structures of Explain in English
Common structures of Explain in English

IV. Exercises on the structure of Explain with answers

To gain a deeper understanding of the Explain structure, quickly complete the two exercises below with PREP!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Fill in the correct form of the word Explain:

  1. The professor provided a detailed_____________(explain) of the complex scientific theory during the lecture.
  2. The infographic served as an_____________(explain) visual aid to help the audience understand the key points.
  3. The author included an_____________(explain) section at the end of the chapter to clarify any potential confusion. 
  4. The mysterious disappearance of the ancient artifact remains_____________(explain) despite extensive investigations.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer

  1. I tried to ______ the problem______ the teacher.

a. explain/ for

b. explain/ to

c. explain/ with

  1. Can you ______ this machine work?

a. explain why

b. explain what

c. explain how

  1. She ______ the children______ to do the test.

           a. explained to/ how

           b. explaining to/ what

           c. explained to/ why

  1. Sam ______ her car had broken down.

a. explained that

b. explained to

c. explained for

  1. I know I’m late, but I can ______ why.

a. explained

b. explaining

c. explain

2. Answer

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

  1. Explanation
  2. Explanatory/Explanative
  3. Explanatory/Explanative
  4. Unexplained
  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C

V. Start Your IELTS Journey

PREP hopes that through this article, you have understood the concepts, synonyms, and usage of Explain in English. If you’re ready to start strong, PREP’s modern tools and expert insights will shape your success 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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