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What is Be subject to in English? Accurate usage of Be subject to in English!
Be subject to is one of the familiar phrases often encountered in daily communication. So, what does Be subject to in English mean, and how is it used? In today's article, PREP will provide you with valuable knowledge and exercises on the phrase Be subject to in English!

I. What is Be subject to in English?
What is Be subject to in English? Let's explore the definition and some words/ phrases that go along with Be subject to in English!
1. Definition
What is Be subject to in English? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the pronunciation of Be subject to is /bi ˈsʌbdʒɪkt tu/. It is a phrase that means: to have or experience a particular thing, especially something unpleasant. For example:
- International travelers are subject to strict security checks at airports to ensure safety.
- The coastal regions are subject to frequent hurricanes and tropical storms.
- Online transactions are subject to potential cyberattacks.
- Small businesses are subject to fluctuating market conditions, making it challenging to maintain stability.

2. Words and phrases associated with Be subject to in English
After understanding the meaning of Be subject to in English, let's refer to some common words and phrases that are often used with Be subject to in English to emphasize its meaning!

Words and phrases associated with Be subject to in English |
Example |
be subject to a charge/fee |
be subject to additional charges |
be subject to a tariff/a tax rate |
be subject to the company’s regulations |
be subject to damage |
be subject to change/variation |
be subject to discipline |
be subject to the rules of each place |
be subject to arrangement of superiors |
be subject to approval |
be subject to contract |
be subject to average |
be subject to breakage |
be subject to acceptance |
be subject to approval of import license |
be subject to being unsold |
be subject to change without notice |
be subject to customs duty |
Above are the most common collocations with Be subject to. You should apply them when using Be subject to in English!
II. Usage of Be subject to in English
So, how do we use Be subject to in English? Let's master the usage of Be subject to in English in the table below!

Usage of Be subject to in English |
Example |
Affirmative form |
Subject + be subject to + Noun/ Noun phrase |
Negative form |
Subject + be + not + subject to + Noun/Noun phrase |
III. Synonyms of Be subject to in English
In addition to the phrase Be subject to, we can flexibly use other synonymous words to suit different situations. Let's take a look at some synonyms of Be subject to in English!

Synonyms of Be subject to in English |
Example |
experience /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ |
suffer /ˈsʌfə(r)/ |
go through /ɡəʊ θruː/ pass through /pɑːs θruː/ |
undergo /ˌʌndəˈɡəʊ/ |
affect /əˈfekt/ |
impact /ˈɪmpækt/ |
influence /ˈɪnfluenza/ |
depend /dɪˈpend/ |
hinge /hɪndʒ/ |
result from /rɪˈzʌlt frame/ |
arise from /əˈraɪz frame/ |
be due to /bi djuː tuː/ |
IV. Exercise using Be subject to in English with answers
After learning the definition of Be subject to in English and its accompanying structures, let's dive into the following exercise to practice!
Exercise: Complete the following sentences using Be subject to
1. The advertised price (not) _________ additional charges.
2. Imported goods _________ a tax rate determined by customs.
3. Employees _________ the company's regulations regarding dress code.
4. Fragile items _________ damage during shipping if not properly packaged.
5. Please note that the schedule _________ change due to unforeseen circumstances.
6. Students who violate the school's code of conduct _________ discipline.
1. The advertised price is not subject to additional charges.
2. Imported goods are subject to a tax rate determined by customs.
3. Employees are subject to the company's regulations regarding dress code.
4. Fragile items are subject to damage during shipping if not properly packaged.
5. Please note that the schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
6. Students who violate the school's code of conduct are subject to discipline.
V. Start Your IELTS Journey
Now you know "What is Be subject to in English?" and "How to use Be subject to in English?", right? This article has compiled all the theoretical knowledge about Be subject to in English, as well as provided common synonymous words and phrases. If you’re ready to score high, PREP’s proven methods are designed to maximize your potential
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Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.
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