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TOEIC Writing Part 1 – A Detailed Guide to Describing Pictures
TOEIC Writing Part 1 – Write a sentence based on a picture is the first section of the TOEIC Writing test. In this part, you will use vocabul
ary, grammar, and sentence structure skills to create a descriptive sentence based on an image. Let’s explore the structure of TOEIC Writing Part 1 and how to master this section effectively!
I. Overview of TOEIC Writing Part 1
TOEIC Writing Part 1 consists of 5 picture description questions. Each question is paired with a picture and suggested vocabulary for the candidate to complete a sentence describing that picture. The total time for the TOEIC Writing Part 1 section is 8 minutes. Below is an example of a TOEIC Writing Test Part 1:
II. Evaluation Criteria for TOEIC Writing Part 1
The evaluation criteria for TOEIC Writing Part 1:
3 points: The candidate's answer is presented completely in 1 sentence: No grammatical errors, contains the given keywords, and the content is connected to the picture.
2 points: The candidate's answer is presented in 1 to more than 2 sentences: Has 1 or 2 grammatical errors, contains both keywords (though possibly in different forms), and the content is not closely related to the picture.
1 point: The candidate's answer has many semantic errors, contains only 1 keyword, and the content is not related to the picture.
0 points: No answer provided.
III. Necessary Knowledge for TOEIC Writing Part 1
What knowledge or skills do you need to develop to achieve the maximum score for the 5 questions in TOEIC Writing Part 1? Let's explore with prep!
1. Grammar
Grammar plays an important role in TOEIC Writing Part 1. When you write a sentence describing the picture, you need to pay attention to the following issues:
Carefully observe the image to develop vocabulary related to the picture.
Create a complete sentence with 3 main components: Subject - verb - object.
Use the given keywords in appropriate positions.
Focus on grammar: Subject-verb agreement, conjunctions, and complex sentences to form a complete descriptive sentence.
2. Connection between information and the picture
After having the vocabulary, keywords, and correct grammar, we need to focus on the connection between the descriptive sentence and the picture. You should try to provide a complete description in 1 sentence and hit the core content, avoiding lengthy explanations or too many simple sentences!
IV. Effective Steps for Handling TOEIC Writing Part 1
Effective Steps for Handling TOEIC Writing Part 1 So how can you achieve 3 points for 5 picture description sentences within 15 minutes? Let's explore with PREP the effective steps below!
Step 1: Carefully observe the picture, identify the overall content and the main characters in the picture.
Step 2: Study the 2 keywords and vocabulary used to describe the picture.
Step 3: Combine the prepared vocabulary and ideas to form a complete sentence.
Step 4: Thoroughly check the grammar. Verify that the verb conjugations, tenses, conjunctions, and compound words are correct.
V. Collection of TOEIC Writing Part 1 Sample Answers
Below, PREP has collected and compiled sample TOEIC Writing picture description answers that you can use as references!
Picture |
Answer |
guard/apart |
Choose 1 of 3 answers:
review/colleague |
Choose 1 of 3 answers:
fall/block |
Choose 1 of 4 answers:
hold/write |
Choose 1 of 4 answers:
ATM/money |
Choose 1 of 8 answers:
TOEIC Writing Part 1 - Write a sentence based on a picture is the easiest section to score points in, as long as you diligently practice vocabulary, grammar, and idea development. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments, and PREP will answer them all for you. Good luck conquering TOEIC Writing Part 1 successfully!

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