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TOEIC Speaking Part 3 - Detailed Guide to Respond to Questions
TOEIC Speaking Part 3 - Respond to Questions is the highest-scoring section in the TOEIC Speaking test, with a total response time of 45 seconds for questions 5, 6, and 7. What skills and knowledge do you need to practice to achieve your target score? Let's explore this important section with PREP!
- I. Overview of TOEIC Speaking Part 3: Respond to Questions
- II. Common Question Types in TOEIC Speaking Part 3
- III. Evaluation Criteria for Respond to Questions
- IV. Common Topics in TOEIC Speaking Part 3
- V. Essential Knowledge for Respond to Questions
- VI. Tips for Effective TOEIC Speaking Part 3 Responses
- VII. Secrets for Effective TOEIC Speaking Part 3 Responses
- VIII. Collection of Sample Responses for "Respond to Questions" Type
- IX. Conclusion
I. Overview of TOEIC Speaking Part 3: Respond to Questions
TOEIC Speaking Part 3 includes questions 5, 6, and 7 in the TOEIC Speaking test. Candidates will receive three questions about a familiar topic from everyday life such as: housing, hobbies, work, transportation, environment, weather, and more.
Questions appear sequentially on the screen and are simultaneously read aloud by the system. Your responses will be recorded by the system. The timing for TOEIC Speaking Part 3 is:
Preparation time: 3 seconds
Response time: 15 seconds for questions 5 and 6; 30 seconds for question 7
II. Common Question Types in TOEIC Speaking Part 3
Refer to the table below to understand the different question types frequently encountered in TOEIC Speaking Part 3:
Question Type |
Requirement |
Based on the question types mentioned, here are some suggested opening phrases to help make the beginning of your TOEIC Speaking Part 3 responses as smooth as possible:
Question Type |
Useful Phrases |
Favorite types |
Reasons |
Personal opinions |
Frequency/Duration |
III. Evaluation Criteria for Respond to Questions
With a scoring scale from 0 to 3, PREP will analyze in detail the criteria for each score band to help you plan your preparation effectively:
With a scoring scale from 0 to 3, PREP will analyze in detail the criteria for each score band to help you plan your preparation effectively:
0 points: Candidate does not provide an answer after receiving the question.
1 point:
Candidate's answer does not address the focus of the question
Vocabulary usage is inappropriate, with many grammatical structure errors
2 points:
Candidate answers the question correctly but cannot develop additional ideas
Vocabulary is appropriate but not advanced, grammatical structures are correct
Provides information related to the reading, making it easier for the listener to understand the response
3 points:
Candidate answers the question correctly and completely, knowing how to develop supporting ideas to make their answer more detailed
Vocabulary and grammatical structures are correct, appropriate, and advanced
Listeners can understand the entire response
IV. Common Topics in TOEIC Speaking Part 3
Part 3 of the TOEIC Speaking test (Questions 5, 6, and 7) typically revolves around common topics from daily life and the workplace. Here are some topics that frequently appear in this section:
Travel and Work place
Environment and Environmental protection
Health and Medical
Entertainment and Art
Society and Culture
Retirement and Financial planning
Education and Training
Business and Marketing
Technology and Equipment
New science and Modern technology
V. Essential Knowledge for Respond to Questions
To achieve 3 points in TOEIC Speaking Part 3 - Respond to Questions, you need to thoroughly prepare the following areas of knowledge:
1. Opening Phrases
There's a saying, "A good beginning makes a good ending." If you can introduce your response smoothly and accurately, this not only gives you more confidence to present the rest of your answer but also impresses the examiners with your TOEIC Speaking Part 3 abilities. Here's an example from PREP:
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. You will have 3 seconds to prepare after you hear each question. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 5 and 6, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 7.
Imagine that a Canadian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about television viewing.
Question |
Answer |
Question 5 |
How often do you watch television? |
Question 6 |
What kinds of programs do you usually watch? |
Question 7 |
Describe your favorite television program. |
2. Vocabulary
We all know that vocabulary is an essential part of the TOEIC Speaking Part 3 test. When you acquire more vocabulary, you will:
Improve your expression ability: With more vocabulary, you can express ideas and present information more accurately and clearly. This helps you answer questions confidently and coherently.
Expand your range of topics: Vocabulary helps you discuss various topics diversely. In the TOEIC Speaking test, you'll face topics like work, travel, shopping, etc. Mastering vocabulary for each topic will give you confidence in answering.
Help you understand and react faster: When you understand the meaning of each word, you can more easily listen to and understand the questioner's questions in the TOEIC Speaking section. This helps you answer quickly and accurately.
Create language diversity: Using diverse vocabulary and sentence structures helps you avoid repeating words and expressions. This makes your conversation with the examiner more engaging and demonstrates flexibility in language use.
Enhance the richness of your answers: Using rich vocabulary helps you answer in more detail and with more precision. This can help you score higher in criteria such as idea development, detail, and clarity in the TOEIC Speaking test.
To improve your vocabulary, you can refer to some reputable TOEIC vocabulary books such as: 600 Essential Words for the TOEIC, ABC TOEIC.
3. Grammar
If you use C1 vocabulary, advanced C2 vocabulary, but your grammatical structures are not only simple but incorrect, your TOEIC Speaking Part 3 preparation efforts will be wasted. So, alongside learning vocabulary, dedicate time to grammar too!
Understand the question and provide a complete answer: When using correct grammatical structures, you can understand the question accurately and answer clearly and completely, making it easier for examiners to follow your message.
Ensure clarity and logic: Correct and good grammatical structures help you present ideas logically and clearly.
PREP has compiled and collected good English grammar books for you to reference: English Grammar For Dummies, Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises, Longman English Grammar Practice Intermediate Self Study Edition, and more.
4. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is what you need to focus on most in TOEIC Speaking Part 3. Besides correct pronunciation, you need to demonstrate that your voice has clear stress, intonation, and pauses. In addition to using good vocabulary and scoring grammatical structures, presenting your speech with appropriate tone inflections will leave a better impression on the examiners.
VI. Tips for Effective TOEIC Speaking Part 3 Responses
So how can you answer questions in TOEIC Speaking Part 3 - Respond to Questions to achieve maximum points? Let's explore the steps with PREP to help you prepare for the real test!
1. For Questions Within the Same Topic
Step 1: Analyze what type of question it is, then recall appropriate phrases, vocabulary, and grammatical structures that can be used for this question.
Step 2: Answer the question focusing on the main point, since each question only allows 15-60 seconds for response. Don't waste time on introductions or secondary points! Go directly to your answer while using high-scoring vocabulary and structures to help you achieve the full 3 points.
Step 3: Stay calm and confident. Lack of composure can make your speech stuttering and difficult to understand, causing all your accumulated knowledge to disappear. Take a deep breath and answer the question as if you're presenting, discussing, or chatting with friends!
2. For Questions with Given Information
Step 1: Carefully read the information provided in the question. Unlike type 1 questions where you can "make up" answers, this type requires answers that match the information provided.
Step 2: After reading the information, carefully read the question. Find keywords in the question to compare with the information above to identify matching information.
Step 3: You cannot copy the exact information from the question into your answer. You must apply vocabulary and grammatical structures you've learned to paraphrase the correct answer while still demonstrating your English proficiency.
VII. Secrets for Effective TOEIC Speaking Part 3 Responses
To effectively answer the 3 questions in TOEIC Speaking Part 3 - Respond to questions, PREP brings you these tips and tricks to help you easily get the full 3 points in this section:
Listen carefully: When the guide reads the question, listen very carefully instead of focusing on finding an immediate answer. Understanding the question clearly is the first step to answering accurately, allowing you to spend the remaining time building an outline and selecting vocabulary and grammar for your response.
Organize your ideas: Before answering, think quickly about your response for TOEIC Speaking Part 3. You still have 3 seconds to begin answering your question, so stay calm to organize your ideas before presenting your answer to the examiners!
Answer comprehensively: When responding, try to answer all 3 questions in TOEIC Speaking Part 3 to get the full score. Don't focus too much on any one question while neglecting the others.
Use rich vocabulary and grammar: In TOEIC Speaking Part 3, try to use diverse and rich vocabulary and grammar; if possible, use advanced-level language. Avoid repeating words or sentence structures too often.
Confident manner and tone: When speaking, maintain eye contact with confidence and speak in a loud, clear, and articulate tone. This helps convince listeners that you understand and are confident in answering the question.
Practice extensively: Practice is a crucial factor in improving your ability to answer TOEIC Speaking Part 3. You can use online materials and resources to practice different types of questions.
VIII. Collection of Sample Responses for "Respond to Questions" Type
Below, PREP has collected and compiled 5 TOEIC Speaking Part 3 sample questions with answers. You can save these and refer to them during your home practice sessions!
1. Sample 1
Imagine that a Canadian marketing firm is doing research in your area. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about amusement parks that have attractions like roller coasters.
Question |
Answer |
Question 5: How often do you visit an amusement park, and who do you usually go there with? |
I visit an amusement park about once a year, and I usually go there with my friends. |
Question 6: What time of the day is best for visiting an amusement park? Why? |
I think the evening is best for visiting an amusement park. Because I can enjoy beautiful fireworks. |
Question 7: What could amusement parks in your city do to increase the number of visitors? |
There are a few things amusement parks in my city could do to increase the number of visitors. First, they need to make more exciting rides. Second, they should extend the business hours. I think they close their business too early. |
2. Sample 2
Imagine that a British fitness magazine is preparing an article on exercise habits. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about walking.
Question |
Answer |
Question 5: How often do you walk for exercise? |
I walk for exercise almost every day. I usually walk in a park near my house. |
Question 6: If you wanted to go for a walk, where would you go, and why? |
As I said in the previous question, I would go to a park near my house because it is large and quiet. |
Question 7: People exercise in many different ways. What are some advantages of choosing walking instead of other forms of exercise? |
There are some advantages to choosing walking. First, we can do it anywhere. Second, we don’t need any exercise equipment. So, it doesn’t cost money. |
3. Sample 3
Imagine that your friend is planning to go shopping. You and your friend are having a telephone conversation about shopping for clothes.
Question |
Answer |
Question 5: Do you usually buy clothes before traveling? Why? |
I don’t buy clothes before traveling. Because I usually wear old and comfortable clothes when I travel. |
Question 6: What kind of clothes do people in your town usually wear these days? |
People in my town usually wear T-shirts because the weather is very hot these days. |
Question 7: Please explain a good place to buy clothes in your city and why. |
A good place to buy clothes in my city is a department store called Lotte. First, it often offers discounts. Second, it is connected to a subway station. So, you can get there very easily. |
4. Sample 4
Imagine that a local press is doing research in your country to collect information for an article. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about the conversation.
Question |
Answer |
Question 5: When you meet your friends, what do you normally talk about? |
When I meet my friends, we normally talk about traveling. Also, we talk about our jobs too. |
Question 6: Where do you usually go when you and your friends want to have a conversation? |
We usually go to a café near my house to have a conversation because it’s very quiet. |
Question 7: Who is your favorite person to have a conversation with? Why? |
My favorite person to have a conversation with is my best friend named Seok-min. Because we have the same hobby. Also, he is very smart. He usually gives me a lot of useful advice. Therefore, he is my favorite person to have a conversation with. |
5. Sample 5
Imagine that an Australian marketing firm is doing research in your area. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about a town you want to live in.
Question |
Answer |
Question 5: Which town do you live in, and how long have you been living there? |
I live in a town called An-yang, and I have been living there for 5 years. |
Question 6: Do you have a plan to move out in the near future? Why or why not? |
I have a plan to move out in the near future. Because I’m looking for a new job these days. |
Question 7: What are the important things you would consider when moving to a new place? |
There are some important things I would consider when moving to a new place. First, it should be close to a subway station. Second, the price should be reasonable because I can’t afford to rent an expensive house. |
IX. Conclusion
I hope the knowledge shared above will help you grasp the general information about the structure and approach to the TOEIC Speaking test. Wishing you success in conquering TOEIC Speaking Part 3 - Respond to Questions!

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