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What is TOEIC Speaking? All You Need to Know about the TOEIC Speaking Test

What is TOEIC Speaking? What are the structure, timing, and scoring criteria of the TOEIC Speaking test? How can you conquer the TOEIC Speaking test with a high score? Check out PREP's article below to 'know it all' about the Speaking test and ways to help you quickly achieve your target score!

TOEIC Speaking
TOEIC Speaking

I. What is TOEIC Speaking?

TOEIC Speaking is a component of the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing test. When participating in this section, candidates are evaluated on their ability to use English speaking skills in an international work environment. TOEIC Speaking skills play a crucial role in presentations, direct dialogues, telephone exchanges, online communications, and when participating in meetings or virtual conferences.

II. Objectives of the TOEIC Speaking Test

What are the objectives of the TOEIC Speaking test? Specifically:

1. Building High-Quality Human Resources for HR Managers

For human resource managers and recruiters, the TOEIC Speaking and Writing test in general and TOEIC Speaking in particular serve as standards for evaluating employees' foreign language proficiency. Moreover, this certification is a useful tool to:

  • Recruit, train, and appoint qualified candidates.

  • Save resources and time by accurately identifying employees with effective communication skills in an international work environment.

  • Develop and recruit individuals capable of communicating effectively with colleagues and customers from different countries and regions.

If employers simultaneously apply both TOEIC tests (TOEIC Speaking and Writing and TOEIC Listening and Reading), this certainly provides a reliable and comprehensive assessment tool for all four English communication skills.

2. Global Advantage for Certificate Holders

According to IIG statistics, currently more than 14,000 organizations in 160 countries use over 7 million TOEIC tests each year to identify job candidates with good English language skills who have the potential to succeed in an international work environment.

Therefore, create an advantage in your career by obtaining the TOEIC 4-skills certificate!

III. Test Duration and Structure of the TOEIC Speaking Test

The TOEIC Speaking test evaluates candidates' English communication abilities in the context of daily life and international work environments.

The Speaking section consists of 11 questions, and candidates will complete the test within 20 minutes.

Test Duration and Structure of the TOEIC Speaking Test
Test Duration and Structure of the TOEIC Speaking Test

TOEIC Speaking Test Structure






TOEIC Speaking Part 1

Read a text aloud

question 1-2

  • Preparation time: 45 seconds/question

  • Response time: 45 seconds/question

Level 1

TOEIC Speaking Part 2

Describe a picture

Question 3-4*

  • Preparation time: 45 seconds/question

  • Response time: 30 seconds/question

Level 1

TOEIC Speaking Part 3

Respond to questions

question 5-7

Preparation time: 3 seconds/ question

Response time: question 4, question 5 - 15 seconds, question 6 - 30 seconds

Level 2

TOEIC Speaking Part 4

Respond to questions using information provided

Question 8-10

Preparation times: 45 seconds to read, 3 seconds to prepare

Respond times: question 7, 8 - 15 seconds, question 9, 10 - 30 seconds

Level 2

TOEIC Speaking Part 5

Express an opinion 

question 11

Preparation times: 30 seconds

Respond times: 60 seconds

Level 3

The TOEIC Speaking test scores range from 0 to 200 points, divided into 8 proficiency levels.

IV. TOEIC Speaking Scoring Scale

The TOEIC Speaking test is scored from 0 to 200 points, divided into 8 proficiency levels. Additionally, candidates are assessed on Pronunciation and Intonation & Stress. Please refer to the image below for a detailed breakdown of the TOEIC Speaking scoring scale:

TOEIC speaking scoring scale
TOEIC speaking scoring scale

V. TOEIC Speaking Assessment Criteria

The TOEIC Speaking test consists of a total of 11 questions, with a maximum score of 200 points. Each question differs in terms of requirements, scoring criteria, maximum points available, and difficulty level. Below are detailed assessment criteria for each question type:


Scoring Criteria

Questions 1-2:

Read a text aloud

  • Pronunciation Criterion: Candidates must pronounce individual English sounds clearly, accurately, and in line with international pronunciation standards. Additionally, they should be capable of pronouncing difficult or uncommon words without affecting speaking pace.

  • Stress and Intonation Criterion: Candidates must place stress correctly on each word within sentences. Their speech should have a natural English intonation pattern, including appropriate rising and falling tones, clearly emphasizing important parts of the sentences and passages.

Questions 3-4:

Describe a picture

  • Pronunciation Criterion: Candidates must correctly pronounce individual English sounds according to international pronunciation standards. They should also clearly pronounce challenging or less-common vocabulary without affecting their fluency. Additionally, candidates should speak with natural intonation, accurately placing word and sentence stress, effectively using rising and falling tones, and emphasizing key information.

  • Vocabulary Criterion: Candidates must accurately name the main objects or people depicted in the image. Moreover, they should demonstrate a diverse and appropriate vocabulary to describe the shapes, characteristics, and qualities of items in detail.

  • Grammar Criterion: Candidates must use suitable English grammatical structures to clearly and concisely express their ideas and descriptions.

  • Fluency and Coherence Criterion: Candidates must present their ideas clearly, logically, and coherently. They should speak smoothly without noticeable pauses, hesitations, or self-corrections, ensuring a natural and continuous flow of speech.

Questions 5-7:

Respond to questions

  • Pronunciation Criterion: Candidates must pronounce English sounds accurately according to international pronunciation standards. More importantly, they should pronounce difficult or less common words clearly without disrupting their speaking speed. Additionally, natural intonation, proper word and sentence stress, and effective use of rising and falling tones to highlight important information are essential.

  • Vocabulary Criterion: Candidates need a diverse and precise vocabulary to provide clear responses directly related to the questions asked.

  • Grammar Criterion: Candidates must correctly apply appropriate grammatical structures to communicate ideas clearly, concisely, and understandably.

  • Fluency and Coherence Criterion: Candidates must present their ideas clearly and coherently, without hesitations, interruptions, or self-corrections. They should also demonstrate good reflexes, enabling them to respond quickly and accurately.

Questions 8-10:

Respond to questions using provided information

  • Pronunciation Criterion: Candidates must pronounce individual English sounds clearly and accurately in line with international pronunciation standards. Additionally, candidates should be able to pronounce difficult or uncommon vocabulary without affecting speaking speed. Natural intonation, appropriate word and sentence stress, and effective rising and falling tones to emphasize important details are essential.

  • Vocabulary Criterion: Candidates should have an extensive English vocabulary to deliver accurate responses clearly focused on the given questions.

  • Grammar Criterion: Candidates must utilize suitable English grammatical structures to convey ideas clearly, concisely, and precisely.

  • Fluency and Coherence Criterion: Candidates must present ideas logically, clearly, and coherently, without hesitations, unnatural pauses, or self-corrections. Moreover, they should demonstrate strong reflexes to answer quickly and accurately.

Question 11:

Express an opinion

  • Pronunciation Criterion: Candidates must pronounce individual English sounds accurately according to international pronunciation standards. Additionally, candidates should effectively pronounce difficult or uncommon words without impacting their speaking pace. Natural intonation, proper emphasis on word and sentence stress, and appropriate rising and falling tones to highlight key information are also required.

  • Vocabulary Criterion: Candidates need to demonstrate a broad and rich English vocabulary, allowing them to give accurate responses directly focused on the provided questions.

  • Grammar Criterion: Candidates must effectively use appropriate grammatical structures to express their ideas clearly, concisely, and precisely.

  • Fluency and Coherence Criterion: Candidates must clearly and logically organize their ideas, maintaining a fluent speaking style without hesitation, unnatural pauses, or self-corrections. Additionally, candidates should display strong reflexes to respond quickly and accurately.

VI. Recommended TOEIC Speaking Preparation Resources

Looking for effective resources to help you reach your target TOEIC Speaking score? Here are some excellent materials recommended by PREP:

Recommended TOEIC Speaking Preparation Resources
Recommended TOEIC Speaking Preparation Resources

1. Tomato TOEIC Speaking + Writing Flow

Part of the popular Tomato TOEIC series, this book is ideal for learners who already have a basic foundation in grammar and vocabulary, including identifying sentence components, forming sentences, and using common verb tenses. It provides structured preparation specifically targeting both the TOEIC Speaking and Writing sections.

In general, Tomato TOEIC Speaking + Writing Flow offers detailed guidance, making it easy for beginners to familiarize themselves with test formats and content without feeling overwhelmed. However, one limitation is that some techniques and advanced knowledge are not explored in depth.

2. New TOEIC Speaking Coach

Written by San Francisco Education Consulting, New TOEIC Speaking Coach not only covers essential speaking skills required by the TOEIC exam but also provides comprehensive background information about the overall test structure, scoring criteria, and timing. Key highlights of this book include:

  • Detailed instructions and practical strategies to master the TOEIC Speaking test.

  • Practical exercises to improve speaking skills and build confidence in communicating in English.

  • Clear explanations of the TOEIC Speaking test format and requirements, enhancing learners' exam readiness.

VII. TOEIC Speaking Sample Tests

Achieving a high score on the TOEIC Speaking test requires dedicated practice with sample tests. Wondering where to find high-quality practice materials? PREP provides comprehensive TOEIC Speaking practice tests (PDF format with audio and answers):

Download these resources and start practicing now to boost your confidence!

VIII. Top Strategies to Ace the TOEIC Speaking Test

How can you achieve your target score in the TOEIC Speaking test? Check out these unbeatable strategies from PREP to confidently ace your exam!

  1. Listen Actively and Regularly: During your TOEIC Speaking preparation, regularly listen to news broadcasts, podcasts, dialogues, and official TOEIC audio recordings. This practice helps you become familiar with different accents, speech patterns, and intonation. Here are some highly recommended listening resources:

  • Listen Carefully

  • Big Step TOEIC 1, 2, 3

  • Tactics for Listening

  • Tomato Intensive New TOEIC Listening

  • Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test

  • Expand Your Vocabulary: Build a broad vocabulary to confidently discuss various topics. Use TOEIC-specific vocabulary apps or flashcards to learn new words related to common TOEIC Speaking topics such as workplace scenarios, technology, travel, and daily life..

  • Master Essential Grammar: Accurate and flexible grammar usage is crucial to scoring highly in TOEIC Speaking. Regularly practice using basic and advanced grammatical structures to express your ideas clearly and fluently.

  • Record and Evaluate Your Responses: Use your smartphone to record your practice sessions. Listening to your recordings allows you to identify and correct mistakes in pronunciation, stress, and intonation.

  • Regularly Practice with Sample Tests: Consistently practicing with TOEIC Speaking sample tests will familiarize you with the test format, question types, and timing. Frequent practice helps you manage your exam time effectively and respond confidently during the real test.

IX. Where to Prepare Effectively for TOEIC Speaking?

If you're searching for an effective and affordable place to prepare for your TOEIC Speaking test, look no further than PREP's TOEIC Speaking-Writing course. This course is carefully structured into 3 learning stages:


Course Content

Detailed Description

TOEIC Speaking & Writing - Foundation Level

TOEIC Speaking Foundation

Build fundamental pronunciation skills (IPA chart, word stress) and basic grammar (simple and compound sentences, academic language).

TOEIC Writing Foundation

Master the TOEIC Speaking and Writing test structure; develop essential skills and strategies; expand vocabulary to achieve a 200+ TOEIC score.

TOEIC SW – Vocabulary Foundation

Fully grasp evaluation criteria for each section of the TOEIC Speaking & Writing tests; enrich vocabulary, improve grammar, and apply analytical skills to deliver coherent responses, aiming for a 300+ score.

TOEIC Speaking & Writing - Intermediate Level

TOEIC Speaking Intermediate

Gain deeper understanding of test structures; enhance key strategies and skills; further expand vocabulary to reach 200+ points in TOEIC Speaking and Writing.

TOEIC Writing Intermediate

Deepen understanding of assessment criteria; build advanced vocabulary and grammar; strengthen analytical skills to create persuasive and coherent responses, aiming at 300+.

TOEIC Speaking & Writing - Advanced Level

TOEIC Speaking Advanced

Achieve mastery of test structure; perfect essential techniques and strategies; enhance vocabulary to confidently reach and exceed a 200+ TOEIC score.

TOEIC Writing Advanced

Expert-level grasp of assessment criteria; sophisticated grammar and extensive vocabulary; develop strong analytical skills for coherent, persuasive responses, targeting scores of 300+ and beyond.

This month, PREP is offering you an exclusive 28% discount code when you enroll in our TOEIC Speaking-Writing course. What are you waiting for?
Inbox PREP now to claim this special offer!

Above is all the essential information about the TOEIC Speaking test, compiled and shared by PREP. We wish you effective preparation and success in achieving your target score!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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