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25+ TOEIC Reading Tests PDF with Detailed Answers

If you're looking for TOEIC Listening and Reading score practice tests, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled 25+ TOEIC Reading practice tests that come with detailed answer keys and closely follow the real exam format.

These practice tests will help you enhance your test-taking skills and boost your TOEIC score effectively.

TOEIC reading test
TOEIC reading test

To excel in the TOEIC Reading test, it's essential to understand its structure for effective practice. Below is the TOEIC Reading test structure you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with. The TOEIC Reading section consists of 3 main parts:

  • Part 5: Sentence Completion

  • Part 6: Text Completion

  • Part 7: Reading Comprehension

II. TOEIC Reading Score Scale

Here's the scoring scale and conversion method for the TOEIC Reading test that you can reference:

  • If you answer 25 questions correctly out of 100, your TOEIC Reading score will be 120 points.

  • If you answer 74 questions correctly out of 100, your TOEIC Reading score will be 365 points.

III. Collection of TOEIC Reading Tests with Detailed Answers

To practice your TOEIC Reading skills effectively, you can download the following TOEIC Reading test set and analyze the detailed answers to master the test formats and reinforce your knowledge!


Additionally, if you want to enhance your skills and improve your score, don't miss these TOEIC Reading practice materials:

  • TOEIC 750 Preparation Book

  • 1000 Reading Comprehension Practice Tests Book

  • ABC TOEIC Book

IV. Effective TOEIC Reading Practice with Prep

If you're looking for a platform to practice TOEIC Reading, Prep's Test Practice courses and practice test repository will be your perfect companion.

Effective TOEIC Reading Practice with Prep
Effective TOEIC Reading Practice with Prep

1. Course Introduction

TOEIC courses at Prep are designed with a clear learning path, with suitable input levels and target outcomes for various learners. Besides teaching test-taking knowledge, Prep also shares experience and effective tips for test-taking. The main TOEIC courses include:

  • Foundation courses primarily build basic English grammar and vocabulary foundations, including basic grammar plus and basic TOEIC vocabulary courses.

  • Intermediate TOEIC includes TOEIC 600+ and intermediate TOEIC vocabulary.

  • Advanced TOEIC includes TOEIC 800+, advanced TOEIC vocabulary, and 1000 practice questions for the new economy TOEIC. 

2. Test Practice Repository

The Test Practice repository continuously updates with new test sets that closely follow the actual exam. You can practice unlimited tests and receive immediate results with detailed answer explanations. Not only can you practice for the TOEIC Reading tests, but you can also experience IELTS and high school graduation exams with support, guidance, and detailed corrections from new AI technology features.

Spending about 30 minutes each day practicing with Test Practice will significantly improve your TOEIC Reading skills. 

V. Effective Tips for TOEIC Reading Test Practice

To practice TOEIC Reading effectively, you can refer to these practice tips!

Effective Tips for TOEIC Reading Test Practice
Effective Tips for TOEIC Reading Test Practice

1. Appropriate Time Management

You should divide your practice time, schedule, and specific roadmap into stages and set goals for each stage. For example:

  • Stage 1: Familiarize yourself with the intensity of test-taking. You should focus intensely, study for a specific number of hours each day, while also learning additional knowledge and test-taking techniques to improve your test scores. For the Reading section, you should focus on grammar tips.

  • Stage 2: Increase test-taking time to 4 hours. After each practice test, spend time reviewing grammar knowledge.

The time allocation for studying and knowledge division has been pre-designed in Prep's Study Plan for each course. Therefore, you can be completely confident about the roadmap when taking courses at Prep.

2. Take Notes, Underline Important Words

An important skill when learning English is taking notes. Taking notes of important knowledge and vocabulary will help you learn faster and more easily anywhere, anytime. You can refer to The Cornell Note method to make your note-taking and test-taking more effective!

3. Apply Scanning and Skimming Methods

Scanning and Skimming are two familiar methods for the Reading section. Applying these two methods to reading comprehension will yield high effectiveness in grasping text information and shortening test-taking time. You can refer to the following articles for details on how to apply Scanning and Skimming to the TOEIC Reading section or any reading comprehension test!

The above is a collection of TOEIC Reading tests that you can download for practice. Spend more time practicing TOEIC tests in the Reading section and other skills with Test Practice Prep to achieve high TOEIC scores!

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CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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