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Latest compilation of TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary you can’t miss

Expanding one’s vocabulary is a continuous process, essential for anyone striving for language proficiency or aiming for a high TOEIC score. Recognizing this need, PREP presents a compilation of commonly tested TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary. This resource is designed to help learners improve their comprehension and performance in this section of the exam.

Latest compilation of TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary you can’t miss
Latest compilation of TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary you can’t miss

I. Overview of TOEIC Listening Part 2

TOEIC Listening Part 2 assesses candidates' ability to comprehend everyday conversations through short question-response interactions. Each question consists of a statement or inquiry, followed by three possible responses labeled (A), (B), and (C). 

Test-takers must choose the most appropriate reply. This section includes 25 out of 100 questions in the TOEIC Listening test, accounting for one-quarter of the total Listening section.

Common question types in TOEIC Part 2: 

  • Information-based questions: Typically begin with wh-words like who, whose, whom, when, which, where, why, what, how.

  • Yes/No questions: Require confirmation or negation.

  • Choice questions: Often structured using or.

  • Special question types: Includes offers, invitations, requests, and opinion-based questions.

  • Declarative statements: Require an appropriate follow-up response.

To excel in this section, test-takers should familiarize themselves with common question types and the vocabulary frequently appearing in responses.

II. Key TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary based on the latest test format

1. TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary for Who/Whose/Whom questions

These questions inquire about people and typically appear in two out of the 25 questions in Part 2. Correct answers often mention a person’s name, job title, or department within a company. 

Below is a curated list of relevant job titles, office positions, and departmental names commonly featured in TOEIC exams.


TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary




He is going to be an accountant. 

board of directors

The board of directors has approved the decision unanimously.

division head

I wanted to go back to meeting with just the division heads.

executive officer

He is a higher executive officer busy collecting the cash. 


Employees from each department elect a representative.

security officer

If this seriously inconveniences you, you are requested to contact the Slack security officer.


The supervisor fired him after he showed up at work drunk. 


The assistant asked some further questions. 

chief executive officer (CEO)

He once said that at work, he was the chief executive officer of the company. 


He was editor of the Yale Review, 1896-1910.


The doctor 's receptionist gave me an appointment. 


You can set up an appointment with my secretary. 

senior director

Thayer became senior director of the firm on the death of his brother in 1857.

vice president

He was one of the vice-presidents of the Evangelical Alliance.


accounting office

Those who were put into the accounting department appear to have been inexperienced. 

human resources department

If you are looking for a job, I can forward your call to the human resources department. 

payroll department

Absences for the reasons stated above will be reported to the Payroll Department as sick leave.

public relations department

Vera works in the public relations department. 


The college failed to provide adequate security on campus after dark.

customer service department

Its customer service department is at best a shambles and evidently it has no internal communication.

personnel department

Please send your resume to the personnel department. 

purchasing department

As he rightly pointed out, the skill of a successful industrial company depends on its purchasing department.

overseas division

His first duties were as librarian of the overseas division, but he eventually served the academy in a variety of administrative positions.

TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary for Who/Whose/Whom questions
TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary for Who/Whose/Whom questions

2. TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary for Where questions

Where-questions focus on locations, such as office buildings, streets, or cities. They also frequently appear in approximately two out of the 25 questions in Part 2. 

The correct responses usually mention a specific place, location, or direction. The following list highlights commonly tested location-related vocabulary.


TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary



at a law firm

She goes to work for him at his law firm.

in one’s mailroom

The delivery man put his letter in his mailroom

in the file cabinet

This personal information has been locked in my filing cabinet.

on one’s desk

The notebook is on Judy’s desk

at the top of the shelf

All of the test boxes were placed at the top of the shelf within the growth chamber. 

in the drawer

She hides all of her jewelry in the drawer 


across the street

Buddy bolted, bounding down the driveway and across the street, heading right for me. 

at the front counter

The information can be found at the front counter

from the main office

The news is spread from the main office

near the park

She is walking her dog near the park

on the first floor

The store is on the first floor

opposite the building

There is a school that is opposite the building

straight down to

The newcomers slightly move their rigid legs and cannonball straight down

around the corner

There's a deli around the corner. 

by the front door

The table is placed by the front door

in front of the lobby

Betsy left the key to her sumptuous room, in the city's finest hotel, allowing me to drop off my duds before meeting him in front of the lobby.

next to the hotel

There is a movie theater next to the hotel

on the next corner

On the next corner, you’ll find the finest restaurant in town

over there

The bridge is over there

to the post office

He rode his bicycle to the post office 

TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary for Where questions
TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary for Where questions

3. TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary for When questions

When-questions seek information related to time, such as parts of the day, weekdays, or specific dates. These questions also account for around two out of 25 Part 2 questions. Responses typically include time references, and PREP has compiled a selection of common time-related expressions and vocabulary used in TOEIC Listening.


TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary


Expressions of time

Past tense


We have met 3 times already

last week

John visited me last week

a week ago

The cat was brought home a week ago

a couple of days ago

He left for Hanoi a couple of days ago

Present tense


I am now a junior student

for now

The status is just for now, we’re not sure what’s going to happen next

right now

Right now I wish you were here with me


Jay usually takes over the class for Kim when she is sick

Future tense


I’ll call you back soon

in about an hour

The president will arrive in about an hour

sometime next week

She will return the book sometime next week

not for another hour

I just got called for a meeting so I won't be available not for another hour or so

any minute

The bus should be here any minute now

by the end of next week

I will have been a graduate by the end of next week

Expressions indicating the indefinite time

Not until next week.

The computer will be fixed not until next week when she is supposed to hand in her paper.

When the construction is completed.

He doesn’t tell me when the construction is completed

Right after the presentation is ready.

We’ll present right after the presentation is ready.

Later today.

There will be a series of technology events later today

Soon, I think.

When will the delivery come? - Soon, I think

TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary for When questions
TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary for When questions

This article introduces essential TOEIC Part 2 vocabulary for TOEIC Listening Part 2, serving as a supplementary resource to enhance listening comprehension and response accuracy. However, vocabulary learning should be combined with consistent practice through listening exercises and mock tests to maximize TOEIC scores effectively.

Hien Hoang
Hien Hoang
Product Content Admin

Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.


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