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The complete structure of a letter in English consists of three parts: Opening, Content, and Closing

To write a complete letter, we need to understand the structure, organization, and how to develop each part. So, what are the parts of a letter in English, and how should they be expressed? The following article will provide a detailed guide on how to write a letter in English and suggest some sample letters for reference.

Structure of a letter in english
The complete structure of a letter in English consists of three parts: Opening, Content, and Closing

I. Structure of Writing a Letter in English

A complete letter consists of three parts: opening, content, and closing. The development of each part is as follows:

1. Opening of the Letter

The opening of the letter is very important, as it is the part where you make an impression on the reader. The opening typically includes two main elements: Greeting & Self-introduction.

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Letter structure

1. Salutation

The greeting part is the first section of the letter. In this part, you need to mention the name of the recipient. The structure for the greeting in an English letter is as follows:

Dear + recipient’s name 

Here are some special structures for the greeting in an English letter:

  • If you know the recipient's name but are not close: ➡ Dear + title + surname. For example: Dear Mrs. Adam, Dear Mr. Lopez, Dear Ms. Winfrey, ...

  • If you know the recipient's name and have a close relationship: ➡ Dear + first name. For example: Dear Elsa, Dear Leonardo, Dear Jennifer, ...

  • If you do not know the recipient's name: ➡ Dear Sir/Madam.

2. Introduction

After the greeting, we will introduce ourselves. A common structure for self-introduction is:


My name is + your name. We met at/in + date, location.

(My name is + (your name). We met at + (time, place).)


Example: My name is John. We met at Clara's birthday party.


2. The Body of the Letter

The body of the letter usually includes the main points: opening comment (greeting), reasons for writing the letter, and main content.


Letter structure

1. Opening comment

To develop the opening comment, you should ask questions directed at the recipient, such as inquiring about their health, work, family, life, etc. Below is the structure for writing this part in English:

  • Inquiring about health in a friendly manner: ➡ How are you? How are things? How have you been? 

  • Formally inquiring about health:

    • I hope you have a good day. 

    • I hope you are doing well recently. 

  • Starting with the phrase "Thank you" if this is a reply letter:

    • Thank you for your letter. 

    • Thank you for responding to my letter. 

    • Thank you for contacting us. 

2. Reason to write

Next, in the second point, you need to mention the reason you want to send the letter. This section often starts with some of the following structures:

I am writing/ I will talk about…

  • Informal letter example: 

    • In this letter, I will talk about … 

    • I am writing this letter to tell you about … 

    • I am writing this letter to let you know about … 

  • Formal letter example: 

    • I am writing to enquire about/ ask about … 

    • We are writing to inform you that/ request/ complain / apologize/ explain/… 

    • I am writing with reference to… 

    • I am contacting you for the following reasons.

    • I am currently interested in receiving/ obtaining … 

    • I received your mail last week and would like to.

3. Main point

The main content of a letter is the important part, but it also needs to be concise, clear, and easy to understand. Therefore, when developing this section, you should get straight to the point. Below are some sample sentences for the main content of the letter:

  • Thank You Letter

    • Thank you so much for … 

    • I was excited to receive your gifts and want to express my thanks to… 

  • Congratulatory Letter:

    • New year is coming so I want to wish you and your family good luck and health. 

    • Today is your birthday. I wish you good luck, happiness and health in your new age. 

  • Inquiry Letter:

    • How are things? How is your family? Is your business still stable? How is your children’s study?

  • Complaint Letter:

    • I think the reason is that …. 

    • Could you tell your department to check the ……? 

    • It should put the matter right if ……… 

    • I think the best solution would be ………

  • Invitation Letter: 

    • It would be an honor for us if you can join… 

    • I am thrilled if you could join us on… 

3. Complimentary Close

And finally, the closing of the letter is an essential part. The structure for the closing in an English letter consists of two main elements: Closing sentence & Signature.


Letter structure

1. Concluding sentence

You can refer to the structure for the concluding sentence in an English letter with some of the following examples:

  • Please respond at your earliest convenience.

  • Hope to hear from you soon. 

  • I’m looking forward to seeing you. 

  • Please get back to me as soon as possible. 

  • Let me know if you need more information. 

2. Signing off

Below are three cases for signing off. Please refer to the structure for the signature in an English letter:

  • For close relationships: Best wishes / Take care / Love / All the best / Bye.

  • For formal situations (when you know the recipient's name): Yours sincerely / Best regards / Warm regards.

  • For formal situations (when you do not know the recipient's name): Yours faithfully.

II. Common English Vocabulary Used in Letters

Refer to the table below to get a solid understanding of the vocabulary commonly used in the structure of writing letters in English!




Dear (adj)


used at the beginning of a letter as a polite form of address for someone you know or want to show respect to


Letter (n)


a written message from one person to another, usually sent by post

Look forward to st (v)

/lʊk/ /ˈfɔrwərd/ /tu/ 

to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen

Yours truly (n)

/jʊrz/ /ˈtruli/

a formal way to end a letter when you address the recipient by name

Yours faithfully (n)

/jʊrz/ /ˈfeɪθfəli/

a formal way to end a letter when you do not know the recipient's name

Sincerely (adv)


in a sincere or genuine way

Best wishes (n)

/bɛst/ /ˈwɪʃɪz/

a phrase used to express good feelings towards someone in a letter

Best regards (n)

/bɛst/ /rɪˈgɑrdz/

a polite way to end a letter, often used in formal writing

Cordially (adv)


in a warm, friendly, and polite way


Acknowledge (v)


to accept or admit the existence or truth of something

Apologize (v)


to say that you are sorry for something you have done or for something that has happened


Grateful (adj)


feeling or showing thanks; appreciative

Cordiality (n)


the quality of being warm and friendly

Delighted (a)


feeling or showing great pleasure

Glad (a)


feeling happy or pleased

Happy (a)


feeling or showing pleasure or contentment

Pleased (a)


feeling or showing pleasure and satisfaction

Sorry (a)


feeling regret or sadness about something

Surprised (a)


feeling or showing surprise; unexpected

III. Cases to Note When Writing Letters in English

To write a complete letter, having good content is not enough; we also need to refine the format of the letter. Below are some special considerations in the structure of writing letters in English:

  • Limit the Use of Abbreviations: Instead of using contractions like I’m, She’s, He’s... ➡ write out I am, She is, He is,... Use contractions only when writing to friends in an informal context.

  • Be Polite and Courteous: Maintain a respectful attitude when writing a letter. Remember to always start with "Dear" (according to the structure for the Beginning of an English letter) and use "Please" when making requests.

  • Enhance Politeness: Instead of using "want," use "would like," and instead of "can," use "may" to make your requests sound more polite.

  • Keep the Letter Concise: Present your letter in a brief and clear manner. Always check for grammatical and spelling errors before sending the letter.

IV. Refer to Some Sample Letters in English 

Below are some sample letters in English for inquiries, complaints, and invitations. Refer to these to extract the structure of writing letters in English!

1. Sample Inquiry Letter 

Dear Clara,

I’m Jeni, your best friend.

A few days ago, I found that you didn’t reply to my message on Instagram. I asked your younger sister and I have heard that you have dengue fever. Are you ok? Can you eat anything? Are you better now? On the days when you didn’t reply to my message, I was unfortunate because I had no one to talk to me. I miss you.

Take a rest and take enough medicine. I hope you feel better soon to go to hang out with me.

Take care,


2. Sample complaint letter 

Dear Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the quality of service provided by your firm. I booked a package tour to Thailand through your firm's application, but unfortunately, the trip did not meet my expectations.

When it comes to my trip, I was deeply dissatisfied not only with the delayed flight but also with the poor quality of service provided by your firm. Since I booked an all-inclusive vacation package, I expected the hotel to provide at least the basic necessities to meet my needs, but it failed to do so. For two days, my family and I were forced to stay in a cramped, narrow room. Additionally, both the television and the toilet were out of order, which was very frustrating. Moreover, our visit to the aquarium was unjustifiably canceled due to a light drizzle.

In light of these issues, I expect a full refund for all the charges I incurred or compensation in some other form. I look forward to a prompt resolution of this matter.

Yours sincerely,


3. Sample Birthday Invitation Letter

Hey John,

I'm turning 24 this weekend and I'm throwing a party to celebrate! I've booked a spot at 1900 Bar on Kings Street from 7 PM to midnight. It would be awesome if you could make it.

Can't wait to see you there!

Best, Lavender 

4. Sample Congratulatory Letter 

Dear David,

I was so excited to hear that you landed the Content Marketing position at Prep! From what Ella told me, you aced all three rounds of interviews. That's an incredible achievement, especially considering the high caliber of candidates for that role.

I'm truly happy for you and wish you all the best in your new position. I'm confident you'll make a significant contribution to the company.

Congratulations again!

Sincerely, Clara 

5. Sample Thank-You Letter 

Dear Professor Anna,

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable guidance and support throughout my graduate thesis. Thanks to your insightful advice and encouragement, I was able to successfully complete my thesis and earn an A+. Your mentorship has opened up many exciting opportunities for me as I embark on my career.

I have been quite busy lately, but I would love to see you soon. Would you be available for lunch next Sunday?

Thank you again for everything.

Sincerely, Bella 

6. Sample Job Application Letter 

Dear Prep Joint Stock Technology Company,

I am writing to express my keen interest in the Content Marketing position as advertised on website Prep Career. With 4 years of experience in Marketing, I am confident in my ability to contribute significantly to your team.

I have attached my resume for your review, which includes additional details about my qualifications and experience. I would be grateful if you could schedule an interview at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.

Sincerely, Genki

7. Sample Apology Letter 

Dear Rose,

I am so sorry for missing our meeting yesterday. I know how important it was to you, and I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.

I came down with a sudden illness and was unable to leave my bed yesterday.

Thank you for your understanding. I would like to reschedule our meeting for 7.00am on 21/8/2024. Please let me know if this time works for you.

Sincerely, David

8. Sample letter to Santa Claus 

Dear Santa,

I know I'm a bit older now, but I still love the spirit of Christmas. Instead of asking for a gift this year, I'd like to thank you for all the joy and wonder you've brought into my life.

I hope you have a wonderful and joyful Christmas!!

Sincerely, Lavender 

9. Sample Request for Assistance Letter

Dear Stella,

I hope this email finds you well.

I’m writing to ask for a significant favor. As you know, I recently experienced a significant financial setback due to a failed investment. This has put me in a very difficult position.

I understand that you're also not in the best financial situation, but I was wondering if you would be willing to lend me a substantial amount of money—$100,000 USD. I know this is a big request, and I would never take it lightly. I would be incredibly grateful for your help during this challenging time.

I anticipate being able to repay the full amount by December 31, 2024. If needed, we can discuss a more flexible repayment plan that works for both of us.

I value our friendship greatly and hope you can understand my situation.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, Anna

10. Sample letter to mom 

Dear Mom,

I've been so busy with work lately that I haven't been able to visit as often as I'd like. Please don't be upset! To make it up to you, I'm coming home next week and we're going on a 4-day trip to Dubai! Get ready for some fun and relaxation. I can't wait to spend some quality time with you.

Love, your love! 

This article provides the structure of writing letters in English and the common letter samples that Prep has collected and compiled. Please refer to them carefully and save them to know how to write a letter to friends and family correctly in terms of layout and grammar.

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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