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What is Refuse in English? Basic knowledge about Refuse in English

What is Refuse in English? Is it followed by "to V" or "Ving"? Let's explore the meaning, usage and  the example of Refuse in English, as well as the difference between Refuse and Deny!

The usage of Refuse in English
The usage of Refuse in English

I. What is the meaning of Refuse? Functions of Refuse

Before diving into Refuse in English, let's understand its definition!

1. What is the meaning of Refuse?

Refuse (/rɪˈfjuːz/) acts as a noun and a verb:

  • As a noun, the Refuse meaning is: unwanted waste material, especially material that is regularly thrown away from a house, factory, etc. For example: I’ll bring the kitchen refuse to sort it out and dispose of it. 

  • As a verb, the Refuse meaning is: to say that you will not do or accept something. For example:  I felt that it would be rude to refuse their invitation to dinner. 

What is the meaning of Refuse?
What is the meaning of Refuse?

2. Functions of Refuse in English

Refuse in English serves four main functions. Check the table below for details!

Functions of Refuse



Intransitive verb

S + Refuse

Jane asked John to eat mango but he refused. 

Transitive verb

S + Refuse + O (Noun/ Pronoun)

Clark will not refuse your invitation if you ask politely. 


Used like other nouns (can be subject, object, etc.)

  • Garbage refuse is collected 3 times a week.

  • She collects the refuse to protect the environment.

II. How to Use Refuse in English

Now, let's explore how to use Refuse in English!

1. To say that you will not allow something; to say that you will not give or allow somebody something that they want or need

In this case, Refuse is followed by a noun or pronoun. The structure is:

S + refuse + somebody/ something.

For example: 

  • In this room, he made her a proposal and she refused him.

  • Jane refused her friend’s hand-made gifts. 

2. To say or show that you will not do something that somebody has asked you to do

The structure is:

S+ refuse + an invitation/offer

S+ refuse +  a request

For example:

  • She refused his invitation to go out and watch a movie with him. 

  • Mary refuses her boss’s request for a conference recommendation. 

3. To say that you do not want something that has been offered to you

The structure is:

S + refuse + to-V

For example:

  • My friends refuse to help me with my homework. 

  • My mother refused to let me go out with my buddies. 

III. Synonyms and antonyms of Refuse in English

Here are some synonyms and antonyms to expand your knowledge about Refuse in English:

1. Refuse synonyms

Refuse synonyms






to refuse to give something or to keep back something

During the trial, the prosecution was accused of withholding crucial evidence from the defense. 




to refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone

The employer rejects a lot of applications. 




to refuse to accept something or someone because you feel that thing or person is not worth having

Jane spurned my offer to help. 




waste material or unwanted things that you throw away

She threw the cookies in the garbage. 




waste material or things that are no longer wanted or needed

She forgot to take the rubbish out this afternoon. 

Refuse synonyms
Refuse synonyms

2. Antonyms of Refuse in English

Antonyms of Refuse in English






to agree to take something

I offered her an appointment, but she wouldn’t accept it. 




to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly

I admit that I already played this game. 




to have the same opinion

I agree with you on this opinion. 




to agree to do something, or to allow someone to do something

He reluctantly consented to the proposal.




to accept, allow, or officially agree to something

He doesn’t approve of playing games. 

IV. Distinguishing between Refuse and Deny

Some people confuse Refuse and Deny. Let’s clarify the differences:

Distinguishing between Refuse and Deny




Position: Both are verbs followed by an object.



  • Refuse cannot precede a clause.

  • Structure: Followed by "to V" ➞ S + refuse to V 


  • Followed by a clause ➞ S + deny that + S + V + O.

  • Followed by V-ing ➞ S + deny V-ing

For example:

  • He refused to take her home.

For example:

  • He denied taking her home. 

Distinguishing between Refuse and Deny
Distinguishing between Refuse and Deny

V. Exercises for using Refuse in English with detailed answers

To remember how to use Refuse in English, let's practice with some exercises!

1. Exercise

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer in the questions below

  1. Jim refused (to say/ saying) anything about the problem.

  2. She has always had a loud mouth, she refuses (being/ to be) silenced.

  3. Alex refused (to comment/ commenting) anything further.

  4. Mary refused (to accept/ accept) the handmade gift.

  5. He refuses (to give up/ giving up).

Exercise 2: Select the appropriate word

  1. Mary (denied/refused) to accept this letter.

  2. Anna (denied/refused) to say anything about the problem.

  3. Jack (denies/refuses) stealing money from Mrs. Bella.

  4. Maria simply (refuses/denies) to play the piano.

  5. Ken (refused/denied) hitting Rio yesterday.

2. Answer

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

  1. to say

  2. to be

  3. to comment

  4. to accept

  5. to give up

  1. Refused

  2. Refused

  3. Denies

  4. Refuses

  5. Denied

These are the insights from PREP on the usage of Refuse in English commonly encountered in communication, study, and work. Keep following PREP to update your English knowledge!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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