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Common TOEIC Vocabulary on the Topic of Promotions, Pensions, and Awards
Continuing our series on TOEIC vocabulary by topic, this article presents a complete collection of essential words related to Promotions, Pensions, and Awards. These vocabulary terms are highly important and frequently appear in TOEIC exams. So, don’t hesitate—explore this article now to enhance your preparation and achieve a remarkable 900+ score in your real exam!

I. Key TOEIC Vocabulary on Promotions, Pensions, and Awards
Below is a compilation of commonly tested words on the topic of Promotions, Pensions, and Awards that frequently appear in actual TOEIC exams:
1. Career Promotion Vocabulary

No. |
TOEIC Vocabulary (Career Promotion) |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Advancement /ədˈvɑːnsmənt/ |
Progress in one's career |
Her dedication led to rapid advancement within the company. |
2 |
Promotion /prəˈməʊʃn/ |
Elevation to a higher position or rank |
After three years, she received a promotion to senior manager. |
3 |
Career path /kəˈrɪə pɑːθ/ |
A progression of jobs that leads to career goals |
The company offers a clear career path for all employees. |
4 |
Performance review /pəˈfɔːməns rɪˈvjuː/ |
Evaluation of an employee's work |
His excellent performance review made him eligible for promotion. |
5 |
Recognition /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ |
Acknowledgment of achievement or service |
The company has a formal recognition program for outstanding employees. |
6 |
Ladder /ˈlædə/ |
Hierarchy of positions in an organization |
She quickly climbed the corporate ladder to reach an executive position. |
7 |
Credentials /krɪˈdenʃlz/ |
Qualifications, achievements, or aspects that recommend someone |
His impressive credentials made him the top candidate for the position. |
8 |
Seniority /ˌsiːniˈɒrəti/ |
Status gained by length of service |
Promotions are based on both merit and seniority at this firm. |
9 |
Fast-track /fɑːst træk/ |
Accelerated promotion or development |
High-potential employees are placed on a fast-track program. |
10 |
Appraisal /əˈpreɪzl/ |
Assessment of performance or value |
Annual appraisals determine who is eligible for advancement. |
11 |
Succession planning /səkˈseʃn ˈplænɪŋ/ |
Process of identifying and developing future leaders |
The company's succession planning ensures continuity in key positions. |
12 |
Milestone /ˈmaɪlstəʊn/ |
A significant stage or event in development |
Reaching this sales milestone qualified him for the next promotion level. |
13 |
Lateral move /ˈlætərəl muːv/ |
Job change at the same level but in a different area |
She made a lateral move to gain broader experience before seeking promotion. |
14 |
Upward mobility /ˈʌpwəd məʊˈbɪləti/ |
Movement from lower to higher position |
This company is known for offering excellent upward mobility to its employees. |
15 |
Tenure /ˈtenjə/ |
Period during which something is held |
His ten-year tenure with the company made him eligible for senior positions. |
16 |
Merit-based /ˈmerɪt beɪst/ |
Based on qualities deserving recognition |
Our promotion system is strictly merit-based, not influenced by personal connections. |
17 |
Accomplishment /əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt/ |
Something done successfully |
Her key accomplishments were highlighted during the promotion review. |
18 |
Career development /kəˈrɪə dɪˈveləpmənt/ |
Process of managing learning and progression |
The company offers excellent career development opportunities. |
19 |
Executive /ɪɡˈzekjʊtɪv/ |
Person with senior managerial responsibility |
He was promoted to executive level after demonstrating exceptional leadership. |
20 |
Stepping stone /ˈstepɪŋ stəʊn/ |
A means of progress toward a goal |
This position serves as a stepping stone to more senior roles in the organization. |
2. Pensions Vocabulary

No. |
TOEIC Vocabulary (Pensions) |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Pension /ˈpenʃn/ |
Regular payment made during retirement |
After 30 years of service, he receives a substantial pension. |
2 |
Retirement /rɪˈtaɪəmənt/ |
Withdrawal from one's position or occupation |
She's planning for retirement within the next five years. |
3 |
Benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt/ |
Payment or entitlement provided by an employer |
The company offers comprehensive benefits including health insurance. |
4 |
Contribution /ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn/ |
Amount paid into a pension or insurance plan |
Both employees and employers make monthly contributions to the pension fund. |
5 |
Vesting /ˈvestɪŋ/ |
Process by which employees earn employer contributions |
After five years of service, employees are fully vested in the company pension plan. |
6 |
401(k) /fɔː əʊ wʌn keɪ/ |
A retirement savings plan (US) |
The company matches employee contributions to their 401(k) plans. |
7 |
Annuity /əˈnjuːəti/ |
Fixed sum of money paid regularly |
He purchased an annuity to ensure a steady income during retirement. |
8 |
Pension fund /ˈpenʃn fʌnd/ |
Pool of assets that provide retirement income |
The company's pension fund is managed by professional investment advisors. |
9 |
Gratuity /ɡrəˈtjuːəti/ |
Money given as a gift for service |
Upon retirement, he received a substantial gratuity for his years of service. |
10 |
Social Security /ˈsəʊʃl sɪˈkjʊərəti/ |
Government program providing financial support to retirees (US) |
Social Security benefits supplement his company pension. |
11 |
Severance pay /ˈsevərəns peɪ/ |
Payment when employment is terminated |
The contract includes six months of severance pay in case of layoffs. |
12 |
Superannuation /ˌsuːpərˌænjʊˈeɪʃn/ |
Pension arrangement (especially in Australia/UK) |
Her superannuation account has grown significantly over her career. |
13 |
Defined benefit /dɪˈfaɪnd ˈbenɪfɪt/ |
Pension plan that promises specific payment |
Defined benefit plans calculate payments based on salary and years of service. |
14 |
Defined contribution /dɪˈfaɪnd ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn/ |
Pension where benefits depend on investment returns |
With a defined contribution plan, retirement income depends on market performance. |
15 |
IRA (Individual Retirement Account) /aɪ ɑː eɪ/ |
Personal retirement savings account (US) |
He makes regular contributions to his IRA to supplement his employer pension. |
16 |
Retirement age /rɪˈtaɪəmənt eɪdʒ/ |
Age at which one typically retires |
The standard retirement age at the company is 65. |
17 |
Pension scheme /ˈpenʃn skiːm/ |
Organized pension plan |
The new pension scheme offers better benefits than the previous one. |
18 |
Early retirement /ˈɜːli rɪˈtaɪəmənt/ |
Retirement before standard retirement age |
She opted for early retirement at age 55 with reduced benefits. |
19 |
Lump sum /lʌmp ˈsʌm/ |
Single payment of money |
Upon retirement, he chose to take part of his pension as a lump sum payment. |
20 |
Pension portability /ˈpenʃn ˌpɔːtəˈbɪləti/ |
Ability to transfer pension between employers |
Pension portability allows employees to maintain benefits when changing jobs. |
3. Awards Vocabulary

No. |
TOEIC Vocabulary (Awards) |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Accolade /ˈækəleɪd/ |
Award or praise granted as a special honor |
She received numerous accolades for her innovative approach to problem-solving. |
2 |
Commendation /ˌkɒmenˈdeɪʃn/ |
Formal statement of approval or praise |
His dedication earned him a commendation from the board of directors. |
3 |
Bonus /ˈbəʊnəs/ |
Extra payment given as a reward |
Annual bonuses are awarded based on company performance. |
4 |
Recognition ceremony /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn ˈserəməni/ |
Formal event to acknowledge achievements |
The annual recognition ceremony honors outstanding employees. |
5 |
Trophy /ˈtrəʊfi/ |
A tangible symbol of achievement |
She was presented with a trophy for exceptional customer service. |
6 |
Incentive /ɪnˈsentɪv/ |
Something that motivates or encourages |
The company offers various incentives to reward exceptional performance. |
7 |
Lifetime achievement /ˈlaɪftaɪm əˈtʃiːvmənt/ |
Recognition for contributions over entire career |
She was honored with a lifetime achievement award in the industry. |
8 |
Medal /ˈmedl/ |
Metal disk with inscription awarded as honor |
The CEO presented him with a service medal for 25 years with the company. |
9 |
Plaque /plæk/ |
Decorative or commemorative tablet |
Her name was added to the plaque honoring outstanding employees. |
10 |
Certificate /səˈtɪfɪkət/ |
Document confirming an achievement |
Employees receive certificates for completing special projects. |
11 |
Distinction /dɪˈstɪŋkʃn/ |
Excellence that sets someone apart |
The project was completed with distinction, earning the team an award. |
12 |
Honorarium /ˌɒnəˈreəriəm/ |
Payment given for professional services |
He received an honorarium for speaking at the company conference. |
13 |
Reward /rɪˈwɔːd/ |
Something given in recognition of service or achievement |
The company has a reward system for employees who suggest improvements. |
14 |
Citation /saɪˈteɪʃn/ |
Official commendation for achievement |
Her citation mentioned her exceptional leadership during the crisis. |
15 |
Prize /praɪz/ |
Something offered or won as a reward |
The first prize in the innovation contest was a significant cash award. |
16 |
Merit award /ˈmerɪt əˈwɔːd/ |
Recognition based on excellence |
She received a merit award for her outstanding sales performance. |
17 |
Tribute /ˈtrɪbjuːt/ |
Statement or action showing gratitude or praise |
The company paid tribute to retiring employees with a special ceremony. |
18 |
Honor /ˈɒnə/ |
High respect or recognition |
It was an honor to be selected for the employee of the year award. |
19 |
Grant /ɡrɑːnt/ |
Money given for a particular purpose |
She received a research grant to develop a new product for the company. |
20 |
Endorsement /ɪnˈdɔːsmənt/ |
Public declaration of support or approval |
His work received an endorsement from the CEO at the annual meeting. |
II. Effective Ways to Learn TOEIC Vocabulary on Promotions, Pensions, and Awards

Below are some useful methods for mastering TOEIC vocabulary on Promotions, Pensions, and Awards that you can apply to your self-study routine at home!
1. Learning Vocabulary on Promotions, Pensions, and Awards Through Writing
A traditional yet effective way to learn vocabulary is by writing words down and practicing exercises to reinforce them. The act of writing provides a sense of reassurance and satisfaction.
To effectively learn TOEIC vocabulary on Promotions, Pensions, and Awards, you can adopt this traditional approach. Prepare a notebook, open a blank page, and draw a vertical line down the middle. On one side, write down newly learned TOEIC words related to the topic, and on the other, note their meanings and example sentences.
To reinforce your memory, cover one side of the page with a piece of paper—if you want to recall the word itself, hide the meaning, and vice versa. Repeat this process until you can confidently use the vocabulary naturally.
2. Quizzes and Tests for vocabulary on Promotions, Pensions, and Awards
Once you’ve learned TOEIC vocabulary on Promotions, Pensions, and Awards, the key is ensuring you can recall them. A fun way to track your progress is by taking quizzes to test whether you can recognize the words you’ve recently studied.
PREP suggests trying online quizzes and continuing to practice new vocabulary. Additionally, testing yourself can be even more effective if you have a study partner to learn with.
To maximize the effectiveness of these learning methods for vocabulary on Promotions, Pensions, and Awards, dedicate enough time to practice consistently. Try out these tips and let Prep know if you find them helpful!

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