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A comprehensive list of other words for amazing in English

In everyday life, when you want to express how amazing something is in English, what vocabulary and sentence structures should you use? In today's article, PREP will summarize other words for amazing in English, sample sentences, and quotes/idioms related to expressing something amazing for you. Let's take a look!

A comprehensive list of other words for amazing in English
A comprehensive list of other words for amazing in English

I. Compilation of other words for amazing in English

What is the amazing meaning? First, let's explore other words for amazing in English in English so that you can flexibly use them in different situations to give compliments! 

Compilation of other words for amazing in English
Compilation of other words for amazing in English






making someone feel extremely surprised

The fireworks display was amazing

Synonyms of amazing



very surprising or shocking

The magician's tricks were astounding



very surprising

The news of her promotion was astonishing



causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear

The concert last night was awesome



causing you to feel great respect or admiration

The view from the mountaintop was awe-inspiring



extremely exciting, beautiful, or surprising

The sunset over the ocean was breathtaking



extremely intelligent or skilled

The artist's painting was brilliant



holding your attention by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive

The novel's storyline was captivating



excellent; very good

The new smartphone features are really cool



very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable

The garden party was delightful



extremely good

The performance was excellent



much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc.

She has exceptional talent in playing the piano. 



very good; excellent

The food at the restaurant was fabulous



extremely good

The movie was fantastic



extremely interesting

The documentary about marine life was really fascinating



perfect or without mistakes

Her performance was flawless



causing someone to feel admiration or respect

The architecture of the building was impressive



extremely good

The amount of support we received was incredible.



perfect, with no problems or bad parts

His manners are impeccable



extremely good

The performance was marvelous



extremely exciting or surprising

The special effects in the movie were mind-blowing

Out of this world (idiom)

/aʊt ɒv ðɪs wɜːld/

extremely good

The taste of the dessert was out of this world



complete and correct in every way, of the best possible type or without fault

The weather was perfect for a picnic. 



unusual or special and therefore surprising and worth mentioning

He has made remarkable progress in his studies. 



very good, exciting, or unusual

The performance by the band was sensational



extremely good, attractive, enjoyable, or pleasant

The party was a smashing success. 



especially great

The view from the mountaintop was spectacular



excellent, or beautiful and impressive

The decorations at the wedding were splendid



very shocking and surprising

The amount of money he donated to charity was staggering



extremely beautiful or attractive

She looked stunning in her evening gown. 



very good

The performance was terrific



excellent; of very good quality

The service at the hotel was top-notch



extremely good

They had a wonderful time at the beach. 



deserving respect or approval

Her dedication to her work is admirable



deserving praise

His efforts to help others are commendable



(of a person or a body of work) respected and admired for excellence

He is a distinguished professor in his field. 



very good, beautiful, or deserving to be admired

The view from the mountaintop was magnificent



very big or very great

The construction of the ancient pyramid was monumental



deserving attention because of being important or interesting

Her achievements in the field of science are noteworthy



very great or very large

The response to their performance was overwhelming



deserving praise

His dedication to community service is praiseworthy



pleasantly different and interesting

The book offered a refreshing perspective on the topic. 



of an unusual quality or standard; noticeable

His talent is singular and unmatched.



very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracting a lot of attention

The artwork had a striking visual impact. 



very surprising, usually in a pleasing way, especially by being large in amount or size

The fireworks display was stupendous

Thumbs up

/θʌmz ʌp/

a sign of approval or support

I give my thumbs up to their performance. 



greater, better, more important, or going past or above all others

The film's cinematography was transcendent



(esp. of a human quality) unusually large in amount or degree

Her talent for singing is uncommon



among the best in the world

The athlete is a world-class sprinter. 



extremely good

The restaurant offers first-rate service. 



impressive and large or important

The orchestra delivered a grand performance. 



important and deserving attention, because of being very good or interesting

The author's latest book is notable for its unique perspective. 



better than average or better than other people or things of the same type

The quality of their products is superior to others in the market. 



being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual or special in some way

Her fashion sense is unique and creative. 



good at doing something, especially because you have practiced doing it

The chef's knife skills are skillful and precise. 



showing extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement

The audience gave a rapturous applause after the performance. 



excellent, or very beautiful and special

The wedding reception was splendiferous



deserving great admiration, praise, and honor

The sunrise over the mountains was glorious



pleasant, attractive, and charming

The speaker delivered an engaging presentation. 



having great skill in a particular job or activity, or something produced with such skill

He is a masterful pianist. 



very effective or surprising, or difficult to believe

The patient's recovery was miraculous



very beautiful and delicate

She wore an exquisite gown to the gala.



very attractive in a way that attracts a lot of attention

The painting had an arresting effect on viewers. 



extremely useful

Her guidance throughout the project was invaluable



very great in amount or level, or extremely good

The team made a tremendous effort to win the championship. 



extremely good

The magician performed a series of marvelous tricks. 



of excellent quality; very great

The sunset over the ocean was a superb sigh. 



very good

The team's performance in the championship was great



very unusual, special, unexpected, or strange

The rescue team's efforts in saving the trapped hikers were truly extraordinary

II. Sample sentences to express something amazing

Sample sentences to express something amazing
Sample sentences to express something amazing

With these adjectives above, you can apply them in the following sample sentence formulas to expressing something amazing:

Sample sentences to express something amazing


Noun + to be/ to look + (really/ pretty/  extremely/ so/ absolutely/…) + adjective

  • Her performance was absolutely flawless. 

  • The sunset looks breathtaking. 

  • The food at that restaurant is consistently first-rate. 

Subject + is/verb + (a/an) + (really/ pretty/  extremely/ so/ absolutely/…) + adjective + noun

  • He did a fantastic job on the project. 

  • The sunrise we witnessed was a truly breathtaking sight. 

  • The artwork in the gallery is absolutely stunning. 

Subject + verb + noun + (really/ pretty/  extremely/ so/ absolutely/…) + adverb

  • The chef prepared the dish skillfully. 

  • The goalkeeper saved the shot brilliantly. 

  • The singer performed the song magnificently. 

It is/It feels + adjective + to + verb

  • It feels amazing to swim in crystal-clear waters. 

  • It is refreshing to take a walk in the park on a sunny day. 

  • It feels incredible to achieve a personal goal you've been working towards. 

What + a/an + adjective + noun!

  • What an impressive display of fireworks! 

  • What a fascinating documentary about marine life! 

  • What a breathtaking view from the mountaintop! 


(The speaker can exclaim an excellent English adjective as an exclamation and praise for the other person. Note: There should be one or more clauses following to clarify the meaning of the exclamation. The speaker can utilize the sample sentence formulas above to create the clause.)

  • Fantastic! The magician's tricks left the audience in awe. 

  • Impressive! The orchestra's performance was flawless. 

  • Amazing! The sunset painted the sky with vibrant colors. 

  • Superb! The photographer captured the essence of the moment perfectly. 

Isn’t/Aren’t + pronoun/noun + adjective?

(Similar to the structure above, this exclamatory sentence formula also usually has an accompanying clause or additional meaning to provide more context for the intended expression.)

  • Aren't those flavors excellent? The combination of exquisite ingredients creates a truly delightful dining experience. 

  • Aren't those photographs breathtaking? The photographer's artistic vision results in truly awe-inspiring images. 

  • Aren't those architectural designs magnificent? The architect's innovative concepts create an excellent environment. 

That sounds + adjective!

(Similar to the structures above, this exclamatory sentence formula also usually has an accompanying clause or additional meaning to provide more context for the intended expression.)

  • That sounds amazing! The concert lineup includes some of the biggest names in the music industry. 

  • That sounds fascinating! The documentary explores a hidden world that few people have ever seen before. 

  • That sounds impressive! The new technology promises to revolutionize the way we connect with others. 

III. Some phrases, quotes, and idioms expressing something amazing

Some phrases, quotes, and idioms expressing something amazing
Some phrases, quotes, and idioms expressing something amazing

In addition to the vocabulary and sample sentences expressing something amazing, let's also explore some fixed phrases and idioms expressing something amazing in English in the table below:

Phrases, quotes, and idioms


Well done!/ Good job!

Used for praising someone who has achieved something

You are simply beyond!

To emphasize that something consists of only one thing, happens for only one reason, or is done in only one way.

You’re a marvel!

To express your great surprise, wonder, or admiration

It was epic!

A way to express that something was extraordinarily great, impressive, or remarkable.

You rock!

A slang phrase of praise or encouragement conveying “You’re awesome (at something)” or “You can do it!”

It totally blew me away! 

To surprise or please someone very much

Jaw - dropping!

Very surprising or shocking

Behind every great man, there’s a great woman.

A man's wife is often instrumental in his success, though her contributions often go unseen or unacknowledged.

A great city, a great solitude. (idiom)

A reference to the intense loneliness that one can feel in a city, even while surrounded by people.

Be going great guns. (idiom)

To do something enthusiastically and successfully.

Go to great pains to do something. (idiom)

To put forth a significant amount of time, energy, and effort to do or accomplish something.

Great minds run in the same channel. (idiom)

Wise or intelligent people tend to have the same ideas or think in a similar way. Often used humorously regarding unremarkable thoughts occurring simultaneously between two or more people.

The article above has provided you with a comprehensive list of other words for amazing in English, sample sentences, and quotes/idioms related to expressing something amazing. Let’s save this information to effectively study and apply it in real-life communication! Wish you success!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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