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Top 7 best online English pronunciation courses
Currently, countless English pronunciation courses are available in various forms: online, offline, free, non-free, etc. PREP will provide you with the top 7 best online English pronunciation courses below. Let's take a look and choose the most suitable course!
I. Things to consider when choosing online English pronunciation courses
Online learning offers many conveniences. However, to select truly useful and appropriate courses, you need to consider the following points:
1. Choose courses designed by reputable instructors and organizations
Among the countless online courses, the most important factor in choosing a standard online English pronunciation course is to research the instructors and organizations offering the courses thoroughly.
Courses designed by experienced and highly knowledgeable teachers who are recognized in their field will undoubtedly provide higher value. Courses organized by reputable educational institutions will also have a systematic and accurate approach to knowledge and learning methods. Choosing the right course from reputable instructors and organizations is crucial in determining your results.
2. Take advantage of all the benefits of online pronunciation courses
Current online courses are designed with many outstanding features, including interactivity, online resource libraries, pronunciation support tools, and online speaking practice. To achieve the best results, you must make full use of and apply all the advantages that online pronunciation courses offer. For example, utilize features such as reminders for learning new words and integrated dictionaries.
3. Avoid taking multiple courses simultaneously
A common mistake many people make is purchasing and taking multiple courses simultaneously. They may be following one course but come across reviews or try out another course.
You can refer to various learning methods from different sources. However, it is not advisable to study multiple courses at the same time with the same proficiency level. This can affect the effectiveness of the courses and lead to confusion and mixing of knowledge.
4. Practice on your own extensively
Courses or reference materials are only tools to support your learning. The most important factor for noticeable improvement and progress is the learners themselves. Dedicate time to practice extensively, create an environment for yourself, and manage your time to practice pronunciation and speaking every day.
Below is a compilation of the best online English pronunciation courses for your reference!
II. The best online English pronunciation courses
PREP has researched and compiled a list of the top 5+ best online English pronunciation courses. Let's take a look and choose the most suitable course!
1. Non-free online English pronunciation courses
First, let's explore some non-free online English pronunciation courses offered by reputable individuals and organizations.
1.1. English Pronunciation | Sound Like a Native English Speaker
Sound Like a Native English Speaker is a course designed by Luke Priddy, the founder of Cloud English. Luke Priddy has years of experience teaching English and has developed effective language learning methods.
This course covers fundamental skills for speaking English fluently like a native speaker. Specifically, it includes:
- Building confidence in speaking English
- Applying "jumping" and "linking" to connect common sounds in English
- Speaking fluently for extended periods
- Developing muscle memory for automatic English speaking
This online English pronunciation course will help you understand the secrets and principles that can be applied immediately in your communication. As a result, it will enhance your fluency in English and boost your confidence in any situation.
Suitable for learners who already have basic knowledge of English and want to practice speaking more naturally and fluently.
1.2. Clear English Pronunciation
This online English pronunciation course will help you master the clear and natural rules and principles of English pronunciation. It consists of 25 videos covering topics such as standard pronunciation, understanding native speakers, sound linking, pronunciation of individual sounds, conversational communication, basic vocabulary, and pronunciation. By the end of this course, you will undoubtedly notice remarkable improvements in your speaking skills.
Clear English Pronunciation is suitable for all learners, from students to teachers, at various proficiency levels.
1.3. Master English Pronunciation (RP or 'BBC English')
Master English Pronunciation course focuses on teaching skills and providing creative content through puzzles and poems.
The course will help you confidently pronounce even the smallest phonemes, remember and identify different types of pronunciation, and pronounce specific words correctly. It delves into the details of British English pronunciation, including emphasis on stress patterns collected from Oxford and Cambridge. By the end of the course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of vowel and consonant pronunciation, spelling techniques, and the ability to speak more fluently and clearly.
The lecture system can be downloaded offline, and supplementary PDF files are provided for learning support. Master English Pronunciation, aimed at improving pronunciation skills at all levels, is suitable for anyone.
Course link: https://www.udemy.com/course/master-uk-pronunciation/
1.4. The fundamental pronunciation course at PREP
PREP is known as one of the high-quality online English test PREParation platforms, with a system of courses and test exercises designed by highly qualified teachers with extensive experience in researching teaching methods and delivering direct instruction.
One of the fundamental pronunciation courses you should try is the fundamental pronunciation course at PREP, which includes the following programs: basic pronunciation, intermediate pronunciation, and advanced pronunciation. The basic pronunciation learning programs at PREP are designed in the form of video lectures recorded directly by teachers.
The online English pronunciation course at PREP is divided into different levels, allowing learners to easily follow and upgrade their proficiency with a substantial amount of knowledge, practice materials, and equivalent test exercises. Specifically, it consists of the following:
- Basic Pronunciation: includes 12 lessons, 5 mini-tests, and 1 final test. Each lesson covers pronunciation rules, including an overview of pronunciation, common pronunciation errors, single vowels, double vowels, consonants, final sounds, stress patterns, and summary exercises. The lesson content is divided into smaller sections, with an overview before and after learning, allowing learners to grasp and reinforce knowledge more effectively. The lessons conclude with mini-tests to consolidate the knowledge of each section and a comprehensive final test.
- Intermediate Pronunciation: consists of 4 lessons and 2 tests (progress and final test). In this section, you will learn about chunking, linking, sentence stress, and intonation. The test system is designed to apply theory and is graded by AI with an accuracy rate of 80%, accompanied by detailed explanations of the answers.
- Advanced Pronunciation Course: includes 2 lessons that provide advanced knowledge of intonation and advanced linking, instructed by Mr. Tu Pham. The practice exercises are directly submitted to AI examiners or can be downloaded as offline PDF files.
By completing the online English pronunciation course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental rules of English pronunciation. To practice directly, regularly, and receive specific feedback and corrections, please continue to explore PREP's virtual Speaking room!
1.5. PREP's Virtual Speaking Room
PREP's virtual Speaking room is one of the platforms for practicing standard pronunciation and applying AI technologies for grading and correction to improve visible speaking abilities.
The virtual Speaking room offers 60 sets of IELTS Speaking test topics (primarily for IELTS test PREParation). However, if you know how to make the most of it and practice speaking with VSR for just 30 minutes a day, receiving detailed feedback, you can undoubtedly enhance your proficiency significantly. The virtual Speaking room has two main modes: practice mode and test room mode:
Practice mode helps you train and familiarize yourself with the question structure, giving you additional time to study and answer the questions.
- Preview the topic
- No automatic reading of questions
- No automatic recording of answers and no countdown timer
Test room mode creates a realistic environment similar to a real Speaking test room, allowing you to control your own thinking and response time when facing an AI examiner.
- Hide the topic
- Automatically read the questions
- Automatically record the answer when the thinking time is up
Learners only need to choose the mode, complete the test, and submit their answers. They will then receive instant results with detailed feedback on each phoneme.
- Learners will be evaluated on what they have achieved, such as identifying collocations and the vocabulary they have used.
- After that, they will receive comments and vocabulary enhancements to refine their answers, making them more polished while still maintaining the main content of the test.
- They will receive detailed grading, identify any pronunciation mistakes, missing sounds, or incorrect pronunciation, and provide guidance on correct pronunciation. This allows learners to improve their pronunciation accuracy visibly. In addition, VSR provides reference materials as exclusive standardized resources available only at PREP.
VSR is truly a virtual practice field that helps you improve your visible pronunciation. Don't miss out! To experience the virtual Speaking room, you need to upgrade to a Test Practice Pro account.
2. Free online English pronunciation courses
So, what are some completely free online English pronunciation courses that still provide high-quality content? Below are a few recommended free English courses compiled by PREP.
2.1. Free online English pronunciation lessons - Oxford online English
The pronunciation courses offered by Oxford Online English are designed by a team of high-quality instructors from prestigious universities in the UK. The online English pronunciation course is completely free, but the quality is guaranteed, and the content covers everything from basic to advanced pronunciation.
The free online English pronunciation courses by Oxford Online English cover key topics such as "How to Pronounce Vowel Sounds" (providing knowledge on pronouncing vowel sounds), "Weak Forms in English" (rules for pronouncing weak forms in English), "Silent Letters" (rules for pronouncing silent letters), and "Sentence Stress" (rules for sentence stress to achieve native-like pronunciation).
Oxford's English pronunciation courses are suitable for all learners, especially those who are starting to familiarize themselves with basic English pronunciation. Since these online English pronunciation courses are completely free and of good quality, make sure to take advantage of them!
Course link: https://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/free-english-pronunciation-lessons
2.2. Free Online English Pronunciation Courses Alison
Alison's free online English pronunciation courses are designed in a comprehensive format, covering each aspect of knowledge, and allowing learners to have an overall understanding. Additionally, some courses on complex aspects of pronunciation are also compiled and shared with Alison.
Alison's English pronunciation courses are suitable for all learners, whether they are proficient in English or beginners. They can refer to these courses to improve their pronunciation skills, take note of common pronunciation errors, and address common pronunciation issues.
The above information provides a basic compilation of online English pronunciation courses that you can refer to and choose the most suitable learning program for yourself.
Course link: https://alison.com/tag/english-pronunciation
III. Effective pronunciation learning tips
PREP will share some effective pronunciation learning tips to practice the best online English pronunciation courses. Let’s take note!
1. Choose the accent you want to follow
Before learning pronunciation, you should consider and choose the accent you want to follow: British English, American English, or Australian English. Each accent has slight differences in intonation, pronunciation of certain sounds, words, etc. Therefore, choosing a specific accent from the beginning will help you grasp pronunciation rules better and achieve a more accurate pronunciation.
2. Focus on learning basic pronunciation rules and common mistakes
Firstly, don't focus too much on advanced or specialized aspects. Start with the basics: learn the fundamental pronunciation rules and common mistakes you often make.
Understanding the basic rules will provide you with a strong foundation from the beginning. This will make it easier for you to improve and advance your skills.
3. Listen extensively, especially to conversational dialogues
Listening extensively, including daily exposure to conversational dialogues, will develop a good habit and a strong English reflex. You will become familiar with the intonation, pronunciation, and commonly used words of native speakers that you may not have been aware of before.
Listening extensively will enhance your natural reflexes when it comes to pronunciation and English communication. Just dedicate an hour each day to active and passive listening, and you will notice significant improvements in your listening and pronunciation skills.
4. Maintain 30 minutes of speaking practice every day in PREP's Virtual Speaking Room
Improving English pronunciation requires daily speaking practice. Currently, most people lack English-speaking environments and companions to provide feedback and correct mistakes.
PREP's Virtual Speaking Room was created to provide a virtual reality environment for practicing pronunciation and speaking English. It utilizes exclusive AI technology with various new features to ensure the best effectiveness.
With just 30 minutes of daily speaking practice in PREP's Virtual Speaking Room, you will receive detailed feedback and corrections on every sound. You will also receive detailed feedback on vocabulary, grammar, and guidance on how to refine and perfect your spoken English. Your scores and results will be shown in detail and stored, allowing you to track your progress.
These are the complete free and non-free online English pronunciation courses that you should explore. Practice diligently every day to enhance your English proficiency with PREP!

Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.
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