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How to use Object Pronouns in English

What are Object Pronouns in English? Where do they appear and what roles do they play in a sentence? Let's delve into all the details about Object Pronouns in this article by PREP!

The usage of Object Pronouns in English
The usage of Object Pronouns in English

I. What are Object Pronouns?

What are Object Pronouns? Alongside Subject Pronouns, Object Pronouns are used to refer to a person or thing that is affected by an action. They usually follow a verb, preposition, or the relative pronoun "whom".

Refer to the comparison table of Subject Pronouns and Object Pronouns with examples below!

Subject Pronouns

Object Pronouns




I want you to go with me.



You think you are smart? → Subject pronoun

My friends don’t like you! → Object pronoun



We are about to come around Jane’s house and ask him to go swimming with us



They are coming to my room but I don’t want to play with them



He is intelligent so everyone in my class likes him very much. 



She suddenly leaves the room, making everyone surprised about her



It is my lovely dog.  Subject pronoun

The cat is cruel so I don’t like it Object Pronouns

Note: From the comparison table of Subject Pronouns and Object Pronouns, it is important to note that pronouns such as "you" and "it", and some nouns (e.g., "dog," "cat") have only one form, which is used for both subject and Object Pronouns.

What are Object Pronouns?
What are Object Pronouns?

II. The role of Object Pronouns in a sentence

Object Pronouns are used to replace nouns or proper names when we don't want to mention those nouns or proper names again. For example:

  • Anna is hiding in the closet. Jack can’t seek Anna. = Anna is hiding in the closet. Jack can’t seek her
  • I love the green book best. Look at this book. = I love the green book best. Look at it
The role of Object Pronouns in a sentence
The role of Object Pronouns in a sentence

III. Position and usage of Object Pronouns

Let's explore the position and usage of Object Pronouns in a sentence with PREP!

1. Object Pronouns following the main verb


Subject + Verb + Object pronoun

For example:

  • It is a yellow bike. Can you see it
  • Do you like me

2. Object Pronouns following prepositions


Subject + Verb + Preposition + Object pronoun

For example:

  • John is my friend. I really enjoy being with him
  • Richard takes care of her. 
Position and usage of Object Pronouns
Position and usage of Object Pronouns

IV. Exercises on Object Pronouns in English

To further reinforce your knowledge of Object Pronouns, let's complete the following exercises with PREP!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer


A. She and I went to the movies.

B. She and me went to the movies.


A. If you have any questions, you can ask either she or me.

B. If you have any questions, you can ask either her or me.


A. He and me are old friends.

B. He and I are old friends.


A. I went to the movies.

           B. Me went to the movies.


A. They and I go to the supermarket.

           B. Them and me go to the supermarket.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer

1.  Go away! Leave _____ alone!

A. I

B. me

2. Don’t go! Stay with _____!

A. we

B. us

3. I can’t find my books. Where are _____?

A. they

B. them

4. We are busy. _____ can’t come with you.

A. We

B. Us

5. Can _____ borrow your pen?

A. I

B. me

6. Kate isn’t here. _____ is in the garden.

A. She

B. Her

Exercise 3: Find and correct the mistakes in sentences below

  1. Him is my brother.
  2. Can you tell they to come in?
  3. Her likes to play tennis.
  4. We saw she at the concert.
  5. Them are very friendly.
  6. I am taller than he.
  7. Us went to the market.
  8. She gave I a beautiful flower.
  9. They will help we with the project.
  10. Me and her are best friends.

2. Answer

Exercise 1

1 - A

2 - B

3 - B

4 - A

5 - A

Exercise 2

1 - B

2 - B

3 - A

4 - A

5 - A

Exercise 3:

  1. He is my brother.
  2. Can you tell them to come in?
  3. She likes to play tennis.
  4. We saw her at the concert.
  5. They are very friendly.
  6. I am taller than him.
  7. We went to the market.
  8. She gave me a beautiful flower.
  9. They will help us with the project.
  10. She and I are best friends.

V. Achieve Your Dream IELTS Band Score 

PREP hopes that through this article, you have gained an understanding of the definition, structure, and usage of Object Pronouns in English. Looking to break through your IELTS plateau? Discover our advanced coaching programs below:

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
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Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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